Smart girl

Here's some pictures, I don't own any of these characters

Mizuki Shiranui mother

Mizuki Yukikaze daughter

Akiyama Rinko



Saito Hanzo

Louis little brother

Alphonse big brother


Pov. Qin Shi's

"Follow me, it's better if we talk while sitting down."

While walking to a room with a desk and chairs so we can sit down and talk. I looked over them once to see if I recognized anyone and to see if Google sensei had any information on them.

"No then since none of you have left that means you've agreed to work for me but before we start one last warning. If you want to leave now's your last chance because if you try to leave once I give you the information I will kill you." Waiting for a while to see if anyone leaves, seeing no one get up I smile.

"Excellent, now then to start off the group we will be facing is Nomad."

As soon as I said that, someone calmly said "do you want us all to die."

"Good question Saito Hanzo and the answer is no. Like I said before I've weakened them without their knowledge and will continue to do so before our fight."

He looked at me "how do you know my name?"

"Good question and the answer is information. You see I have lots of information on all of you as well as Nomad so I am more than confident in my odds."

The orc next to him looked intrigued and asked "and why do you think you'll win a fight against Edwin Black.

"Well you see Louis as your older brother Alphonse can tell you there's been a strange atmosphere in Yomihara lately. But the top of Nomad seem to either be ignoring it or think nothing of it. But the real reason is because we have secretly had my people take over many Nomad operations."

"It's true Yomihara has felt weird for the last couple of months. But do you have any proof that you're talking over Nomad?" Asked Alphonse.

"Why yes I do, don't I Oboro?" I say to Oboro that appears behind me.

"Yes master"

That surprised all of the people here, some even took their weapons to point them at her. Only to find some of my girls pointing their own weapon at them giving them another surprise.

"Everyone calm down, she's on our side and she will be acting as a spy for me and thank you girls you can go now" I said cause most of the girls to put away their weapons and disappear. But one of them still had her gun to the head of a demon girl with long white hair and dark skin.

"Now then it looks like we have a Nomad Spy among us, so care to give us your name" I say, causing all the mercenaries to look at her.

She started to sweat as she looked at me and answered "Yulya."

"Ah yes one of Nomads elite assassin's to what do I owe the pleasure."

"I was sent here to spy on a new group that seems to hold some power and see if they can be recruited," she answered.

"There you have it folks Nomad has no idea we are screwing them over, now then for you I'm going to offer you a choice and I suggest you think very carefully before answering."

"Does one of them let me live without being put through hell?"

"Why yes, so glad you're quick on the uptake and since you work for Nomad then you know what types of hell awaits you if you choose wrong."

"Then I choose that one."

"Smart girl, can you follow her then I'll talk to you once I'm done" I said while pointing at the girl with the gun to Yulyas head.

"Take that as a warning to you as well Saito, Louis, I know you both also worked for the Internal Affairs Bureau. And I know what type of organization that really is."

After that little show I talked to the mercenaries a bit about my plans and what they would be doing before having them dismissed. Because I still had some mercenaries on their way and I much rather go into detail once everyone is here.

"Oboro, Okichi go get Shiranui and the other two I would like to talk to them."

"Yes master" they say as they leave.

'Now then let's see if Edwin will give me a good challenge.'

Pov. Shiranui

As soon as I entered the room Yukikaze hugged me while starting to cry.

"Mom I'm so glad you're safe, you were missing for a whole month."

"There, there, Yuki, it's great to see you again. You have no idea how much the thought of seeing you again keeped me going" I say as I hug her back as I pat her head.

"It's great to see you're safe as well Rinko" I say as I look at her with a smile on my face.

"It's great to see you again as well aunty."

'Jess I'm not that old to be called aunty, I'm still young.'

"Mom the guy that saved us is a monster he killed a kid without even flinching."

I stopped hugging her and looked at her face to see she was serious.

"Did he give you a reason?"

"Mom it was a kid he shouldn't have even killed him no matter the reason."


"Yuki this past month I've been through a lot, seen a lot, and heard a lot. One of those things is that children can be capable of more horrible things than adults."

"Mom, he was a kid, sure he did some horrible things but he could still have changed if given enough time and care. It's no excuse to have killed the kid in cold blood."

"I'm not trying to excuse what he did or defend it. But the reason I was caught was do to a child being taken hostage, turns out he was the son of a slave auction house owner that I put in jail in the past. He got out and worked with Nomad to set a trap for me and his child was mocking me as they took me away."

"There should have been another way, he didn't have to kill him."

"I agree with you but he wouldn't take that chance from what I've seen. But another part of me thinks the child he killed wouldn't have changed because when I was at the facility there were multiple times some children brought women in to break."

"You really went through a lot aunty didn't you?" Asked Rinko.

"Yes I did but Saya went through worse, she is still being healed and it will take awhile for her to return to normal."

"So what do we do now aunty?"

"What else, we go home right mom. I can't wait to go back with you mom," said Yuki.

"I'm sorry I won't be able to go home with you and Rinko may not be able to as well."

"But why not? We finally been reunionited so why do we have to separate so soon mom?"

"And why won't I be able to go home aunty?"

"Because he wouldn't have saved you right away so I needed to hire him to save you and the payment was myself. As for Rinko he tends to get something out of those he has saved, whether that means you owe him something or not I don't know."

"What do you mean he wasn't going to save us right away?" Asked Rinko.

"It seems that he would save anyone that's in front of him since it won't be much of a problem. But that's it he won't take you to a safe place or help you in any other way so when you start asking for more is when he will charge you. For example, going to save you wasn't part of his plans. Now his plans need to be changed because of my request so he asked for payment."

"And you offered yourself up," said Rinko.

"Yes it was the only thing I have at the moment."

"Doesn't that make him just as bad as those bastards if he is only after our bodies and what will happen to all the girls he saved today?" said Yuki.

"Will I have to sleep with him as well aunty?"

"No you won't and I haven't slept with him, what he wants is people to fight Nomad. I don't know the reason but he wants to destroy it or at least drive it out of Japan. As for the girls, most don't have a place to go back to for one reason or another and those that do will have an incredibly hard life ahead of them. So most choose to stay here and train so they will never experience the same thing again as well as helping any girl unfortunate enough to be in the same situation."

"When you put it that way I don't mind staying for a bit to repay my debt to him" said Rinko.

"Yeah if those are his goals I don't mind selling myself to him either because it's clear he's been doing a better job than Taimanin against Nomad."

"If both of you are staying then so am I, after all I finally found you mom so I'll hate it if we split up again. I also need to get my revenge on Nomad as well."

"You girls make me so proud" I say as I bring them both in for a hug. After all, I also hate the idea of separation from my daughter so soon. And the fact that they would be willing to fight alongside me has me happy as a Taimanin but worried as a mother. Suddenly the door opens and Oboro and Okichi walk in the room.

"YOU!" Shouted both girls while they try to attack her only to find that I'm holding them back.

"Stop it girls, she's on our side for now."

"Mom, do you have any idea what she's done to us?"

"Yes I do believe me I do, she's done plenty of horrible things to me as well."

"Then why are you holding us back aunty."

"Because the slave knows what's good for her" said Oboro with a smirk on her face.

"Shut up slave" said Okichi quickly getting rid of Oboro smirk and replacing it with anger.

"The master is asking for you three" she says to me.

"Right he said he wanted to talk to us let's go girls we wouldn't want to keep him waiting."

Saying that we start following Okichi and Oboro to Qin Shi's location.

'I just hope that whatever he is going to tell us is good news.'