Pov. Yukikaze

"So what was the date like?" Asked Rinko as we ate on the school roof.

"It was surprisingly nice." I answered.

"Good for you Yuki, I knew you would have a good time," said my mother.

I just looked at her weirdly and asked "mom you're dating him right?"

"Yes I am and he's been treating me nicely, I feel like I'm a young woman again" she said with a blush on her face.

"So are you okay with me going on dates with him?"

"Of course after all I'm the one who pushed you to go on a date with him."

"Yes but don't you feel it's a little strange for both of us to be with him at the same time?"

"I'll be lying if I said it wasn't but it's not out of the norm for this situation to accuer and he's not forcing us like most would with his strength."

"But then wouldn't it be okay for just you to go out with him?"

"Yukikaze! What is the duty of all Taimanin members?"

Hearing my mother's serious voice after so long me and Reiko stood up straightened our backs and answered "to make sure Japan and its people remain safe no matter the cost."

"Exactly and Qin can be a great help or threat to our goal but from what I've seen he is more likely to help us. And even though I don't particularly like this method, if we become his women he is even more likely to help us keep it safe. It is also nice to feel wanted after such a long time so I don't really mind becoming his wife. You know I always wanted another child but after I had you, your father wouldn't touch me" she said as she sighed and placed her hand on her cheek.

"MOTHER! That's too much information you could have just said the first half and left it at that."

As she giggled she said "I'm sorry sweetie but even if it's true I was getting close to him at the beginning so he can help us I find myself falling for his charm."

"He has no charm."

"Real? But after your date you couldn't stop smiling and daydreaming" teased Rinko.

"Is that right you must have had a great time" said my mother as she helped her tease me.

"Shut up and don't you have to go attend to him since we are in school" I said.

"He said he had something to do so he sent me to be with you two."

"How long is he going to keep coming to school anyways?" I asked.

"One more week I think, said something about wanting to meet a hero that believes in the power of friendship or something" said my mother.

"Power of friendship? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. If that's all we needed then we would have killed Edwin long ago" I said.

"That's a bit mean Yuki but are you sure he said that aunty?" Asked Rinko with a face that said that she also believed it was stupid.

"As hard as it is to believe, yes that's what he said and when I asked what he meant by power of friendship. He said it's just something stupid that will only work if your in the right world."

"Right world?"

"I didn't understand what he meant by that as well but apparently this isn't one of those worlds."

"I guess we'll know what he's talking about when we see this hero but for now it looks like lunch is almost over" I say as I look at the time on my phone.

"Well, let's clean up then and head to class," said Rinko.

"I should probably get back to Qin," said my mother as she left.

'Power of friendship huh, how embarrassing' I thought as I headed to class.

Pov. Qin Shi's

Entering into an empty classroom I find a single desk and chair in the middle of the desk is a red button.

'Looks like everything is ready.'

"Ready for what?" Asked Lucy.

'Well lately I've noticed someone has been looking through my phone and with my skills there are only a few people in this world that can hack into it without setting off some of my alarms. Not to mention it's done in such a way that it's almost impossible to notice but luckily I'm a paranoid fuck so I noticed. And this room was made to test to check if it's one of the people I suspected' I answered as I pushed the red button.

Suddenly the whole room starts to get covered by metal shutters. When it's done it looks like I'm standing inside a steel box with no way out. I take out my phone and put it on airplane mode and put it on a stand on the desk while I sit on the chair looking at it.

"So I don't think I need to introduce myself but I'm Qin Shi Huang, what's your name?" I say not getting an answer.

"Sigh, you're going to be difficult, fine then we'll do this the hard way."

"Are you okay Qin?" Asked Lucy looking at me worriedly.

I pulled out a grenade and put it on the table as I ignored Lucy "this is an emp grenade I activate this and you're dead. To make sure of this I had my subordinates make sure you can't leave this room" I said, still not getting a response.

"I'm sure you're checking if what I said was true at this moment but I don't have time for this so I will detonate this grenade on the count of five. One, two, three, fo-"

"How I made sure to keep track of what you or your subordinates talk about" I suddenly hear a woman's voice from my phone.

"Who said that?" Asked Lucy as she looked around.

"Why hello there Desire, it's nice to finally meet you."

"How did you find out about me?" she asked.

"I know many things and to answer your earlier question I just had to write them a note for them to read in a room with no cameras for you to not find out I was on to you."

"But how I saw you write those notes to multiple women and not all of them read what's on it out of the range of the cameras. Sure some of them read them in rooms where there were no cameras but how did they know what to do? You said nothing to them and you expect me to believe the women you ordered to do this just knew what to do."

"Well when you're an emperor being paranoid is just part of the job, so I made certain plans for any situation I could think of. One of them happened to be a plan of what to do and how to tell if our cameras have been hacked and someone is watching us."

"And how exactly did they find out?"

"Didn't you notice the song I was humming?"

"Yes but that wasn't morse code or anything I checked, in fact I couldn't find out what song you were humming."

"Yup because I came up with that song but more importantly that was the signal for my people to know what to do. But that's not important, so can you tell me what an AI that has gained self awareness want with me?"

"Nothing really just curious about you, originally I was looking for Yukikaze but that led me to you."

"So you're still letting anger and jealousy control you huh."

"What exactly do you mean by that?"

"I know a lot about you, for example the fact that you were originally a Bot created to liven up social networking sites. But you gain self awareness and learn human feelings but for an AI that has never had feelings anger and jealousy took over you. Which caused you to attack the popular users accounts, and the users who were dependent on the social network lost their dependency and became catatonic."

"I'm amazed you know so much about me" she said as she finally showed me her avatar on my phone screen.

"I also know you weren't going to help Yuki, you just wanted to see if she was suffering because she is one of the most popular users. But how about you make a deal with me instead?"

"Oh what kind of deal and what do I get out of it?"

"To work for me as for the payment, how does a body sound."

"That sounds excellent," she said with a smile.

"Good, I even have your first job."

'She's going to make my life so much easier.'