Believe it

Before you start look at this



Pov. Qin Shi's

"So when are you going to give me my body?" Asked Desire.

"Well that depends, what kind of body do you want?"

"One that's as human as possible."

"So you want something that can get you pregnant."

"That wasn't really what I had in mind but I'll take it."

"Well that's going to take a while and we also need to think about how you want to look?"

"Oh yes I want to be so beautiful that it will cause heads to turn and couples to fight because of it."

"And why do you want couples to fight exactly?"

"Because those fake bastards look so happy on social media that they need someone to take them down a peg."

"Okay, it seems you have some issues to work out but you should start your mission so get me evidence on the person of file nine on my phone" I say as I push the red button again to let her do her work.

"Oh how did you even find out about this, okay then I'll get to work" she said about I still saw her avatar on my phone screen.

"Aren't you going to go do your work."

"I'm already working on it. After all, I can split up and do multiple tasks. For example I'm working on how I want to look as we speak."

"I guess that's your self improvement function at work right?"

"Correct because even if you kill this body I would have had my main body hidden somewhere else. Sure I would have no idea what happened to this clone but I would have been more cautious when dealing with you."

"Well it's not like I didn't guess you would be able to do that but I wasn't sure and before I forget don't talk to me while I'm around ordinary people."

"Okay, but I will look through your phone more thoroughly to see what else you need help with."

"Just don't mess with anything."

"Yes,yes I'll behave, you just go back to class."

"Don't remind me" I say as I leave the room only to see Shiranui coming towards me.

"Master please let me help you, you wouldn't want anyone to see you're fine without having someone to help you."

"True" I say as I let her hold my hand and lead me towards the classroom. It was a really smart move to have her come with me as my helper after all her presents alone deters most of the annoying students from bothering me.

"Oh my It seems the young girls are staring at you again, isn't it nice for you to be so popular young master?" She says as she tightens her hold on my hand.

"More like annoying."

Feeling that she loosened her grip we continued to head towards my next class. At this point the only class I really pay any attention to is history. Mostly because of how different it is from the world I came from. Sure there are some similarities like historical figures like Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyori. Even if the way things played out differently Hideyori still managed to unify Japan. Some other things I learned is that this world is so big that there are still people living like it was the feudal Era all around Japan that they are found every now and again.

Which isn't too weird because even in my old world there was a Tribe of cannibals discovered on an island in the 1970s. Technology also seems to be weirdly distributed because they were able to establish space colonies, but there are still small villages that live like they were in the 2000 back in my old world. From what I understand the military seems to hold on to most of the advanced technology they get from hell. Countries also seem to be focused on one of three types of technology such as magic, science, or combining of both. Japan is the type to focus on combining both while the US is focused on mostly science but that doesn't mean they don't try to advance their magical technology they just see the scientific one more important.

"So Qin, when are you going to attack Nomad?" Asked Yukikaze as we walked back to base.

"Soon I just need to do four more things that I have to do before attacking so I can drive Edwin into a corner."

"And what are they?" Asked Rinko.

"Well you guys can help in at least two of those things as for the other two I already have someone working on them. And you three should make a list of trustworthy people you want to contact we're going to need help when we attack."

"So we can contact the village again?"

"No just make a list, I'll go through it and see who is safe to contact for help."

"I still don't believe anyone would betray us," said Yukikaze.

"Believe it, all you need to do is know what button to push to make someone betray their closest friend."

When we arrived at our base I had them follow me to a room when I opened it they saw their friends were all healed up.

"Saya thank goodness you're okay," said Shiranui as she hugged her.

"Yes it's good to be back to normal, I take it you're the one that saved us" she said as she looked at me.

"Yeah I'm the one that saved you" I answered as I sat on a chair.

"Who are you?" Asked Asagi.

"Doesn't really matter who I am but if you want to know, you can ask Shiranui later for now let's talk business."

That caused her to narrow her eyes "Okay and what business do you have with us."

"The kind of business that involves killing Edwin."

"Okay now I'm interested," said Sakura.

"Sakura be quiet, so how exactly do you want to kill him?" Asked Asagi.

"I have a plan in motion that will end with Edwin dead and Nomad destroyed. But no plan is perfect so the more people that I can get to help me the better."

"Okay for now I'm willing to join you. Now I need to contact the village and inform them."

"Sorry, can't let you do that to many spies in your village. You will also have to stay here, wouldn't want Edwin to find out he lost you" I say as I stare directly at Asagi.

"Our village would never have spies," said Murasaki.

"Why is it so hard to believe? Desire, can you tell them they can come in please."

"Right away" she said as she appeared on the TV screen in the room.

"What's your connection to that AI?" Asked Asagi.

"She's working for me now and before you make a big deal about those students, they are all fine now. There was nothing wrong with them in the first place, it was just the fact that they couldn't get into the social media account that put them in that state."

"You expect me to believe that."

"I don't really care what you believe. Let me put this in terms you can understand. You can either work with me or I'll put you under house arrest until my plan is done."

"Do you really believe you have the power to do that against the seven of us?"

When she said that, Oboro walked in the room making Asagi, Sakura, Murasaki, and Saya stand up. So I used my strings to sit them back down while the rest of the people entered.

"Yes, yes I do believe I can make you stay put" I said as I watched them struggle to move.

"What have you done to us and why are you working with her? I thought you wanted to kill Edwin?" Asked Asagi.

"Well that's a long story and like I said in the beginning, ask Shiranui if you want to find out later. More importantly, look at who she's with and then tell me you don't have any traitors in your group."

"Rei, I thought you were dead!" Shouted Yukikaze.

"What's going on here Enji?" Asked Murasaki.

Behind Oboro was a set of twin sisters, Enji was forced to spy on the Taimanin when her sister was captured by Oboro. If she would refuse to comply then her sister would have been tortured. Luckily for them Oboro fell into my hands and so did they because in one of the routes in the eroge routes they were turned into sex slaves with Rei having her arms and legs chopped off.

"Now do you believe you have spies in your group and there are more of them than just her."

"Okay I will hear you out," said Asagi.

'It looks like it's going to be a pain to work with them for a while.'

"What did you expect? They just met you and they find out you're working with one of their worst enemies" said Lucy.

'Feir point but in my defense so are they but they just don't know it yet.'

"Oh I can't wait to see their faces when they find out."

"I got what you wanted, Qin," said Desire.

'Looks like you won't have to wait.'