
Pov. Ingrid

Standing outside of Under Eden I can see the full extent of the damage, half the building was destroyed by an explosion.

"Do we still not know what caused the explosion?" I asked one of the subordinates near me.

"It seems it wasn't an accident but we are still working on being able to get in" he says.

"Ma'am we were able to get the front door cleared of rubble and are ready to go inside," said another subordinate who came running up to me to report the situation.

"Good I want to see what happened, let's go" I said to the demon soldiers behind me.

"Yes ma'am!" They all answered back.

As I walk up to the entrance it seems they are having problems opening the door.

"It looks like it's stuck ma'am, It would take us a while to open it without doing more damage to the building."

"Stand aside" I say to him as I pull out my sword and cut the front door open. As soon as I did that my men rushed in to see what the situation was inside.

"Clear, ma'am it looks like whoever did this is long gone" said one of my men who came out to report what they saw inside.

"Oh and what's the situation inside?" I asked.

"It looks like a slaughter, many of the bodies seem like they were killed quickly in one strike."

I walk inside to see lots of dead bodies put into a small stack. Every single one looks like they were killed with one strike at their back. Look at the bodies I don't see Real but I noticed that some were the customers as well as allies of Nomad.

"Ma'am we cleared the first floor and whatever we can get to on the second floor and we haven't discovered Real's body."

"Have you seen any bodies of women?" I asked him.

"Now that you mention it we have not come across any women's bodies."

"Then their goal was to free the women or the Taimanin that were supposed to be broken here. Whatever it was doesn't matter, try to find any clues on them and start searching the basement."

"Ma'am we found something, it looks like they blow a hole through the floor to reach the basement."

"Lead me to it."

"Yes ma'am."

Looking through the hole it appears they forgoed stealth for a more frontal approach at this point. As I go down the hole I see signs of fighting but it still looks like a one sided slaughter. As I walk through the base I come across a strange scene, a room where it appears that allies were slaughtering each other for no reason. At one end of the room there's a chair with a person kneeling in front of it, his body was riddled with wounds and his head was cut off.

"What happened here? They were allies but it looks like they killed each other" said one of the men that came with me.

"It looks like someone forced them into doing it, how exactly he did it I do not know. But he watches while sitting in that chair, looks like the last survivor begged for his life but he killed him anyways" I say.

As I walk past all the carnage and go towards the room where we put all the most important prisoners. When I opened the door I saw a sickening scene, what looks like Real and his brother's bodies are in the middle of the room. I say it looks like because their clothes, their bodies so mutilated that you could only recognize by their clothes. The worst part was their heads were cut off and on them were pig heads stitched up to their bodies.

"What the fuck, who could have done this" said one of my men as he tried not to vomit. Can say the same for the rest of them since most of them started to vomit.

"Someone who has a score to settle with them and it looks like it was a big one" I said as I walked up to their bodies to see a note on it. So I got the note and read it.

Piggies, piggies all over the place causing trouble for everyone so I, the big bad wolf decided to teach them a lesson. Their house may have been made of bricks but their windows weren't, so run little piggy as fast as you can before I blow the house down. Signed with love Dawn Bringer.

"Run, it's a trap!" I shouted to my men as I ran to the entrance but before I made it the house blew up. As I jumped to try to make it to the exit the blast launched me out and caused me to crash into a car.

'Fuck, we fell right into there trap. Looks like I was the only one to make it, whatever I must go back and tell Edwin about this.'

Suddenly I was surrounded by some girls with masks on and their weapons out so I tried to pull out my sword only to find it was gone.

'Dammit must have lost it in the explosion.'

"Pathetic having to resort to schemes to capture me. Don't matter, I'll show you that no amount of schemes will work on an honorable hell Knight such as myself."

As I get ready to fight I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I look at it to find someone has hit me with a dart, pulling it out right away but I fall to my knees feeling weak.

'Dammit I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings due to focusing too much on the opponents in front of me. The injuries I sustained during the explosion aren't helping either. Fucking snippers" were my last thoughts before blacking out.

Pov. Qin Shi's

"Target has been secured" I hear over the coms.

"Well, it looks like tonight's been very productive. Now then you three can go back to your rooms as I will be busy for a bit before going to bed" I say to them making them leave.

"Looks like we caught a big fish tonight. What shall we do with her master?" Asked Kana.

"Bringing her to me, my plans have just sped up with her in my hands."

"Yes master" she says before leaving.

'Google sensei what are Edwin Black plan's after he gets what he wants.'

'Just like I remember it makes no sense at all. Just because he finds out about other worlds like his own he starts to hate the idea he might not be the original so makes this complicated plan. So he can kill everyone and start a new multiverse so he can be the original. I think I'm not sure if it works that way.'

"That's stupid, his stupid, go tell him his stupid all ready" said Lucy.

'Calm down Lucy he will be dead soon anyways. But of all the Edwin's I could have got it was that idiot, why couldn't have been the one that just wants to rule the world with Asagi by his side because he's scared to be alone forever causing him to lose himself. That one would have been much easier to deal with.'

"Well you just have some bad luck or good luck since you got another sexy woman in your clutches" she says with a playful smirk on her lips.

'Well it's not like I planned this to happen, she just showed up. I really thought they would send out some of their grunts to check out the situation. But this is so much better, now let's go welcome our new guests and allies even if they don't want to be.'