
Pov. Oboro

After all that happened last night I didn't need this in my life but unfortunately Edwin called the executives for a meeting. Thankfully my new master let me go because he felt it useless if he had his spy confined at his base. Which is common sense, common sense I wished Edwin had before I ended up in this situation. He should have conducted an investigation into his organization when I asked him to. But oh no he was too arrogant in his own strength that he didn't believe anyone would try something like this.

It also didn't help that the bitch Ingrid didn't say anything because we don't get along. And now look at me I'm the slave of some guy I never heard of, being the spy for a group that didn't exist as far as I know. We have gotten some promising new recruits as well, too bad that doesn't matter because from what little I've seen, Nomad days are done. As for Edwin I've yet to see Qin's full power but that doesn't matter because as soon as Edwin uses his full power he would have to leave Japan because Yamato will find out and he will bring his full force to kill him. So far he's been able to escape Yamato's sight because of seals and barriers placed over headquarters.

As I walk into the meeting and sit down I look around to see all the new executives. One in particular catches my eye, he is a oni with blue skin, large horns, fangs, tattoos on his left arm, and face. His name was Daiki and he was big and strong but he will die as well because if I'm going to be forced to join another side then might as well make sure they win.

"I called this meeting to inform you of a bigger threat than the Taimanin, they go by Dawn Bringer and they are a human purification extremes group that attacked Under Eden. Ingrid here can give you more details" he says as he sits down in his throne.

"Yes sir, they attacked Under Eden killing everyone but the human slave's. Even the demon and demi humans were killed so we could not get any information from our spy that was stationed there. It seems that their goal is to kill every demon in the human realm or at least make them go back to Dark World. Yesterday they set a trap that we fell into leaving me the only survivor and destroying all the clues that they left. Not only that they left people to capture anyone that may have survived. That means they are prepared for any situation that may happen which makes them an extremely dangerous opponent" she said.

'Looks like he's leading these idiots by the nose, maybe it wasn't so bad to end up in his hands.'

"Does anyone have information on this group?" Asked Edwin.

"I have information on them but it's not much," said Daiki.

"Then please share what you know," said Edwin.

"Yes, from what little information I have gotten from my men it seems like they have been here for a few months. But they have never fought anyone for territory or done anything at all after they showed up. I also have the location of their base but if we go by what Ingrid said then it's most likely a trap. But I suggest we send a small group of expendable assets to go check it out just in case" he said.

"That's an excellent idea and I've also decided your punishment, Ingrid. You are to Daiki's help for a month in whatever he may need, maybe that way you will be more competent."

"Yes master" said Ingrid.

Normally I would take great delight in seeing her suffer but now I just see Edwin's foolishness at his decision. Looking back there were many times I just went along with his foolish orders because of my blind loyalty. But now that he most likely was going to get rid of me so I've been looking into it and if I find out it was true then he will pay. Even if it's not true I won't go back to being his tool, or anyone else I will live my life as I wish. Even though I'm not truly human I will be free or die trying. And so the meeting continues as I pay attention to everything to make sure I'm able to report this back.

"That's the end of this meeting you may go back" said Edwin as he leaves to go do whatever he does.

I go back to my room to report everything that was said in the meeting with the device he gave me. As I was finishing my report someone knocked on my door, making me hastily put the device away. Opening the door I see Ingrid with a frown on her face.

"Oh what do I owe the pleasure to have you here" I said.

"Daiki has requested your presence to talk about something" she says and starts walking. So I follow her, normally I would make fun of her and try to make her angry, but now I just smirk at her knowing that she will die soon.

"So am I the only one he called?" I asked.

"No, he has called most of the new executives," she answered.

As we arrived at a room she opened the door, inside I see everyone that has gathered here.

"Please take a seat, you as well Ingrid, this is an important meeting," he says gesturing to two chairs. As we do that he takes a device and turns it on.

"Now then we can talk without worry, what information do you two have for our master" he says as he looks at me and Ingrid.

That shocked me as I looked at the people gathered here. They are all high level executives of Nomad and their strength is no joke they are considered the top of Nomad. And they all work for Qin Shi from the beginning, it was unbelievable that Nomad has been infiltrated so much. No wonder it was like he knew everything about us, about me. Then I look at Ingrid as she looks at me in shock and I start laughing.

"Hahaha, it looks like Nomad is done for its not too bad to be the slave of that man if that's the case" I said.

"You filthy Traitor! I knew you weren't good for the Nomad unfortunately Edwin didn't listen" she said.

"Calm down she was made a slave to our emperor the same day you were" said Daiki.

'You know what I'm going all in, if they infiltrated this much among the higher up then I don't want to think about the lower ranks.'

"Now then if you all calmed down we can talk peacefully, so any new information?" Asked Daiki.

"Yes, it seems my subordinates have captured Igawa Asagi last night while I was captured by Qin," I said.

"From my understanding Igawa Asagi is one of the strongest Taimanin, how exactly were you able to capture them?" Asked Daiki.

"We have already captured her sister Igawa Sakura and friend Yatsu Murasaki a while ago so we used an orc infobroker to give her false information and set a trap. This plan was going to take longer to complete so we can modify the two Taimanin more thoroughly but I noticed something strange happening in the organization so I sped up the operation. We managed to capture her using a brainwashed and slightly modified Sakura and Murasaki. Now we have her held up in a research facility runned by scientists named Kiryu Sabato" I said as I looked over in Ingrid direction and saw her flinch when I talked about the part where I said I noticed there was something going on in the organization.

'Ha serves you right bitch, that's what you get for not listening to me.'

"Are you really going to betray Nomad Oboro?" Asked Ingrid.

"Look around us Ingrid he already infiltrated this much in the higher ups, imagine how many people he has in the lower rank members. Plus he told me Edwin was going to get rid of me as soon as my plan was successful" I said.

"And you believe him!?"

"I didn't at first but he knew too much about our organization, about me to just think he was lying to me. So when I was informed about Asagi's capture I didn't inform anyone and planned to do some investigation on my own. Now looking around us it's clear he knows much more than we do most likely or he wouldn't have been able to infiltrate us this much."

That shuts her up but she starts to look like she's thinking about something.

'Could he have told her something that he hasn't told me to try to get her on his side. I will have to talk to him once I see him again.'

"Now that you two are done with your little chat can we get back on the main topic?" Asked Daiki a little more annoyed this time.

And so the meeting continued and he was given much more information than even I know about how Nomad does things, what they're planning, and even about Edwin's movement. Looking over at Ingrid I see her frowning every time they mention something about how Nomad is treating demons badly. Which is no surprise to me but to her that thought Edwin's goal was to make a better world for demons. The reality of what Nomad was doing must have been a hard pill for her to swallow. It puts a smile on my face every time they mention more horrible things Nomad has done to her people causing her frown to get deeper.

"Okay that's the end of this meeting, unfortunately our emperor is busy (at school) at the moment so he asked me to collect the information and pass them to him. But don't worry, each of you will get rewarded after I tell him about your contribution." He said, ending the meeting and letting us go back to our room.

'So they call him emperor, I will have to ask about that as well. Maybe I can be an empress if I play my cards right. That doesn't sound to bad' I think as I head towards my room.