I'm not weak

Pov. Shiranui

Everything just happened so fast one moment I'm captured by Oboro while she continued to do experiments on me for a whole month. The next I'm being saved by a guy that slapped me so hard it knocked me unconscious. Now I'm waiting for him to give me an explanation about what's going on. Suddenly I see the door open and he along with the slave girl and Oboro comes in and as soon as I see Oboro I lunged at her. Only for Qin to grab me by the shoulder and throw me back on the seat.

"Set back down, we need to talk" he said to me.

"I should have known you were working with them, so what are you going to do to me now" I said.

"I don't work for anyone, as for Oboro here she has decided to join me instead but that's not important wha-"

"How is that not important, do you know how many lives she's ruined! What kind of things she has done! The fact that you let her join you tells me you're no better than her."

"Fine then we'll talk about her then instead of your daughter being led into a trap."

"Yukikaze! What have you done to her, if you hurt one hair on her head I'll-"

"You'll what you're in no position to do anything to me and I've done nothing to your daughter. But I got information that she has fallen into a trap at the Under Eden brothel."

"I must go save her" getting up I try to go outside only to be put back in my seat by Qin.

"That's the problem as far as anyone knows you're missing and for those that do know you're supposed to be captured. I can't let you go out there and expose what I have been doing and will continue to do."

"I don't care about that, let me go save my daughter!"

"No and judging by how you got caught in the first place I doubt you'll be much help on your own."

"Then let me contact someone to send back up to them. That way your secret stays safe and my daughter can be saved."

"I can't do that either because I'm pretty sure you'll call Yazaki Muneichi right?"

"How do you know?"

"Because information is important and I have lots of it. I also know the reason you got caught is because you were following a lead he gave you right, don't you find that strange."

"Are you saying he betrayed me? That can't be true, he is an honorable politician."

"Funny a politician being honorable but alas reality is a fickle bitch. That honorable politician sold you out for his own personal gain isn't that right Oboro."

"Yes master, it was all a plan to capture you, your daughter, Akiyama Rinko, Igawa Asagi, Igawa Sakura, and Yatsu Murasaki. Everyone else was just extra and we were allowed to do as we pleased with them."

"Why would he do this?"

"Because he wants you and your daughter as his sex slave, Edwin Black wants Igawa Asagi and Oboro over here wanted revenge."

"Then I'll contact the emperor, I'm under his orders to find out about who's working with hell, I'm sure he'll help when he finds out what's going on here."

"The fact that you ended up being captured means those orders are already exposed and are being watched so that's also a no."

"Then what do you expect me to do? Just sit back and do nothing as my daughter goes through hell. Please, I have to do something, can't you help her?"

"I could but I don't do things for free and you already owe me for saving you and your friend. As well as making sure that whatever they did to you doesn't leave any lasting effects on your body."

"Please I do anything, give you anything, just save my daughter, she's the only thing I have left in this world."

Getting on my knees to beg for his help because it is the only thing I could think of. After all he was right, if I go alone I won't be able to help, most likely I'll just get captured again. Even if I contact one of my people, if even a whisper of the information gets into enemy hands. Then I may never see my daughter again, but maybe he along with all his people can save her. So I decided to give myself to him because I don't have much but I know what kind of beauty I am and he may help me if I do. He thinks about it and I feel dread for every second that passes.

"I'll help you then since your payment is satisfactory."

"Thank you" I say in a low voice as I start to undress, until he grabs my hand and stops me.

"Why do women always think I want their body, look what I want is your skills. Sure you are weak right now but with some of my training your strength will reach new heights."

That surprised me because that's what men typically want from me but I still had to ask "will I be able to protect myself and my daughter?"

"Of course after all you're not the first weakling I trained."

"I'm not weak, I'm one of the strongest among the Taimanin!"

"Then you're the strongest among weaklings because someone with true strength would have never been captured by a trap."

Even if it hurt my pride, what he said was true. Someone with true strength would have been able to get out of that trap. They wouldn't need help to rescue their daughter or save their friends. But all I can do is beg someone else to help her and all my loved ones.

"Now then let's start with your training and don't worry about your daughter. I already had people around that area, all I have to do is give the order and they will all attack that place and help her" he says as he leaves the room.

If that man can save my daughter I will give him my body and soul. Unfortunately all I can do is sit here and pray for her safety but I will get stronger so this would never happen again.

'Yukikaze please, you have to be safe.'

Pov. Qin Shi's

"Do you really want that woman for her skills because she's pretty weak. You probably want her for those big tits huh you perv" said Lucy with a teasing voice.

'Yes she is beautiful but the strength she can get is no joke in her original world, not to mention she can probably get stronger in this world' I answered.

"So you're telling me she's supposed to get stronger."

'Yes and so are most of the Taimanin but first they must go through hell, unfortunately for them this world seems to be part of the evil universe there from. So they most likely never get saved and spend their lives as sex slave's.' As I continue to walk Shion appears next to me.

"Master, it seems Kana has found some important information."

"Good I was just about to go meet her and tell her to get the exorcism club ready for a raid on Under Eden. Also take these two and Shiranui to start their training. And have someone hire some mercenaries."

"Of course master but why would you need mercenaries?"

"Because people are going to start to notice our movement like Oboro over here did. Luckily for us her superiors were too arrogant to take her seriously, so it's best to have some familiar looking faces around. To make them calmer down and think everything is okay."

"Yes master you two come with me" she says as she leads them to the training area.

After leaving my base I headed towards Kana, which was on a building rooftop near Under Eden. As soon as I saw her I faced palmed because of what she's wearing.

"What are you wearing?" I asked.

"The uniform you gave me," she answered.

"No, what I gave you had more armor, it also covered you up more."

"Yeah we felt that this is more fitting as our position as your anohole."

"We, as in all of you, please don't tell me that everyone in the exorcism club did the same with their uniforms."

"Okay I won't tell you then" she says while smiling.

What she is wearing looks like a slutty version of the suits they wear in Gantz. With the mask I gave to everyone, hers was an oni mask.

"Well they even protect you?"

"Of course they will, we worked together with your people to make a barrier around this suit that can take armor piercing rounds. Of course the more damage it takes the faster the barrier breaks. But even if it breaks it can fix itself using the spirit energy in the air after resting for a while. And if you're in a situation that doesn't allow you to rest there's a transparent layer that is bullet proof but it will still hurt. We got the idea from some of the armor the banished had laying around."

"Okay but why transparent, why not make it visible, and why don't you have more armor on?"

"Because as your konichis we need to be quick and quiet to take down your enemies and we also need to know our place as your anohole."

"Okay whatever do as you please. But how's the situation and do you have anyone inside already?"

"Yes some of the ex students have entered as clients that like to torture young girls. They have also taken control of the security room and hacked the cameras. As well as the front door and are ready to block the entrance and exits."

"Good but there are some hidden escape routes here and here" I say while pointing at the map after asking Google sensei if there were more exits.

"I'll send some girls there to capture anyone that tries to escape."

"Good now then you know the drill, get in identify every customer that is there to have a good time before killing them. Capture any high ranking demon for information, free the girls, and make sure no one escapes. As well as grab anything that looks useful to use and eliminate anything that can be harmful."

"Yes master, alright girls start the operations" she says into the communication device I gave them.