Hell flames

Pov. Qin Shi's

As I look at the ghost of Guts mom staring at her baby as she's trying to remember every single one of his details.

"I'm happy that your baby made it but I have a job to do so would you mind coming with me" said death to the ghost celebration about the babies surviving.

As I see the ghost say something to him until Guts mom says something and they all shut up.

"Yes I don't mind letting you check up on him from time to time but you have to understand that it won't come without a price."

"And what is that price?" I asked.

"She will be unable to go to heaven or reincarnate. Spending her time all alone until she is done watching over him."

It seemed that she agreed to his terms if her nodding her head was any indication.

"Very well then let's go it's time you finally get some peace" said death as he led the ghost somewhere before disappearing.

"So what are you going to do now?" Asked life.

"First I'm going to take little Guts here to get healthy again. Then it's time for someone to be punished."

"As expected of Lucy's champion, though I don't like it when my creations hurt each other. Even when it's someone as bad as that man though I understand everyone has to be punished for their crimes. But please don't let all the violence consume you or the people around you" said life before disappearing as well.

"Thank you for the advice, lady life."

Heading back to where the girls were I make sure to be careful as this is the first time I'm holding a baby in both of my life's.

"Oni let's go" I said into the room when I opened the door.

"Looks like I missed something interesting" said Lucy as she looked at the bady.

"Nurarihyon I'm still not done punishing, is that a baby?" She asked.

"Yes and it's important that we get him checked out so it's time to leave girls."

"Yes Nurarihyon" they all say at once.

'Lucky, is it possible for you to do me a favor?'

"That depends on the favor, after I would want to ruin my entertainment."

'I want you to burn down this house with everything in it and make sure the people left inside suffer.'

"I guess I can do that, my hell flames will continue to cause pain to a person until the last of the flesh is burned up. But more importantly it won't harm someone who is innocent."

As we reach outside Lucy sets fire to the house. The fire was a beautiful crimson red but I could hear the man left in the basement screaming from here.

"What about all the things inside Nurarihyon?" Asked Kana.

"Let it burn and be an offering to those unfortunate souls that lost their lives here. Now then let's go little Guts here need some medical attention as well as some food."

When we returned back to base I immediately handed him over to the medical department to feed and heal him. As they were doing that I had more important things to do at the moment. Walking through the corridors on my way to punish Joe I find Kana waiting at the door to the room where he is being held.

"Looks like you've gotten a taste for punishing sinners, Oni" I said to her.

Confused for a second about what I said until she realized what I wanted, Kana quickly put on her mask. So I opened the door to find an armless Joe restrained in a chair.

"You fucking bastards, I'm going to kill you and fuck all your women before ripping them open for there fetuses" he says to me.

"Is what I asked for ready?" I asked Kana As I ignored Joe.

"Yes Nurarihyon, it will be here in a moment."


"Bastard, don't ignore me!"

A short while later some of the other girls brought in a huge tank of water. So I get Joe and toss him in and see him struggling to try to get out for a bit. But letting him drown would be too light of a punishment, reaching in and grabbing him by the head. I pulled him up and put it into a special slot.

"Fucking bast-agh"

"You know I'm tired of lessening to you" I say as I shoved a tube down his throat. It had a special muzzle at the length where the tube is deep enough to force feed him to keep his mouth open.

"Now then have fun living like that from now on as my people force feed you and you watch as your precious body withers away as you live in your own filth. But don't worry someone will shock you from time to time to make it more painful."

When Joe hears me he starts going crazy to try to get out, I hear him kicking the tank but it was useless.

"I'll be back when you're just about to die but even death isn't an escape after all that when your true punishment will begin" I say as I leave the room with Kana following behind me.

Taking off the mask Kana asked "why did we have to wear masks if he's going to die?"

"Because there are all kinds of people out there with all kinds of power's and I rather people find out as little as possible about us."

"So you think someone could get information out of a dead person."

"Yes, so it's best to be careful."

'Now then I need to go look over the fight against Duke's men. Thankfully tomorrow is Sunday so no school' I think as I head to Duke's territory.

Pov. Bunny K

"Ma'am we have reports that Muscle Joe's territory has been taken over and his house has been burned down. As for Muscle Duke he's force's they are losing ground as we speak with more of his men dying as we speak."

"Good work, continue to monitor the situation" I said to my subordinate.

'Dammit, Duke's and Joe's people would have made an excellent addition to the attack on Nomad. But it looks like Nurarihyon is the real deal after all even though Joe is most likely with Duke at this moment he quickly attacked their territory before they were able to get their differences up. Not to mention he took over Joe territory in one night, whether it was a surprise attack or not it doesn't matter. After all it looked like he was planning something like this from the beginning judging on how quick the attack was. Unfortunately I doubt his people will come out of this unharmed and that means my revenge would have to wait a bit longer so his force's would heal up. Fuck it, I've waited this long I can wait a bit longer and with Qin on my side I will have my revenge.'

"Now how to explain this to the other" I think out loud.

"I think I can help with that" I suddenly hear. Causing me to turn around, take my katana out and swing at whoever sneaked inside my office. As my katana was blocked by a short sword.

"Nurarihyon has sent me to hand you the evidence you wanted," said a young looking girl with red eyes, white hair, and tanned skin.

As I pull back my katana but not put it away I see her pull out a recording device and play it. And I hear Duke's and Joe's conversion about how Joe has betrayed us and how he's been feeding them information about us. When it was finished she put it on my desk before disappearing.

"Everything is going to shit" I say as I call one of my subordinates.

"Yes ma'am" I heard when he answered the phone.

"Do a full investigation on everyone in my casino and kill any spys you find."

"Yes ma'am,'' he said before hanging up.

'God I need a drink.'