
Pov. Bunny K

Looking at the man that's been causing Nomad so much trouble I got to say I thought he would be more impressive. But he's just a blind man that's been led around by a woman. Though the important part is he is able to cause some major damage to Nomad so it doesn't matter if he's blind or not.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Nurarihyon, my name is Bunny K, the owner of this fine establishment and the one who called for this meeting," I said.

"Good to meet you, as you said I'm Nurarihyon and I'd like to know why exactly you wanted to meet me" he said.

"Because you as well as everyone in this room want the same thing, the end of Nomad."

"Well then looks like we will get along just fine" he said as he sat down.

If I still had a face that would have got a smirk out of me. But I chose to turn my body into a cyborg for more power. All to take down Nomad, the funny thing is I don't even remember why I hate it so much. It's just that the amount of hate I have for it is so much that I know I won't rest until I've destroyed Nomad. That's the only thing keeping me going, the only thing that I would give my life for.

"Good, now let me introduce you to everyone. From left to right they are Blue Rabbit, Francis, Oryou, Victoria Zaharoff, Nice, Carl Closet, Duke Muscle, Muscle Joe, Ichirota Haiwolf, Isamu Kondo, and Ishiyumi Ryu. They all have their reasons for wanting to get rid of Nomad so they are willing to help us. And I hope we can count on you to help us."

"I'll help you but I have a question, how did you find out about me?"

"Well you didn't make it easy but if you worried about Nomad finding out don't. I found out about you because of some lucky circumstances. I also made sure no one else would be able to find out through the same means. After all, dead men tell no tales."

"Thank you for taking care of that leak. But I want to know exactly what you found out about me."

"Nothing much, only that you're gathering mercenaries. The fact I know you after Nomad and doing damage to them is because unlike most I actually pay attention to what the people in the slums talk about."

"I see"

"So Bunny K would you mind introducing your new friends after all this is the first time most of us have heard of him" said Muscle Duke.

"Looks like a weakling," said Muscle Joe.

"Never heard of him either," said Isamu Kondo.

"You three have to start paying attention to your streets. After all, I'm from the US and I know who this is" said Blue Rabbit.

"You guys shouldn't judge a book by its cover after all according to Sokushitsuki his strong," said Francis.

"He feels strong," said Oryou.

"He looks cute," said Victoria Zaharoff.

As Nice, Carl Closet, Ishiyumi Ryu, and Ichirota Haiwolf just stayed there silently staring at him. As for him was just smiling, not caring about what anyone was saying.

"So how exactly are we going to destroy Nomad?" He asked.

"Don't ignore me!" Yelled Muscle Joe as he slammed the table.

"Because I have some ideas if you would like to hear them" he continued as he ignored Muscle Joe.

Suddenly a chair was thrown at him but before it hit him a water bullet destroyed it before heading towards Muscle Joe. Hitting him and sending him flying and hitting the wall.

"Bastard, I will kill you" he said as he looked at the women that hit him. Suddenly he started to smile as he looked at her body.

"But if you give her to me then we can work something ou-AaAaaAAhhH!" He shouted as his arm was cut off.

"JOE!" Shouted Muscle Duke as he got up to see if Joe was alright.

"He should really start thinking about what he says before he says it. After all, he shouldn't be thinking about other people's women. He's lucky he only got his arm cut off" said Nurarihyon.

"You will pay for this, Bunny K, if this is how you treat your allies then we are not joining until you help us kill him," he said as he left with Joe.

"That could have gone better" I said.

"Don't worry too much after all, Muscle Joe has connections to Nomad," said Nurarihyon.

That got my attention "how do you know that?" I asked.

"I have lots of sources for information, how do you think I keep my information from reaching Nomad? That's why I would like to know where you heard of me."

"Do you have any proof?"

"No but that doesn't matter because they want me dead now and that means they're going to die soon. After all, I need someone to fight to make Nomad think I got all those mercenaries for that reason."

"Speaking of that, you must have a lot of money to hire all those mercenaries. Would you be interested in doing business together" said Rabbit Blue.

"I'm sure that all those mercenaries need weapons and ammo right? If you need anything just call me I'll give you a discount cutie" said Victoria.

"That sounds wonderful but we should talk more after all this meeting. But only if you don't try anything" he said as he faced the direction of Rabbit Blue.

"You look familiar," said Ishiyumi Ryu, finally talking.

"I must have one of those faces after all I've never met you" said Nurarihyon.

"Maybe" said Ryu.

"Okay everyone, let's get back on track. We have spent too much time talking about random stuff" I said.

And so the meeting continued and we got a good amount of information from Nurarihyon. I was right to invite him after all, when I found out about his little group I tried to find out about it. But even with my information network I could only find out a little bit. But one thing was for sure he was targeting and hurting Nomad without their knowledge, so I invited him. As everyone leaves, Nurarihyon remained in his chair.

"Is there something else you would like to talk about?" I asked.

"Yes, like I said Joe and Duke have connections to Nomad though Joe. He made a deal with them for a better body in exchange for baby fetuses so I will kill them. Blue Rabbit also has some connections to them but as long as she thinks she can make more money with us then I see no threat in letting her live. Also it seems that the information I shared is swaying her to our side. As for Isamu Kondo, I know you invited him due to his connections to the Onmyoji Agency but he also has connections to the Nine Dragon Society. And if he gives them this information then they may work with Nomad so they can also get help with their goals. As for everyone else there clean" he finished saying before he got up and left.

"Get someone to make sure everything he said was true" I said to my hidden guard.

"Yes ma'am" he said back.

'Shit, there was too much detail in what he said to just think it was a lie. I guess I was really lucky to find out about him. After all, with him by my side I'm sure Nomad will be finished sooner or later and I'll finally be able to kill Edwin.'