
Pov. Ingrid

"Have you arranged everything?" Asked Daiki.

"Yes" I answered as I clenched my fist.

"Good" he said as he looked at the screen of the operation taking place. We were checking out the supposed base of Dawn Bringer's but I knew it was a trap. Daiki said to lord Edwin that we would use insignificant soldiers but Qin had other plans. He made Daiki send some of the most loyal soldiers of Nomad to their death.

"We are in position" said the leader of the operation.

"Began the operation," he said.

"Roger go, go, go"

Seeing them enter into the base I prepared for the worst but nothing happened.




"First floor cleared, moving up to the second floor."

After seeing them look through the second floor and find nothing they start looking through everything.

"All right everyone look through everything and see if there's anything important," said Daiki.

"Yes sir"

"What are you planning?" I asked.

"Just following my master orders" he answered.

"I found a hidden basement" said someone over communications.

"Okay everyone go down there and see if there's anything important but be careful" said Daiki.

"Why are you betraying your own kind for a human?" I asked him.

"My own kind, you and me aren't the same after all you lived in this peaceful land and what do you people choose to do with it? Kill and fight each other even when there's enough land for everyone to live on."

"Peaceful? Do you have any idea how humans have discriminated against us? What we had suffered, the pain oir people have gone through."

"I know exactly what you fools have done with your chance of peace. After all, you should know that the emperor's knowledge is vast. Unlike the human realm the Dark World didn't have the looming threat of hell invading your world and what did your people do with that peace? You killed each other, fought over power, because of greed, and other foolish reasons. Even now most of the people in charge of Dark World do as they please not caring about those who suffered. So many demon's choose to leave to other realms like the beast realm and the human realm."

"And they treated us like garbage so Edwin stepped in to protect us so we can have a future. That is why he created Nomad for a better world for demons!"

"They treated you like that because of hell if you choose to act differently they would have been more accepting."

"We tried that but thanks to a few they judged all of us the same way."

"Really because I've been up there and do to the emperor's wide information network I know there's demon's living peacefully among humans. Sure there are some that are treated horribly but that also goes for other humans. They treat each other like trash. Did you really expect they would welcome you with open arms? After all, your precious Nomad is the one of the reasons they think so horrible of your people."

"No, we are making the world better for demons!"

"Really now? Can you explain exactly how you're doing that? Is it by becoming those few bad demons that cause humans to mistrust other demons? Or is it by sending some of the people you want to protect into a trap to die."

"You're the one who proposed the plan and it wasn't supposed to be them it was supposed to be a group of -"

"What expendable soldiers? How can a person that sees the people she claims to be fighting for as expendable build a better future for them? As for this plan, I may have proposed it but in the end it was Edwin that accepted it without a second thought."

"We have cleared the basement, the only thing we found are some computers."

"Try to see if you can get something out of them, I'll contact HQ and see if they can help."

"HQ this is Daiki we have found some computers inside the enemy base. Can you send over your best hackers to see if we can get anything out of it?"

"Roger that we will send them over immediately."

"So you want to take out as much talent from Nomad as you can" I said.

"Something like that."

After waiting a while they reached the base and got started on their work.

"We have managed to get inside the computers but it seems like it's still encrypted so it will take more time to get the important stuff. For now we will send a copy of the information to HQ so they can also help."

"Good work with this I'm sure you all will be rewarded handsomely" he said as he took out a detonator and pressed the button. Causing an explosion followed by a green flame to ingulf the base.

"HQ it looked like there was a trap but they sent over some important data so get started on decrypting it don't let your brothers in arm sacrifice be in vain."

"Yes sir!"

You bastard, you killed them."

"Does it matter? After all, if you were in charge the same result would have happened. Oh wait you would have sent the expendable soldiers to do it, but then again maybe Edwin would have sent you instead."

"Some sacrifices have to be made to reach a goal as large as ours."

"True but would a leader with the goal you speak of send your people into a trap knowing it's a trap? Because that would just be a meanaless sacrifice."

'Dammit, dammit,, dammit, why is this happening? We were so close to our goal, or were we after all even if I hate to admit it they are right about one thing. Is the way we are doing things really going to change this world for the better.'

"Daiki this is HQ it looks like decrypting it will take a while."

"Take all the time you need just make sure it's gets done."

"So you people weren't satisfied with only one trap you want to set another one."

"Of course, even if we have the strength to destroy Nomad at the moment. The emperor wants to make sure as many subordinates as possible survive the battle. Because that's what a true leader does."

'The more time I spend with these people the more I start to question if what I'm doing, what I've done was it really the correct thing to do.'

"Well then let's go report to Edwin" said Daiki as he left.

Pov. Edwin

Things have been going horrible lately with only good news is the information of Asagi's capture. It would take some time for her to break but time is something I have. But lately I've had a feeling that something isn't right but I can't find out what.

"Lord Edwin, we were able to find some information about the Dawn Bringer's from the trap do to the expendable soldiers" said one of my new subordinates as soon as he entered my throne room with Ingrid following him.

"Good at least they were useful in the end, so what did you find?"

"We were able to get some data from some computers, unfortunately it was encrypted and the hackers said it will take a while to unlock it."

"Well tell them to hurry up! As for Ingrid, you will come with me."

"Yes lord Edwin."

As I look at Daiki leave the room I ask Ingrid "is everything he said the truth."

"Yes, everything he said was true."

"Good, I've been wondering if the new recruits are trustworthy so I send you to keep an eye on him. So has he done anything suspicious?"

"No he's been completely loyal to Nomad and you."

'Well then I guess that feeling wasn't about the new recruits but something else.'

"Now then let's go I got some fools to see. I'm hoping I can get some information from them."

"Yes lord Edwin" she says as she follows after me.

As I go to get some artifacts that are able to completely hide my strength for a limited time outside. I try my best to think about why I would have this feeling but I'm unable to find out why.