A little of both

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I'm back baby, I had fun dieing all the time in Elden Ring. I even took some time off of work to play some all nighters, I haven't done that since I was in high school so I enjoyed myself. I recommend it to everyone if you're able to take some time off and just waste it on your hobbies or do something that you haven't done in forever. It relaxes you and reminds you of the past when things were simple and life wasn't fucking you over more then normal. Well let's get back to the story.


Pov. ???

'God dammit, that idiot ruined my plan.'

"What are you doing?"

Turning around quickly I see my companion "Oh it's just you, don't sneak up on me like that."

"You still haven't answered my question, what were you planning to do with those guy's?"

"Isn't obvious I was planning to pretend to get caught by them so they can take me to Yomihara."

"And what would you have done if they just wanted to fuck you and leave you somewhere?"

"I would have just beat them until they tell me anything they know about it. But what about your end has anyone found any demon's to interrogate for information?"

"Unfortunately no, which is weird if I remember right this whole city should have loads of demons in it."

"Well let's keep looking, we must stop what's going to happen. Look into humans that have possibly connections with it as well. This isn't the time to be picky about our methods."

"Of course after all this is where it all began."

"And it's where we must make sure it never starts so let's get moving"

'I must stop what is going to happen no matter the cost' I thought as we walked away.

Pov. Qin Shi's

It's Sunday and I'm going to meet Yazaki Reiko or Takshaka if you know who she is.

She is the person that is in charge of Nomad's wallet or at least the legal company that Nomad also uses for money laundering and other questionable deals. The only reason it is still operating is a combination of corrupted politicians and lack of evidence.

Going through the front door I walk up to the front desk. "Hello my name is Nurarihyon and I have an appointment with Ms. Yazaki" I say to the lady at the front desk.

"Yes she's been expecting you just need to go to the top floor" she says as she points at the elevator.

Going up to the top floor in to a big waiting room decorated with all kinds of weapons like katanas, rapier, kopis, kpinga, jian, and many more with a secretary next to a set of big double doors.

"Nurarihyon right, the front desk has already informed me of your arrival. She's waiting for you inside" said the secretary.

"Thank you" I say as I pass by her and go inside to meet Takshaka.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Nurarihyon, now tell me what can my company do for you" said a beautiful woman with white hair, yellow eyes, and a body that would put supermodels to shame as she sat behind a large desk.

"Hello Ms. Takshaka and I have a proposal for you" I say as I sit down in front of her.

"Well I'm not too surprised that you know that name after all you did contact me from Kaliya so let's get straight to the point. As you know I'm Takshaka one of the three chief's of the Naga Tribe like Kaliya, as well as one of Nomads head executives. Now then what's your proposal?"

"Well join me willingly or by force."

"You're either stupid or crazy for saying that to me" she says with a unumuzed look on her face as she pressed the hidden security button as she looked away from me.

"A little of both, I like to think but that's not the issue here. As the one in charge of Nomad's wallet I'm sure you have noticed some inconsistencies as of late in your numbers."

That got her attention as she looked at me again as she turned to me again.

"What do you know?" She asked.

"A lot of things like you also working with the Internal Affairs Bureau and that the companies you're taking care of for Nomad aren't the only one's you're in charge of. As well as the security you called for with that button won't be showing up."

"Ms. Reiko it seems Ms. Kaliya is her and requesting to see you and Mr. Nurarihyon" said her secretary suddenly through the speaker on Takshaka desk.

"You should let her join us, she may have something important to say to you," I said.

"Let her in," she said as she pressed a button on the speaker.

"Hello Takshaka, it's been a while, how have you been?" Kaliya asked as she sat in my lap putting her arms around my neck and giving me a light kiss on my cheek.

"What is going on here Kaliya? Do you have any idea what would happen to use if Edwin ever found out you are trying to backstab him?"

"You don't have to worry about that after all his days are numbered and Nomad is only still standing because Nurarihyon here is still allowing it to."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that Nomad will be destroyed soon and Edwin will be killed. And if you want to be part of the winning side then you should join us, oh and we already took care of your security, cameras, and any other way you can contact Nomad for help."

