
Pov. Qin Shi's

As Okichi and Oboro bring them in, I gesture for them to sit down.

"As you can see your daughter is safe and sound so I expect you to honor your agreement Shiranui" I said to her.

"Yes I will belong to you from now on" she said with resolve in her face.

"No, please don't take my mother away from me," said Yukikaze.

"Sorry but we had a deal and she agreed to the terms."

"But isn't her life a bit too much just for saving me, there's got to be something else we can get you?" said Rinko.

"Yeah the deal was unfair, will you turn Rinko into a slave for saving her as well?" Asked Yukikaze.

"I agree that the deal was a little unfair but I wasn't the one to put forth those terms. She's the one to offer up herself, I just agreed to the terms."

"Then how about this, I help you take down Nomad and when we're done you free my mother."

"No, I would end up losing in that arrangement because whether you want to or not the Taimanin will send you to fight Nomad."

"Then how about we get you something more valuable like money, jewels, or gold in exchange for aunty."

"If you can find something that is more valuable than a Taimanin that has strength on par with Igawa Asagi. And that has a potential to get stronger with the right training I won't mind exchanging. But I doubt there's many things that fit that criteria."

"B-but, but I just found my mother, I can't be separated from her again."

Shiranui gets up and goes to Yukikaze and starts hugging her and patting her head.

"There, there Yuki it's okay you don't have to worry about me, we'll see each other again it will just take a while."

"But aunty, who knows how long that would be, he could suddenly take you somewhere far away."

"It's okay as long as we are alive we'll be able to see each other again, so you girls stop worrying about me and go live your life's."

"Excuse me, I think there's been some kind of misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" All three say as they tilt their head to the side.

"Yes, look you belong to me now there's no changing that. But I'm not going to chain you up like a dog and keep you here, you will be allowed to go home under normal circumstances or when I don't need you to do something for me. I also won't forbid you from seeing your daughter."

"You heard him mom, we can go home."

"Does that mean I don't owe you anything?" Asked Rinko.

"Normally you would because I brought you to a safe place but this time I needed Under Eden empty to set a trap for the enemy so you don't owe me anything."

"So we can all go home?" Asked Shiranui.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, the thing is none of you will be allowed to go home for the time being."

"But you just said we can leave," said Yukikaze.

"Yes I did under normal circumstances but I'm going to war with Nomad soon and I would prefer that my plans aren't leaked."

"And you think we would tell everyone or what don't touch trust us to keep your secret" said Yukikaze.

"No I don't but more importantly I don't trust the Taimanin to be able to keep a secret."

"But the Taimanin would never work with Nomad or any other group that hurts humanity," said Rinko.

"I'm not saying your work with them, I'm saying you have a traitor amongst your group."

"That's impossible, there is no way someone would betray us!" Shouted Yukikaze.

"Don't you two wonder why all of you were captured so easily, after all Shiranui here is one of the best among your group and yet they knew she was coming and exactly how to take her down. What are your thoughts on this subject Shiranui, you've been awfully quiet."

"Ever since you told me Yazaki has betrayed me I've been thinking and I hate to admit it but there may be traitors among our group."

"And you would be right, isn't that right Oboro" I said as I faced her direction.

"I'm not even surprised anymore about you knowing these things. Yes I have a traitor amongst the Taimanin, she's been informing me of their moves as well as feeding them false information."

"How!?" Shouted Yukikaze.

"Wasn't that hard I just captured her sister tortured her a little and threatened to kill her if she didn't listen."

"You speak to us about traitors while you have her by your side" says Rinko.

"Don't worry about her I made sure she can't betray me" I say as I make a tattoo that looks like a heart shaped womb appear around her womb is.

"You used slave magic on her that's illegal" said Yukikaze.

"And, it's not like she's a good person, might as well use everything within my power to make sure she doesn't betray me."

"Are you going to use it on me too?" Asked Shiranui.

"No, I have other ways to know if you will betray me."

Suddenly Kana comes in with several of the girls from the exorcism club.

"Master, we have completed our task and here's a list of the women we saved today and their skills."

"Good put the video on the monitor" I say as she sets it up. When she's done there's a video of Under Eden on the monitor.

"You can start" I say, which makes Kana push a button to make a small explosion happen, it wasn't enough to destroy Under Eden but half of the building was destroyed.

"What are you doing? " Asked Shiranui.

"Setting up a trap to see if we can make the most of tonight's unplanned operation" I said.

'Now then let's wait and see what happens.'

Nomad HQ

Pov. Ingrid

"What has happened to Under Eden?" I asked a subordinate.

"We are looking into it but it appears there's been a small explosion that has destroyed half the establishment" he said back.

"I know that but do we know why"

"Unfortunately no"

"Have we been able to contact Real?"

"We have tried but that's also a negative."

"Damit, get my ride ready, I'll go over there myself."

"Yes ma'am, will you need more people to go with you?"

"Yes, get a squad ready, we may need them."

"Right away" he says as he leaves to follow my orders.

'As much as I despised that place Edwin needs it so I must go and see what happened. But I will only have to put up with it for a bit longer than a new world for demons will be built for the betterment of demons. That bastard better have not lost the Taimanin' I think as I head towards Under Eden.