Who are you

Pov. Asagi

It feels like I've just made a deal with the devil when I accept to work with this man.

"So for the moment we can't contact the village or go outside without your permission and have to work with them" I said as I looked at Oboro, Rei, and Enji.

"I know your feelings must be complicated but if you really want to help your country then shut up and play nice. At least for the moment, after you're done you can go back to trying to kill them. But a word of warning, if you try to kill my people I won't hesitate to kill you" said the man as I felt his blood lust but it disappeared just as quickly as I felt it. I look around to see the others to see what their reactions were but they look like nothing happened.

This man is dangerous, he knew about the spies that we didn't even know about. He also has an executive member of Nomad spying for him. Not only that he seems to have lots of information on us and Nomad and from the reaction of the others he can perfectly control his blood lust so it only hits how he wants so he's very skilled. The worst part is that Shiranui, Yukikaze, and Rinko just saw one of Taimanin's worst enemies just walk in and they have no reaction to her. They should hate her just as much as me but it looks like they just accepted what this man has said like it was normal to work with someone like Oboro.

"But I do understand your concerns and you have my word that all my people including Oboro won't attack the Taimanin. After all, unlike Edwin I don't really care for ruling the world or an obsession with you, Asagi" he said as he looked at me.

"Well then I have things to do so talk amongst yourselves and catch up" he says as he gets up and walks away out of the room.

When he leaves I start glaring at Oboro as she smirks at me.

"What are you still mad at me for kicking your ass?" She says.

"You cheated!" Shouted Sakura.

"If you didn't drug our water we would have won," said Murasaki.

"Did you really think I would play fair? I really don't understand master for wanting to team up with you people, you're nothing but idiots."

"Be quiet Oboro and I suggest you leave and continue to do your work" said Shiranui.

Oboro just narrowed her eyes at her before saying "you may have master's affection now but it seems like he trusts me more than you to assign me more work than you" as she left the room.

"What did she mean by that Shiranui?" I asked my old friend.

"I'm going out with Qin with the intention of marriage but that's not important."

So he's part of the Qin family.'

"You're going to marry him." Said Sakura.

"Be quiet Sakura, let her finish," said Murasaki.

"Yes I will marry him if our dating period goes well. But I'm sure you would like to know more information about him right now. Unfortunately like Oboro said, I'm sure he has some problems trusting us with all his information due to certain reasons" she says as she looks at Enji.

'It is true he said there is more spies inside the Taimanin, he must think of us as incompetent.'

"But there is some information that I have found out. First of all, his name is Qin Shi Huang and I don't know if he is part of the Qin family. I haven't seen any proof that he is connected to them and from his character I don't think he would follow anyone's orders. He also won't move if he doesn't gain any benefits from it unless it has something to do with his people."

I was hoping to get more information from them but it seems that for the moment he's keeping them in the dark about most of his information.

"Have you found out what his plans or goals are for being in Japan?" I asked.

"All that I've found out is he is seen as an emperor by his subordinates, if he is one I don't know. He also seems to like to punish people that have been able to get away with their crimes. He is also willing to help those people he comes across to a limited degree but won't go out of his way to help people if there's nothing in it for him. Despite all of that I don't believe he is a bad person but he is not an entirely good person from some of the things I've seen him do. If you want me to describe him then he is a human, he's able to do great things or cause great atrocities if he is willing or has sufficient motivation to do them."

"So are you trying to make sure he does great things by marrying him?" I asked.

"Yes and no, I will try to make sure he does the right things but if he ends up doing something awful then I will still follow him."

"But why? And aren't you against this Yukikaze?" Asked Sakura.

"Because our lives no longer belong to us like aunty said he won't move unless there's sufficient reason for him to move. And even though he was planning to attack the facility you were being held at he wasn't going to do it soon. Since he wanted to get more information before attacking" said Rinko.

"So why did he attack it so soon and why do you mean by, your life is no longer yours?" Asked Murasaki.

"It means that to save you as quickly as possible Yukikaze and Rinko offered him their life as a price to save you three. I also did the same to save them so from now on we work for him no matter what he wants us to do" answered Shiranui.

"Can't you just escape, after all I doubt he is willing to face the Taimanin and the imperial family for you three" I said.

"He has the strength to crush Nomad at this moment, the only reason that he hasn't is because he wants a complete victory with as little casualties as possible on his side. And if we escape he will most likely let us go but will no longer trust us and refuse to work with us" said Shiranui.

"Sure I'm sure he has a lot of strength due to Oboro spying for them but to say he can crush Nomad because of that is a little extreme right?" I asked.

"No it's not, Oboro is just the tip of the iceberg. From what I've seen he is most likely saint rank and his force's are made of

expert, master, and grandmaster rank. The fact he has a group of that collabor and no one knows anything about them is weird as well. But the fact that he is leading Nomad by the nose to try to find and fight an imaginary enemy while he hides out in front of their doorstep it's not so far-fetched that know one knows about them."

She was right, how do we not know anything about them or even heard anything about them. The fact that he saved us is more than enough to prove that he gots the strength to fight Nomad and win. And no one knows anything about them, just what kind of people are we deal with? And by the fear I felt when he let me feel his blood lust he is most likely stronger than saint rank even though we should know all saint ranks. I doubt any family that has had a person that young reach saint rank would keep it a secret especially if he really is from the Qin family.

'Who are you really Qin Shi Huang?'

Pov. Qin Shi's

As I walk through the base I head towards the medical department to check up on Guts and the other baby that we were able to save.

"Emperor, are you here to see young Guts?" Asked one of the oni working there.

"Yes, can you lead me to him?"

"Right this way" she said as she started walking towards his direction.

She led me to a room with two of those baby incubator things. One of them was Guts that was sleeping with a blue blanket on him, the other baby had a pink blanket so it was most likely a girl. She had darker skin and from the name tag it seemed her name was Casca which caught my attention.

'Is this a coincidence or is this fate, one thing is for sure this is going to be interesting.'

"I know right, I can't wait to see what happens and if you're thinking this has something to do with me it doesn't" said Lucy.

"That would be my doing" said death appearing out of nowhere.

'Okay, why?' I asked him.

"Because through my long life there's been one of the worst situations I've ever come across and I would like for them to have a more happy life. Of course I've seen worse situations but this man from beginning to end didn't give up and desper, he keeped moving forward. He would even help others without expecting a thank you and from someone in his situation that's not something just anyone would do."

'True but will they have their past life memories?'

"No this is meant to be a fresh start for them but even without their memories they will end up together. It is just their souls or so connected that no one can separate them now. Until then please take care of them while I take care of this little one" he said as a small child ghost came out behind them to look at the two babies.

'Don't worry I'll take care of them, though I can't promise there life won't have some challenges. After all, no one can completely control the future.'

"That's all I ask for, it's time to go, little one you will be reunited with them soon" he says as he leads the child away and disappears.

'So I take it you allowed others you know what don't even know what to call you people. You're far stronger to call God after all, it seems you can kill them with a flick of your finger.'

"I guess you can refer to us as infinite beings or something. Titles like God or the likes aren't important to us so just call us what you like" answered Lucy.

'I'm going with infinits, so are you allowing other infinits to mess with this world?'

"Only a select few after all we did have a deal."

'And that isss?'

"None of your business but just know it will make this world more interesting and unexpected for me. Oh and don't worry about reincarnated people if thye do put some none of them will have there past life memories."

'Great I can't wait.'