To suffer

Pov. Qin Shi's


'Why am I here?'

"To suffer"

'I know that but why am I at school?'

"To suffer"

'Okay, let me rephrase the questions. Why do I have to suffer this punishment?'

"Because you didn't tell your wife your personal name and let her continue to call you by your clan name. And for some weird reason you're allowing her to punish you."

'Oh yeah'

Remember what happened last night, it turns out my wife has been doing a little digging about my so called past. She found out the name I gave her was a regnal name and my personal name was Zhao Zheng of the state of Qin. So she wasn't too happy with me not mentioning that fact. I honestly forgot because even if I got all of Qin Shi Huang 's memory's, I wasn't going to go through every single detail to make sure I knew everything about him. After finding out about it I didn't think it was a big deal after all even if she knew my personal name, she would still have to call me by my regnal name in front of people. After all a emperor has to have respect shown to him while in front of others even if it is by his own family.

"But seriously what are you doing here it's not like she has anything to threaten you with. If she withholds sex you have a harem, if she threatens you with violence she wouldn't be able to hurt you, and if it with here power as empress then all it takes is a word from you and she has none with you being the emperor. So why are you obeying her punishment?" Asked Lucy.

'To make her happy'

"Ah, are you one of those people that believes in the saying happy wife happy life. Because if you are then I got a whole list of things that will make me happy" she says as she pulls out a list from out of nowhere.

'No I don't believe in that saying, as far as I'm concerned anyone that follows that saying will have an unhappy life and relationship. After all it takes two to make a relationship, not counting my case but if only one of you is happy in it then what's the point of keeping that unhealthy relationship. But to answer your question I'm doing this to put Alcina's mind at ease, after all I've noticed that she's been a bit worried about the idea of a harem. Which is normal for most women that aren't anime characters. So if she sees that I don't just do whatever I want in this relationship it will put her mind at ease and maybe earn me some points while I'm at it.'

"Okay class, these are our new classmates, please would you introduce yourself" said the teacher, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hello my name is Mizuki Yukikaze. I hope we get along, I like swimming and sweets," said Yukikaze.

"My name is Akiyama Rinko. I like cooking and kendo."

"Hey I'm Qin Shi Huang and this is my maid" I say as I point to Mizuki Shiranui dressed in a maid outfit. The reason they're here with me is because I can't just leave them locked up in one of my bases. So I thought if I have to suffer then might as well bring them along as well. As for Shiranui, it was decided that someone that looks blind would need help or something, it was mostly forced on me by Kana.

"Do you think he's part of the Qin clan?"

"He's pretty cute."

"He's maid has the biggest tits I've seen."

"That other girl Rinko also has big tits."

"The other girl is pretty flat huh."

"Do you think he has a girlfriend?"

"You think he's rich?"

"Isn't that his name the name of the first emperor of China?"

Where some of the things we all heard even though them whisper. Yukikaze wasn't very happy about that flat comment, Rinko was feeling uncomfortable about all the staring, and Shiranui didn't even react most likely because she was used to it. I didn't really care but they did remind me of the Qin clan that ruled over China as the emperor family.

'I need to look into that, hopefully they won't be a pain in the ass.'

"Do any of you have any questions?" Asked the teacher.

"Do you have a boyfriend Rinko?"

Asked one of the guys.

"No" she shyly answered.

"Let's go!" All the guys shouted.

"Quiet," said the teacher, shutting them up.

"Are you rich Qin?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Would that maid do anything you ask?"


"Can you tell her to date me?"

"No, she's already dating me" I said to mess with her.

That caused not only the class but both Yukikaze and Rinko to be surprised. As well as making Shiranui blush, which caused quite a stir making me chuckle.

"Okay that's enough questions and Qin doesn't tease adults. Now take your seats in the back" said the teacher.

I spent the rest of the class not paying attention, instead I decided to find out more about this world.

'Google sensei what are the major differences between this world and the one I came from.'

'That's a lot but I guess if the world is this different then most of the history I know will change.'

