Incest isn't illegal

Pov. Qin Shi's

'I hate school.'

"You know you can stop going at any time right," said Lucy.

'I now, but if I can't really do that I would like to show Alcina that I take her punishment a little seriously to show her I care about her feelings.'

"At least no one can say you don't try to be a good husband."

Heading to the base after school to go over the plan for tonight's. As for Rinko and Yukikaze, they didn't go to school today to get ready for the raid so only Shiranui came with me to keep up the lie about me being blind and helpless.

"So Shiranui, would you like to go get something to eat? After all, we are already prepared for tonight so might as well do something to waste some time before we deal with some unpleasant business."

"Oh my, if you are asking me out on a date then you need to work on it" she answered.

"Hey you know I'm interested in you so why play these games, might as well get straight to the point you know. But if that's a no I guess we can just go back and do nothing until the operation."

"I never said I wasn't interested but you're right I'm much too old for all the games, if you're okay with this old woman then I love to go out to eat. It's been so long since I've been on a date so please take care of me."

"You know if you keep calling yourself old you're going to offend a lot of women since you look so young. But seriously why do you, Rinko, and Yukikaze keep calling you old, you look to be in your early to mid 20's."

"You really know how to flatter a woman don't you" she says with a slight blush on her cheeks.

And so we went on our date.

Pov. Reiko

"So we belong to him now" I said to Yukikaze as I'm getting my equipment ready.

"Yes but at least we have some form of freedom and he won't force us into a relationship with him," she says.

"So what are you going to tell Tatsuro?"

"Nothing at least for now it's not like we are dating or anything anyways."

"But you like him don't you?"

"Maybe, I don't know when dad died on a mission and mom went missing he was there for me. But now in this situation I'm in it best not to think of things like love. Anyways don't you also love him as well you brocon."

"Yes but that doesn't matter because incest isn't illegal."

"That is only the case if one of you is at least at master realm. After all that when human DNA doesn't really matter anymore and looking at Tatsuro he still gots a long way to go."

She was right incest is legal only if one of us is at master realm because that's when the human DNA starts to change do to what your cultivating. After all, no normal human can take down a building in one punch. So if you want to be with a family member one of you has to at least be at master realm to make it somewhat okay. But he is just an apprentice realm which is normal for his age but still, as for me I'm soldier realm which is good for my age but not compared to some geniuses.

"I don't know lately I've been thinking of trying to change but I've never met someone that I would even consider being in a relationship with" I said.

"And you see yourself in a relationship with that guy?" She asked.

"I don't know but at least he is dependable and I know he'll save me if I'm ever in trouble."

"Tatsuro would have saved us, maybe, eventually. Anyways that guy may not even save you, I mean you know how he is."

"Yes I know he won't really want to save anyone he doesn't know but you also heard him talk about turning the world into his enemy if it meant keeping his loved one's safe."

"I guess you're right plus he would be a lot more willing to listen to us like he does to his wife. I mean have you seen how much he hates going to school, the only reason he's going is to make his wife happy."

We both start giggling at the thought of him doing something he doesn't like for his wife. After all, ever since we met him he has only shown that he won't do anything he doesn't want to do if you don't give him a good reason to.

"Yeah at least he won't be like those guys that have harem and do whatever they like, without listening to their wife's just because they're strong," said Yukikaze.

And so we spend our time talking about the benefits and disadvantages of being his woman as we get ready.

Pov. Oboro

I was called to meet my master at his base and was also instructed to bring my most useful subordinates. So I bought three of the subordinates I use the most, they were all combatants at the underground fight club I run called Chaos Arena. Two of them were humans called Hokori Tora and Kusanagi Mio but the third was a naga named Kaliya. She is one of my strongest subordinates and one of the three chief's of the naga clan.

"What are we doing here mistress?" Asked Tora.

"We are on a mission given by my master," I said.

As we followed one of his subordinates through the base I saw many types of humans and demons working together. Some of them are training, others are heading somewhere with reports, and others are taking a break.

"Here we are, he is inside" the guide said as she gestured to a door. Going inside I see many people working in what looked like a commande center with Qin Shi telling people what to do until he spotted me and headed towards me.

"Good you're here now we can begin, girls would you mind" he said, causing some of his guards to restrain my subordinates and inject them with something.

"What did you do to us? " Asked Mio.

"Bastards, it was a trap," said Tora.

"What is the meaning of this Oboro?" Asked Kaliya as she remained calm and stared right at me.

"Nothing personal, it's just Nomads time is running out, frankly the only reason it still exists is because my new master wants to make sure he destroys it thoroughly. So I might as join the winning side" I say as I go over to him raped my arms around his shoulder and lean my body against his.

"So what now are you going to kill us?" Asked Kaliya.

"You don't have to worry about that, I'm just giving Oboro some help to keep her spying work hidden. Oh and you don't have to worry about what my people injected into you, it was just something to temporarily paralyze you. You should be able to move in a short time" he says as he applies the slave seal on the three of them.

"There now the three of you will help Oboro in her work as well as help cover for her when I call her to work for me. And before I forget if you try to betray me that seal will make sure you die before you get the chance. Now then back to business, Oboro you and your subordinates over there will help me in a plan to take over the facility that they are holding Asagi in."

And so we went over the plan and it just furthered my beliefs that this will be the winning side. Because even though he can take over the facility with brute strength he much rather be careful about it and slowly weaken his enemy until he deals the killing blow. It seems Kaliya has taken a liking to how he does things as well, not too surprising after all she is a naga and they do like killing their opponent slowly most of the time.

'Now then how to make sure I became one of his women.'


If anyone is wondering if there will be incest for the mc down the line then no there won't. Just doing a little world building after all I'm going to try to do more of it later and if anyone is interested in the realms of this world they are as followed.

Zero < normal < apprentice < fighter < soldier < warrior < expert < master < grandmaster < saint < demigod < god