Why won't he die!

At the same time as the date.

Pov. Hyperius

As I leave hell because the emperor has commanded me to come to this world to kill his enemy's. Even though I'm happy to do as he asks me, especially when it comes to battle, I can't find it in me to do my best right now. Mainly because after experiencing the battles in hell, fighting legions of demons unafraid of death humans seem like an unworthy fow now. But he has given us everything we could want whether it's battle, food, water, land, or most importantly a safe place to raise the young into fine warriors.

"Rho, how are our forces doing?"

"The information that we got from the recon team is giving us the edge and the empress army is sabotaging them as well."

"If the emperor would have let me bring the elite forces we would have been done by now."

"Then battle loses all its meaning after all the emperor wishes to use this battle to fool his enemy of their strength and to train the young bloods. This way they can gain experience without too much danger."

"But what's the point then we should train them by throwing them into a real war."

"I understand where you're coming from but you must remember that the army's of hell aren't for new blood. Fortunately for us these humans are stronger than in our last world so they are putting up a fight."

Suddenly one of the empress soldiers appeared out of the shadows. She was covered in black from head to toe with only a white mask in the shape of a wolf on her face.

"Orders from the emperor" she said before disappearing back into the shadows.

As Rho opened the orders and read them he smiled "looks like the emperor thought this would be too easy for the new bloods as well. So he commanded you to take your man and attack the territory next to this one as well."

"Good, after all even if the humans in this world are stronger that doesn't mean we haven't gotten stronger." I say as I get up and walk out of the tent.

Getting my hammer from my soldier that I left outside the tent I shouted out "Jiralhanae to me we got a battle to go to!"

Using the transportation the emperor had prepared for us we went to our new battlefield. It's annoying and I wished we could just use the ship's but the emperor wishes to conceal our strength so I will obey. As we got out of the trucks I found the empress soldier waiting for us there, whether it was the same one as before I don't know because they all look the same to me.

"Here are the places you will have to attack and please keep damage to a minimum. It's all going to belong to the emperor after you take over anyways" she said as she handed me a map.


"Just wait a bit, it will be over soon or does the emperor want us to take our time."

"No you can do as you like after all Joe's forces are weaker than Duke's. But do not hurt the civilians" she said as she disappeared into the shadows.

"You heard her men, let's have some fun."

"Hey who are you? This is Muscle Joe's terri-"

He never finished the sentence before I smashed my hammer into his face. The shock sent his friends screaming as they flew smashing into the wall. As two were screaming due to the corrosive effects of my hammer one was relatively unharmed. He took out his phone and called someone.

"Enemy attack! A group of beastmen are att-agh" as he was talking on the phone I stepped on his chest before taking the phone from him.

"This is Hyperius, you should get your people ready for battle. After all it would be disappointing if you fall too quickly" I said into the phone before crushing it.

"Let's go" I say as I start heading towards the locations I was ordered to attack. As soon as we got there humans started to pour out of the building with weapons in their hands. Bullets started flying, as my soldier's got into cover I ran straight to them. The bullets just bounced off my skin, after so many battles in hell I noticed something. Every kill gave me strength, every feast that we had with our prey changed our body's, and the stronger the enemy I faced the stronger I became after winning.

"Why won't he die!"

Running up to them I slammed my hammer into the ground. My soldier's move up since the enemy is focusing on me and was disrupted by my hammer's shock wave.

"Fucking monsters"

Walking up to a human, he picks him up by the neck and I break it. As I look around I see my men killing the humans like it was nothing.

"Like I thought it wasn't much of a practice for real war. I will have to talk to the emperor about this."

Pov. Kana

As I sit inside of Muscle Joe's studies I think about the things I've just seen inside of this house after taking it over.

"Oni we have secured all the pregnant women in the house and are giving them medical support."

"Good and what about all the guards and services."

"We have secured all the ones that are still alive. What do you want to do with thim?"

"Let's follow our master's lead and punish those who need to be punish."

"That's what we were hoping you would say. But how exactly will we punish them?"

"Well, let's take a page out of our master."

"Which one? He has shown us many ways to punish people."

"That's right, I was the only one to see that particular punishment" I say while picking up a mace that was on the wall. Heating it up with magic I turned it bright red.

"What was it he said a yes, everything can be a dildo if you're brave enough."

'I'm going to enjoy this.'