
Pov. Qin Shi's

"That is all the information I have for you emperor," said Daiki.

"Good work, now get some people to scout out the facility that Oboro talked about and tell the girls to get ready for a possible battle" I said.

"Yes emperor" he says before he leaves.

After school I went to my base in Yomihara to get any new information that my people would have for me.

"You have to save them," said Yukikaze.

"No I don't, I won't put my people at risk. The only reason I saved you was because I was paid and the brothel you were in wasn't heavily defended and we had already been scouting that place out before you were captured. The facility she is being held in is more important to Nomad so it will be much more heavily defended than a brothel, especially now that I made them believe in an imaginary enemy to distract them."

"But you will save them right?" Asked Rinko.

"Maybe eventually, if the facility has anything worth attacking it for. But if I get nothing and my people would only get hurt by attacking it I don't see the reason to."

"Please there must be something you can do? " Asked Shiranui.

"There's a lot I can do but is there a reason to do it, not really. But don't worry too much if that facility is that heavily guarded then there's something that worth taking control of just give me a few days to scout it. But I won't send my people to attack it blindly to save some people I don't even know."

"If you help them, maybe it will help you in your chances in dating us," said Shiranui with a suggestive tone in her voice.

"Why do women keep thinking that offering their bodies to me would make me do what they want? Let's get one thing straight here, I do want to pursue a relationship with you three but that doesn't mean I'm willing to put my soldier's in harm's way to do it. Sure I will be more willing to help your friends if we are dating but that doesn't mean I will charge blindly into danger or expect my people to do it."

"How about we offer the two of us to you, will you help them?" Asked Rinko.

"Yes, if you really want us then help them," said Yukikaze.

'Not a bad deal Rinko has the ability to control space and possibly be able to hurt me if she grows strong enough. While Yukikaze has shown signs of having a powerful ability as long as she's able to control it. They can become truly powerful people if trained properly.'

"And they are both beautiful and sexy, perfect for your harem right?" Lucy says with a smirk on her face.

'Can't deny that but I won't force them to be with me.'

"Then you don't have to worry, anime girls tend to fall in love easily given the right circumstances. Like saving them or saving their friends and not forcing yourself on Shiranui even though she is yours is a huge plus to them" said Lucy.

'And how do you know this?'

"It's not like they can hide anything from me, in fact the only reason I don't know everything about you is because I'm not allowing myself to know it. If you want I can give you one of those dating game love meters that are in dating sims for the girls you're after."

'No thanks, but if you're offering I would like one for you.'

"And why would I give you that after all you already have me" she said with a smile.

"So do we have a deal?" Said Rinko, getting my attention back.

"Yes we have a deal but you have to give me at least a day to scout out their defenses, there will be no argument over that or we don't have a deal" I said.

"But they need help now," said Yukikaze.

"I understand that but I will not have my people run in there blindly. That got you three into your mess and I will not have it happen to me."

"You know if you really wanted to earn some points you could have just said yes in the beginning" said Lucy.

'Well I'm not an idiot that will be swayed by some women begging me to help if there's no immediate danger. Plus they will need at least a week to do all the body modifications on Asagi.'

"Fine that's understandable so what now that we belong to you?" Asked Rinko.

"Well I won't force you to do anything that you don't want to unless it relates to work, but other than that you will be pretty free. I also won't put a slave mark on you since I have no need to. And like your Shiranui I won't force you to be my woman if you don't want to."

"Good since I don't want to," said Yukikaze.

"You words hurt me right in the feels" I say as I grab the area where my heart is at.

"You don't have feelings," she said back.

"Not true I do feel bad for your friends as well as all the people suffering under Nomad and any other evil organization. But there is so much I can do, I accept that I can't save everyone but I also don't see the need in protecting everyone. Because if I go around saving everyone then they will expect me to save them and not try to save themselves and if I ever fail to save them then they'll blame me for failing. People are the most fucked up when they expect you to do something you can't and I can't protect everyone."

"People are not that bad," said Shiranui.

"No they're worse but I will acknowledge that there are some good people out there but sadly there are usually the minority."

"It's true there are some bad people out there but that doesn't mean we should just give up on everyone and not help people when they need it" she said.

"And that's why I helped all those girls because they were in front of me but I won't go out of my way to try to help people."

"That's kind of a sad way to live," said Rinko.

"Maybe to you but I got some wife's, a emper, an army, and subordinates that will give their lives for me. What do you have that I want?" I asked the three of them.

The three of them just stayed silent because it was true that I wasn't all alone and I had what they had but more.

"That's what I thought so don't try that your life is sad because you're all alone bullshit on me. My beliefs may sound cruel, some of them are cruel but they get shit done and keep my loved one's safe. I may not be a hero of justice liked by everyone but I don't care if they don't like me. I'm not someone that needs that, I would much rather keep my people safe, my subordinates safe, and my family safe. And if I have to be hated by everyone in order to keep the things I cherish safe then I will."

The room stayed silent until Kana opened the door and walked in breaking the silence.

"Master, I still haven't given you the information I had yesterday."

"Oh I completely forgot about that Kana so what did you want to tell me?"

"It seems that the hero will be coming to the school because he got some information about the ex principal," she said.

"Who's coming?"

"The hero."

"Okay and what exactly makes him a hero?"

"Because he calls himself that and it's acknowledged by the emperor because he has helped people."

"Are there a lot of heroes?"

"It seems that the emperor has acknowledged a few people as heroes and some of the other governments have also acknowledged heroes in their own country's."

'Google sensei, what's the deal with heroes?'


"When will the hero arrive?" I asked.

"In about two week," said Kana.

"A week, if he knew what the principal was doing, why the hell is it going to take him two week? Is he going to scout out the place first or something? No, even if he was to scout the place out it would take him a few days not two weeks."

"It seems one of his possible harem members wanted to take a break before finding out if the information was real or not."

"Just because one of his girls wanted to take a break he would have let more people suffer because he didn't know if the information was false. Now that's fucken idiotic, he should have send scouts first and take a break while you wait for information not take two weeks of vacation before you even check if the information is true or false. Some hero, he is being led around by some girls whim."

"What would you like to do about this?"

"Nothing, it won't be that hard to trick him to go away if his this fucken stupid. But tell the girls to get ready to attack the facility tomorrow night and tell the scouts to try to get as much information as possible but be careful."

"Yes master" she said as she left to do what I asked of her.

"What was the ex principal of the school doing to call the hero an idiot for not checking if it's true?" Asked Shiranui.

"He was raising the girls in the exorcism club to be sex slaves, meat, and breeding livestock for demons. The principal himself was hypnotizing the president of the club as his personal sex slave and turning them into status for his personal collection."

"What do you mean by meat?" Asked Yukikaze.

"Exactly what it sounds like, it seems like demons think flesh from a woman with high spiritual power is a delicacy to eat."

"And the hero was going to take two weeks to check if it was true or not?"

"It seems so but that doesn't matter, you three should get ready because you will accompany me to save your friends."

"Yes!" The three said at the same time.