Noble blood

Pov. Kana

Following master's orders and waiting outside of the Bunny Kings casino along with other members of the exorcism club waiting for the meeting to end so we can kill Joe and Duke. As time passed by finally Muscle Duke came out of the casino carrying Joe. It seemed like Joe had his arm cut off, most likely master's work. If what Joe's file is true then I'm not surprised he already started Joe's punishment. Duke hurriedly put him in his car and drove off quickly. That was my and most of the girls here to follow him while the rest of my team waited here to make contact with other people.

"HQ this is Oni we are in pursuit of the targets and are ready to engage them."

"Negative Oni master wants them to be taken out in secret so he can control their gang so they put up a somewhat decent fight to fool Nomad."

"Copy that, is there anything else he wanted from them?"

"No but he would like Muscle Joe alive, he said something about a special punishment for him. As for Duke, you are free to kill him like usual."

"Acknowledged" I said before getting back to the chase. We followed them all the way to Duke's territory, he took Joe to his house and got some doctors to meet him there so they could heal him. As we quickly scouted the area to make sure nothing about it changed from the last time we scouted it before making a plan to storm the house. Something about master that I admired is he made sure he made sure we got information about every person that could be a potential enemy or ally.

"Looks like nothing changed, okay Enenra put the cameras on a loop and make sure they can't call for backup. If things get out of control you are allowed to use the EMPS. Jorōgumo and Inugami are to take care of the guards outside. Basan places some explosions just in case we need a distraction or a way to escape. Gashadokuro and Yosuzume you two take care of the guards inside and restrain the civilians. As for Hihi, Tengu, and I, we will go kill Duke and capture Joe" I said.

As we split up to go do our part I along with Hihi and Tengu slowly made our way to Duke.

"Dammit will you be able to reattach his arm?" We heard Duke ask the doctor from outside the room.

"It may be possible but it won't be the same as before" answered the doctor.

"I'll kill him that fucker will pay for what he did to me. I'll have him slowly tortured as I fuck his women in front of him" said Joe.

"Calm down Joe you need to rest, let's get him ready to do the surgery here. I don't trust the rest of the groups to not try something while this is going on" said Duke.

"Yes sir" said his goons as they left the room with the doctor to get everything ready.

"Fuck it going to take me a shit load of baby fetuses to get my body back to top form" said Joe.

"What do you mean by that Joe? Have you been working with demons? Do you have any idea what you got yourself into?" Asked Duke.

"I know what I'm doing uncle, I'm just using them to get the perfect body like you."

"Dammit, Joe making a deal with them never works out. They manipulate you until you do what they want and by then it's too late to regret it."

"But uncle, just look at my body, it's perfect, it's the pinnacle of physical fitness. And all it took was some baby fetuses and they were so easily gotten. You can make your own or just take some unwanted one, if you really want them without waiting for them to develop then just kidnap some pregnant women."

"God Joe you did give them your own kids right?"

"What does it matter? They weren't even fully developed so they weren't even technically alive yet."

"No Joe it does matter, they would have been family, what you do to others doesn't matter but our blood has nobility in it. The fact that you gave our noble blood to demons is a grave offense to the family. I'm sorry Joe but you will be punished for this AaAaaAAgghhH!"

"No I'm sorry uncle but I guess Nomad was right you will get in my way to gain the perfect body."

That was our que to storm the room and accomplish our objectives. When we entered the room we saw Joe standing over Duke with electricity running across his body. It seemed like a perfect body wasn't the only thing Joe got from his deals. Before he noticed Tengu and I cut the tendons in his leg while Hihi cut his other arm off.


"Shut up" I said as I kicked his face knocking him out.

"Quickly restrain him and treat his wounds, master wants him alive as for Duke, kill him" I said to Tengu and Hihi. As I go to Duke's laptop, turn it on and put a USB into it.

"HQ this is Oni we have Joe and have taken care of Duke and are waiting for transport. I've also got Duke's laptop, I've inserted the USB. Now it's your girl's turn to do your thing."

"Cope that Oni just wait one moment anddd there you go, you should be able to look through it now. We will start making a copy of the files so we can go through them as well. As for the transport, the rest of the Hyakki Yagyō are just finishing up so you will have to wait a bit until the area is secured."

"Understood" I answered before trying to find any important information on Duke's laptop.

"Joe is restrained and Duke is dead we will now begin to search his office and other rooms to see if we can find anything important," said Hihi.

"Make sure to kill anyone that seems to be a threat but restrain the civilians" I said.

They both acknowledged my orders before doing what they wanted to. As I was looking through his laptop I came across something interesting.

'It seems like he's working with the Nine Dragon Society leader to lure Yuko Sakura into a trap. She is an onmyoji that works for the onmyo agency and the master of a Yagyuu Towako. Which is the granddaughter of the onmyo agency leader, so whatever they are planning can't be good.'

"Oni this HQ transportation will be there shortly. We will pick up Joe and take him to master. As for you girls, I have new orders from master. Your group will help attack Muscle Duke's and Joe territory along with the rest of the mercenaries and Hyakki Yagyō. Master has also allowed the Brutes and Elites to help in this attack since it will be our first frontal assault."

"Understood, when will the assault begin?"

"As soon as we pick up Joe and try to keep civilian casualties to a minimum."

"We will," I said as I finished looking over the information in Duke's laptop.

'Looks like master wants a test run before we attack Nomad. He better reward us for this later.' I think as I get up and take the laptop with me as I go regroup with my team.