
Pov. Shiranui

As we drive back to base I think of my relationship with Qin. About if this is okay or if I really want this. After my husband died on a mission I've been lonely but the truth is I've been lonely even before he died. After all, he didn't touch me anymore after I had our daughter but I had her to keep me busy and happy. Though he got distant after her birth I still loved him so I would if it's okay to start dating again.

"When we get home change into something really warm. After all, we'll be somewhere freezing," said Qin.

And then there's Qin that's been so sweet to me, even if sometimes he acts like a playboy in front of me. I've spent enough time to know he doesn't go after every woman he sees, even some of the women he has at the moment is to help them heal enough before they can move on. He also doesn't sleep with all of them even if they call themselves his onaholes, at most he just spends time with most girl's. Even at school where many girls try to get close to him whether it's because of his looks or name or something else he just ignores them.

"Where here, so get ready so we can get our date started."

"Yes" I said as I headed towards my room to get dressed. Qin has made sure me and my daughter have gotten what we need to live comfortably. It feels a little weird that he wants both me and my daughter as his wife's but it's not abnormal for some of the strongest people in this world to have a similar harem. At least he isn't forcing us to be his, after all in my line of business I've heard stories about some of what some of the strongest people in the world have done to get what they want. And even if they do some horrible things some time they and their family are allowed to become they b are the last line if different for our world. But it's not like they are allowed to run completely wild after all if there's those that do as they please then there's those that make sure they don't get too out of line. As I go inside my room I see my daughter inside waiting for me.

"Are you done being his trophy?" She asked.

"It's not like that and you know it, anyways what are you doing in here?"

"I'm bored and to make matters worse something big is going down at this moment. And for some reason he's keeping us out of it."

"I'm sure he has his reason, after all he has never done something with a good one." I say as I look through my clothes.

"Yeah maybe but I'm still bored and haven't you been sticking up for him a lot lately mom."

"Well I've been with him the most, after all I am playing his maid at school so I've gotten a good judgment of his character. He's the type that would make the hard choices so no one else would have to."

"Like when he killed that kid, I still feel that wasn't the right answer mom."

"Yes and maybe that wasn't the right answer, maybe there really was another way to go about things. But if you had captured him and tried to help him, would you have taken responsibility if he hurt someone else? What about if he hurt Rinko or me? He may have hurt you after all he wasn't a normal kid Yuki. What would you have done then?"

"I….I don't know what I would have done."

"Neither would I and that's why he made the choice to get blood on his hands instead of forcing people like us to make that choice. You may hate the way he does things but unless you are capable of making those types of choices then you have no right to judge him."

"Why do you defend him so much mom?"

"Because I've been in the position where I had to make similar choices. Sometimes I made the right choice but other times people got hurt or worse because of my choices. But let's not talk about this anymore, what do you think of this" holding a white ski jacket with a fur hood.

"It's cute but don't you think it's a little too warm for a ski jacket?"

"Well it is for my date with Qin and he said to wear something warm. But honestly he really got us all the clothes we asked for, I even got some swimsuits."

"You're going on a date with him!? Are you a serious mom?"

"Yes we've been going on small dates for a while now. It has been going great, he took me to this little restaurant to eat. It was so cute and had a real homey feeling to it but it was delicious."

"Are you sure this is what you want? After all, he has made it clear that he wants me as his wife as well."

"I know but he makes me feel like a woman after so long, it's nice. As for wanting you as a wife I'm okay as long as you're okay with it. After all you should know there are people as strong as him that would force us into a relationship with them. As far as I'm concerned, the fact that he gives a choice even after the fact that we belong to him now is a huge plus for me."

"Don't remind but do you really think he wants us for wife's and not some sort of twisted collection? Since my breasts are not as big as yours I doubt he even really wants me. After all, if I was really that desirable then Tatsuro would have already confessed to me long ago."

"Then it's his loss after all you're a very beautiful woman. You know what, let's test how much he wants you. Let's get you ready for a dare instead."

"What? Mom what are you doing, no stay back nooooo!"

Pov. Yukikaze

I can't believe what mom did. She actually dressed me up to go on a date with him. I'm wearing a purple ski jump suit with purple fur lining and black snow boots. As we head towards the front I see Qin in his usual outfit, I get myself ready for rejection.

"I'm sorry Qin but I'm not feeling well but in my place why don't you take Yuki on a date" says my mom.

"You're not feeling well?" Qin Shi asked with a skeptical face.

'Great here comes the rejection.'

"Okay maybe next time, shall we go" he says as he heads to his car.

'Wait what?' I think as I feel my mom push me forward and give me a smile. Deciding to go, I get into the passenger seat before he starts to drive us out of Yomihara. When we finally get out of Yomihara he takes us to one of his safe houses and park's. Getting out he opens a portal, going through it I find myself on top of a mountain with a beautiful view. In front of me is a picnic blanket with a bottle of wine and some glasses.

