Filthy lolicon

Okay so no futa but I need to warn you that there are some characters that are traps, trans, and hermaphrodites in the world of Mahou Kaiju. And I'm not going to change that because that's part of their character as well as how they were born as futas. The only reason I was changing the succubus is because only three of them were able to do it and it wasn't important to the story as well as they were only to grow a dick with magic. But don't worry most of these characters won't appear a lot only when they have to for the story and none of them are going to be in the harem. But the traps are the ones that will show up the most because they are Taimanin and will show up every now and again.


Pov. Qin Shi's

Heading towards the room where they have restrained Yulya at. I read the list of people we have saved as well as their skills. Among the people there's students, teachers, police, agents, house wifes, and even a headmaster of a school.

'Looks like Alcina will be able to get back to ruling hell like she wanted to do. The school also needs more teachers after killing all the guys.'

"Lucky you but they will need time to heal as well as something or someone to hold on to heal, you know what that means" said Lucy singing the last part.

'Yeah the girls would make sure they have me to heal their minds. But it's not all bad, at least they will remain loyal as long as I don't do anything to make them think they're unwanted or dirty. If that happens, who knows what kind of thing they would do.'

"Yup, a broken woman are capable of doing all kinds of crazy things whether it's to help you or hurt you. Believe me I've seen it all" she says as she looks into the distance.

'You've seen a lot haven't you, I can't even begin to imagine all the horrors you've seen as you do your job.'

"Yes but it's worth it if I get to punish the people that think they got away with no punishment in life, it's always funny to see their faces as well" she said while giggling.

'Thank you for the hard work.'

"You're welcome."

We stop talking as we make it to the room, I open the door to see Yulya inside with two girls watching over her.

"You two can leave, I'll talk to her alone. Also I want to focus on the healing and training of these people" I say as I show them which of the women I want back to normal first.

"Yes master" they say as they leave the room.

"So your choices are to become my slave or die but keep in mind that I won't make you a permit slave if you show your loyalty. But the first betrayal I sense from you and you will die" I say as I face her.

"Okay I'll be your slave just get it over with" she says after thinking it over for a bit.

I reach over to her stomach and place the slave tattoo on it.

"So what do you want me to do now, sleep with you or what, you filthy lolicon?"

"No and you are more then 18 years old so it's legal. What you'll be is a maid for now as my people train you and you'll also work as my spy."


"You'll be a maid and since you're a bit weak my people will train you as for the spying you only really have to do one thing before you return."

"Weak! I'm an elite assassin in Nomad, how can I be weak?"

"Don't take it personally but you're a bit weak for my standards."

"Fine then what do you want me to do?"

"Just go back to Nomad and tell them we are gathering mercenaries to expand or control in Yomihara. Also tell them that we won't join them, as well as we would like to not have conflict with them."

"Okay that can be done but aren't you afraid I'll betray you?"

"Stupid question to ask when I lethality holds your life in my hands. But no, that tattoo makes sure of that. Anyways you'll come back here whether you had the tattoo or not because they'll most likely try to kill you because of the failed mission."

"What failed mission? I infiltrated you and found out what you're doing as far as they know."

"Yes but they most likely wanted you to make us join them no matter what even though they just told you to try. And since you have a stupid boss I pretty sure he has more stupid subordinates then competent one's so they'll decide to kill you. Speaking of competent subordinates, here come one now" I say as the door opens with two girls dragging an unconscious Ingrid inside.

"Mistress Ingrid!" Yulya shouts in shock.

"This should give you a good idea of who's winning this war now go do what I told you."

She looks between me and Ingrid touches her stomach and bows to me before saying "yes master" as she leaves.

"Put her on the chair, wake her up and wait outside" I said to both girls. They do as I say and put her on the chair, slapping her to wake her up and leave. As Ingrid wakes up confused she stands up to look around as her arm goes to her sword, which is no longer there.

"Clam down will you, you can't escape anyways."

She looks at me as she narrows her eyes "I take it your Dawn Bringer" she says.

"Pfff, you bought that fake name. No that's not what I go by but that's not important, what is important is what I'm going to do with you."

As I say that she tries to attack me but stops as she reached her hands to my throat.

"What have you done to me, this shouldn't be possible I'm a high grandmaster rank almost a saint rank."

'What is she talking about Lucy?'

"You should know every world has their own ranking system, the one I gave you is a simplified version of one since your op. I knew you wouldn't stay in the lower ranks long so why bother explaining them. You would also be able to put up a fight against higher ranks or straight up kill them if the matching is right" she answered.

'And no one has told me this, why?'

"Well it's like teaching a biologist that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Sure it's important to know but you're pretty sure he already knows it and since your rank is demigod they thought you knew it all" she said.

'Okay whatever,' I answered her as I made Ingrid sit back in the seat.

"Is this how you made them kill each other, a pretty cruel thing to do. Maybe you should join us, you would be valued very highly" she says.

"I'm good, you'll be joining me anyway" I say as I put the slave tattoo on her stomach.

"You bastard! How dare you do this to an honorable knight like me, you will pay for this."

"Honorable? Funny but anyone that works for Nomad is anything but honorable."

That shuts her up as she looks away from me.

"What do you know Edwin is going to bring a new age for us demons. He's going to punish all those people that have mistreated us because of that accursed hell realm. And he will find me and kill you to release me."

"You really believe that huh, he hasn't told you his real plans. I doubt he will since it's so stupid he most likely hasn't told anyone."

"Of course they're his real plan you bastard don't you dare badmouth lord Edwin" she says while looking at me with a look of absolutely hate.

"Whoa there no need to get all riled up, I was just stating the facts but I doubt you'll believe me. As for him finding you,he won't have to search for long because I'm going to free you."

"What are you planning?"

"Nothing, I'm just turning you into a spy" as I say that the tattoo lights up.

"Okay first order you won't be able to tell anyone a thing about us as long as I don't allow it, whether it's directly or indirectly. Second order is that you would report to me all of Nomads movements without getting caught whenever you can. Third order is that you will act like normal when they find you and continue to act like normal through all the time you're spying on them. Fourth order is that you will bring back info that a group named Dawn Bringer is targeting Nomad and they are a human purification extremes group."

"Yes master" she says with the most angrys expression I've ever seen.

"Good, girls come in here please" I say to the girls waiting outside.

"Yes master."

"Can you take Miss Ingrid here to an ally near Under Eden and protect her until someone from Nomad picks her up."

"Yes master" they say as they get Ingrid to follow them.

"Oh and make sure she's knocked out" I tell them before they leave.

"Yes master."

As I saw them go I decided to go to hell to check up on Alcina to give her the good news and maybe have some fun with her.

'It's been a long night but it's going to be worth it in the end' I think as I head towards the surface.