So for the rest of the class I learned about the history of this world and the differences compared to my old world. It was interesting to say the least, something were pretty surprising like the Nazi's still being around. Turns out Hitlers idea to kill all Jews wasn't so well received in a world where humanity was already trying to be killed off by most races. So he wasn't able to take over the group that was already created, that surprised me, I always thought he created the Nazi's but nope they were already a thing he just twisted their idea.

"Hey what's the big idea about telling everyone that my mom is dating you?" Asked Yukikaze now that we are hanging out in the principal's office. Normally Alicia should be here but she hated the idea from the start and since I told her that I found a replacement she refuses to come back. So I'm using it since the school itself is also one of my bases since the exorcism club is here and all the teachers are under my control.

"Now Yukikaze, I'm sure he was just playing around. After all, he's too young to be interested in someone my age" said Shiranui.

"Don't sell yourself short Shiranui, you're a very beautiful woman and I would love to go out with you and maybe marry you in the future," I said in a playful tone.

"Stop fooling around after all you already have a girlfriend don't you?" Said Shiranui while blushing.

"Oh I haven't told you I have a harem" I said.

"Stop flirting with my mom, you pervert. I bet you only want her because of her boobs," Yukikaze says.

"Well her breasts are very appealing, that's not the only reason I would date her. Her personality is very kind, she's good at cooking, and is a strong woman which is really attractive to me. But she could be stronger after my training. It also helps that she would be a good mother if we ever had kids, though I'm only talking about if we start dating and get married."

As I look at Shiranui she is as red as a tomato with Yukikaze looking like she is dumbfounded by what I just said.

"That last one also applies to both of you as well if we get married" I say as I look at Yukikaze and Rinko with a smirk.

"What are you talking about as if I would ever marry you!" Shouted Yukikaze with a face almost as red as her mother's.

"Don't joke like that, it's embarrassing" said Rinko with steam coming out of her head.

"I'm not joking I'm serious about the idea of being with you three but I won't force you" I said with a serious face.

"Ha I beat you just want mother and Rinko for their big breasts and only see me as an extra you pervert" said Yukikaze.

"Why does everything have to be about breasts with you, you're beautiful as well and I would be very lucky to have you as my wife" I said as I poked her head.

"I-I-I already have a boyfriend so too bad for you" she says nervously as she blushes.

"Do you? How unfortunate," I said.

"Really Yukikaze, last time I checked he was just your friend," said Shiranui.


"Oh so I do have a chance" I said with a smile.

"No you don't!" She shouted as she blushed.

"Well let's put that aside, do you really want to date aunty?" Asked Rinko.

"Yes, I would love to date her," I answered.

"You know you can just order me to marry you right, since my life belongs to you now" said Shiranui.

"I know but if I wanted a doll then I would have brainwash you, Yukikaze, and Rinko as my sex slaves. After all, I did take the machine but that's not what I want. I would prefer if you three decide to be with me of your own free will."

"Ara ara" says Shiranui trying to hide herself blushing.

"I told you I already have a boyfriend," said Yukikaze, also blushing.

"I-I-I'll have to think about it," said Rinko, also blushing like the other two.

"Rinko!" Shouted Yukikaze.

As I watched Yukikaze argue with Rinko and her mom about the reasons not to date me I started thinking about things.

'Is it really ntr if they haven't gotten together yet?'

"Now that's a very deep question that probably has no right answer. But anyways, are you really going to take someone's childhood friend?" Asked Lucy.

'Normally I won't but if things had gone the same way as the hentai, well then he would have let Yukikaze's mind be broken in front of him. If that's not bad enough after he was released he didn't help her, instead he became a neet that stayed in his room jacking off to the porn videos they send of Yukikaze getting gang banged. Causing her to get pregnant and him to later turn into a slaver. So yeah I think I will try to take her from him.'

"Just checking because if you weren't planning to, I was going to try to convince you to, but I'm glad we are on the same page."

And so the punishment called school came to an end and I headed home followed by the other three.