
Pov. Qin Shi's

As I'm leaving the meeting I find Blue Rabbit waiting for men outside.

"Hello there mister Qin if it's alright with you would you like to talk a bit? I think it would be beneficial for both of us" she said.

"Yes it would be beneficial to both of us, especially you. But not here follow me" I answered as I headed outside towards my car.

"I'll follow you in my car" she said as she got in her limousine and followed us.

I drove towards the poorer area of Yomihara and stopped at a chinese restaurant called Ajiryu. Outside I see the sign girl for the restaurant, she is a oni that had her power sealed and looks like a Jiang Shi.

"Hey Xiao Lei, still no luck in removing that seal I see. You know I could remove it if you want" I said to her.

"No, I must do this on my own to regain my honor and be able to return home. But thank you for the offer" she said.

"So you're still going to look for the Taimanin that did that and try to make her take it off."


"You know if you lost when you were at full power then what makes you think you'll win now that you are weakened?"

"Because I have spirit and will beat her with my will" she says as she pumps herself up.

"Good luck with that, anyways I brought a customer with me. Do you have a table for three?"

"Yes, right this way."

"Welcome" says the young girl behind the counter.

"Hey Shuntao looking beautiful as ever, I brought you some customers so get me the usual."

"Qin you idiot, so you haven't died yet. But you know you may get stabbed soon if you keep flirting with other girls when you have a beautiful woman with you already."

"Maybe but I can't help it when you make food this good" I say as Shiranui pinches me on my sides.

"You know she's right I may stab you one of these days. I may accept you having a harem but if you keep flirting with women when we are on a date then even I'll get upset" said Shiranui as she keeped pinching me.

"Ow ow ow, I get it but technically it isn't a date yet. We'll start the date after business remember" I said.

"Fine" she said while pouting..

Sitting down at our table and having the rest of them order something we began our talk.

"I got to say it's surprising someone like you would eat in this place" said Blue Rabbit.

"What can I say? She makes the best chinese food around," I answered.

"You got that right!" I hear Shuntao shout from the kitchen.

"Maybe we can talk better in a private room, who knows we can have a little fun while we are at it" she said.

"That sounds great but as you just heard I have a date after this."

"She can join us if you want."

"Maybe another time but for now it's best we keep it businesses after all you're working with Nomad."

"So you do know that as well, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. After all, from what little internet I was able to get on you all points to you being a frightening man."

"Thank you for the compliment but flattery will get you nowhere. But just to let you now I already know that Nomad knows of Bunny K's plan. I also know of the drugs you're selling to those corrupt politicians in the US and Mēxihcah. I also know that you get the drugs from Nomad and the drugs you take are slowly turning you into a demon."

"Wait, what do you mean the drugs I take are turning me into a demon?"

"The drug DMMD temporarily turns humans into demons which gives them temporary power best in their strength and magical abilities right."


"The premium drug they give you for personal use is slowly turning you into a demon. After all, if they can turn you into a temporary demon then they can also make it permanent. Their goal is to corrupt you, kidnap you, and make you loyal to Nomad."

"Do you have any proof of this?"

"You're all the proof I need after all, haven't you noticed yourself getting stronger and your fire magic looking more like the flames that the Hell Knights use."

"Okay let's say I do believe you, what does it matter? After all there's no way for Bunny K to win this war now that Nomad knows about her plan's. You also didn't help with what you did to Muscle Duke and Joe, so why don't you join my side? We can make lots of money together and have some fun while we do it" she says as she uses her leg to rub mine.

"Here's your order and dear customer please keep things family friendly in this restaurant" says Shuntao as she places our food on the table.

"Thanks Shuntao, your food looks delicious as always."

"Thanks and you should at least try to resist a woman's advancement" she says.

"You know even if it doesn't look like it, I'm very particular about the woman I try to court or get together with. After all, if I know she'll betray me down the line I would prefer to kill her."

"Romantic as always, why do I even put up with you. Must be because we are under similar circumstances" she says as she goes back to work.

'There's some misunderstanding there but I can fix them when we start dating' I think as I see her walk away.

"So you really trust I won't betray you" says Blue Rabbit with a smile on her face.

"Yes but not at this moment since we don't know each other that well. But for now we should get back to business and as for your offer I refuse" I said as I started to eat the fried rice and chow mein.

"You do know you're going to lose right? Isn't it better to be on the winning side."

"That's what I'm doing after all, do you know where I got all this information from. Information that you didn't even know off, hell I'm taking care of Duke and Joe as we speak."

Suddenly one of Rabbit Blue's bodyguards came inside the restaurant to whisper something to her before leaving.

"So it seems but it would take you a while to take care of them. That would hurt your force's as well as waste your time and money. So how will you fight Nomad afterwards?"

"Shiranui" I said, making her pull out a tablet to show Rabbit Blue a live video of Muscle Joe with both his hands cut off and restrained being transported somewhere.

"You see, Blue I've already won the fight going on right now is just a show for Nomad because I want them to think I won't be a threat to them. Bunny K is also part of this keikaku. Hell you being born and becoming the leader of a mafia in the US so you can talk to me at this very moment is also part of the keikaku."

"You're joking right?" she asked with a serious face.

"That last part yes but the rest I'm serious about. Nomad is dancing in the palm of my hands. Everything they know I know, any move they make I know, and I can even make them move as I like to a certain extent. So you tell me who is on the winning side."

She remained silent for a moment before smiling seductively and saying "do you have room for one more."

"Always room for more but just to let you know if you betray me you better be ready to die. So partner's" I say as I reach my hand out to shake.

She hesitated as she looked at my hand for some reason before reaching out to shake it.

"Partner's and since we are partner's now I would like to give you something as a sign of friendship" she said.

Saying that she shows me a tablet with the picture of a beautiful girl that's dressed for combat with weapons. Well this world has a weird definition for dressed for combat for women, since most of the time they have some kind of sexy leatored armor.

"She is a complete synthetic android so there's nothing organic about her. But since the scientist working on her was a pervert he also added the important parts to have fun. Hell he even made sure she could get pregnant if you wanted her to. She seems to have some feelings but isn't used to them. She's a prototype weapon, so she's the first of her kind. We happen to steal her by luck, what do you think she's a perfect present right" she says as she gives me a suggestive look.

"She's a wonderful present but I can't leave you walking away empty handed so I will also give you a gift, Shiranui."

Shiranui again shows her the tablet but this time it has a picture of weapons that I own. From the Halo, Gears of War, and Darksiders universe's. They are the weapons my people were able to mass produce so I have a lot of leeway in how I use them.

"Pick four and I will send you a hundred of each to help you out."

"Well don't mind if I do," she said as she picked SPNKr Prime, Sniper Rifle System 99-Series 5 Anti-Matériel from Halo, the Mark 2 Lancer Assault Rifle from Gears of War, and Dark Angel Halberd from Darksiders.

"Good choice, now then let's eat this food after all it's best when it's warm" I said as I continued to eat my food.

"Of course" she said as she started to eat her order.

As we finished eating we got up to part ways as I went back to base to get ready for that date I promised Shiranui.