"Like it?" He asks as he steps out of the portal closing it behind him.

"It's beautiful and so romantic!"

Realizing I sounded a bit too excited after hearing him chuckle I calmed myself down.

"I mean it's nice."

"Glad you like it but let's eat before the food gets cold,'' he says as he pulls a picnic basket out of thin air.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked, looking at his clothes.

"Don't worry about me no sit let's eat" he says as he sits down and starts pulling out the food and sweets.

I decided to sit down next to him which surprised him.

"Don't get the wrong idea, I just don't want you to get cold."

"Thank you then" he says with a smile.

"Your welcome"

'God I'm sure my face is red, I hope he thinks it's because of the cold.'

The food was delicious, he even brought my favorite sweet Shiratama Anmitsu. It was the best and the view just made everything better. He gave me some juice to drink as he drank wine.

"You know I can drink wine as well so don't treat me like a kid. After all we are the same age so if I can't drink wine then you I shouldn't either."

"Yeah well I make the rules here so, sucks to be you" he says before he finishes his glass.

"Baka" I say softly as we snuggle up together to watch the view.

"Sorry" I said.

"For what?"

"This was all for your date with mom and I doubt you wanted to spend it with me."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, after all I want you as one of my wife's as well. As for your mom I can take her to some else next time but for now let's not talk about her. After all, it would be rude of me to talk about other women on our date."

"She would love it here, you should really bring her here on your next date."

"What did I just say about talking off other women?"

"I know and thank you for being so thoughtful but I'm serious you should really bring her here."

"Sorry can't do that, after all this is our spot from now on" he says as he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Baka" I say as I feel my face heat up as I lean my head on his chest. So we stayed in silence as I heard his heartbeat.

"Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Go ahead."

"Why do you want us? After all, I've seen your wife and she's beautiful. You even have the exorcism club and all those beautiful women in your harem. So why do you want us but more importantly why me?"

"Because my wife isn't the most compassionate person. Yes she loves me but if I kill a person in front of her she wouldn't care if they were innocent or a criminal. She won't even care if it's a man, woman, young, or old. She would allow me to kill anyone that I want as long as they are not important to her. As for the exorcism club and my other women they will do anything I ask of them or let me do as I please. Sure they may feel bad about it for a bit but at the end of the day they won't question my orders. But Rinko, Asagi, Shiranui, Sakura, Murasaki, and more importantly you will question my orders. You will argue with me about what's the right thing to do and you will stubbornly hold on to your beliefs."

"So you want me so I can keep you from becoming a total asshole" I said with some disappointment in my voice.

"Well yes that's a small reason why I want you as a wife, after all if a person in power is only surrounded by yes men then he's just setting himself up for failure. But if that was the only reason then that wouldn't be enough to want to marry you and it would be enough to keep you by my side."

"Then what is the reason that you want me by your side?"

"It's because when you stood up to me when I killed that kid even after I gave you my reason I found your stubbornness cute,, stupid but cute. Rinko was coming around to my way when I gave my reason, even your mom was on my side after I gave her my reason. Only you were trying to make me see that there may have been another option. The fact that you're beautiful is also a big reason as well but not as important as your personality. Now let's go, the date is still not over."

He said as he stood up and opened another portal so I could walk through.

"Right, you know I'll give you a trial run as my boyfriend after all being by your side to help you keep from becoming a total asshole doesn't sound too bad" I say as I stood up to go through the portal.

"Thank you for that but I must warn you that if you choose to be mine then I'll never let you go."

"I'll keep that in mind" as I go through the portal I find myself back at the safe house where he parked the car.

"And why exactly can't you open a portal directory to Yomihara?" I asked.

"Because Edwin is strong enough to notice and I don't want him to get suspicious. And start looking for a person strong enough to open portals."

"Good point so now what?"

"Originally I was going to suggest for us to see some movies but now I have something more fun in mind" he said as he opened the door and went inside.

Following him inside he leads me to a room up on the second floor.

"You know just because I gave you a trial run but that doesn't mean I will sleep with you."

"Just look inside," he said when he opened the door.

Looking inside I see two gaming pc setup "how did you know I like to game."

"Are you forgetting that you asked for it when I was getting you guys what you wanted. Unfortunately I couldn't give it to you because you may have used it to communicate with someone so I gave you some retro games to play with. Your streaming videos also gave you away."

"But I wore a mask so there was no way for anyone to find out."

"Do you honestly believe that would fool anyone that knows you after all with your name being Y-kazeX-chan and your tan skin and twin tails it was obvious."

"But no one else has figured it out."

"Really? I guess I'm just pay extra attention to you. After all, I do want to start a relationship with you. That's why I set up this room because I was going to ask you on a date eventually. I was only waiting for you to calm down a bit."

That made me blush a bit so I hid it by trying to divert his attention to the game.

"Okay let's start playing so I can kick your but."

And so we played shooters until the sun came up.