"And if you don't want to then I guess I can make you join us and your position will be shaky or I will kill you after your use is done. After all you're not what I would call a good person" I say as I show her Kaliya slave mark.

"So you're being forced to sleep with him so you won't die, pathetic" she said as she looked at Kaliya.

"I'm not being forced to do anything other than help him in his plan against Nomad and that was only at the beginning. Now I'm completely on board with his plan, it's been great being with his group. All the strong people to fight, so many battles he has started, people he has let me torturer for information, and to top it off he lets me live in luxury as long as I remain loyal. The sex is also the best I've ever had and if you must know Oboro is also fully under his control."

Honestly it wasn't so hard to get Kaliya loyalty after all the Naga are a simple race. They are a proud race that likes to fight and have a high sex drive. And as long as you're stronger than her and are able to fulfill those two desires then most of them will follow you. Of course there are exceptions like Takshaka, which likes to have luxurious lifestyle more than fighting. And a mercenary I hired called Cerastes that prefers fighting more and has a low sex drive. The fact that I'm sleeping with her as well as Oboro and the rest of her girls from the chaos arena was because they have proven to be loyal to me but it was also a kind of test. After all, they would think I completely trust them or they have some kind of control over me after sleeping with them and will try to betray me then if they really want to.

But none of them have so far I've even removed the slave tattoo from Oboro to further test her but she has shown no signs of betraying me. Hell she has been working harder to fulfill my goal of destroying Nomad, the only reason I can think of why she's acting like this is because she has replaced Edwin with me for her reason to live. After all, even if she says she would start to live for herself it would be difficult to change your way of life after such a short time has passed. But that doesn't mean I'm not having someone watch over them until I kill Edwin just in case.

"So my choices are to betray Nomad and possibly be killed or be a slave to a human" said Takshaka.

"The only reason they were turn into slaves is because I couldn't fully trust them at the beginning and I found it a wast to just kill them. But if you prove your loyalty then I will remove it from you" I say as I removed the slave mark from Kaliya, causing her to give me a long kiss.

"Looks like I don't have much of a choice, fine I'll join you" Takshaka said as she sighed.

"No, no you don't but if I don't give you something as well then I'm sure you would start to resent me more then you already are. So I'll let you help me to control some of my companies" I say as I pull out a sheet of paper from my inventory with a list of names and details of some of the companies that have fallen into my hands through one way or another.

"How did you get your hands on these? Hell, I own some shares in some of these companies and I don't have any knowledge of you owning them now" she says as she looks over the list.

"Because I didn't allow anyone to know of it but I'm sure you can tell with this that Nomad will be finished soon."

"Well it's pretty obvious after all most of these companies are owned by some of Nomad top backers and if you own them now then I guess they're no longer alive."

"Correct again, so do we have a deal" I said while reaching out my arm for a hand shake.

"Deal" she said as she shook my hand with no hesitation.

So I placed my hand on her stomach to put a slave seal on her before saying "glad we can come to an understanding, now if you excuse me I'm a very busy man and I have more things to do today" before getting up to leave.

"I'm going to stay and talk more with Takshaka, after all I have a lot of catching up to do," said Kaliya.

"Very well see you at home" I say as I leave.

Getting out of the building and back in my car I say to no one in particular "have someone keep an eye on both of them."

"Yes master" comes from thin air.

'Well let's see how this goes down, depending on their choices I may have someone to take care of my business in this world' I think as I start the car and drive away.

Pov. Kaliya

"So what are you and Oboro planning?" Asked Takshaka.

"Honestly nothing really I'm finding quite enjoyable working for him. Working for Nomad was nice but they tend to keep me in the chaos arena, on the other hand he's been starting fights all over the place" I answered.

"You know the fighting will end when he destroys Nomad right?"

"That's where you're wrong, he has taken me to hell and the wars he wages down there are the best. They get me so wet after every battle that I end up fucking him every time."

"How far you have fallen, did you forget we are descendants from the Snake Gods. Where's your pride, letting a human control you and acting like a bitch in heat."

"I haven't forgotten after all one of the first things I did when he put me under his slave magic is ask for a fight. After all even as a slave I still had my pride and to my surprise he accepted my challenge and didn't use the slave marker for a unfair advantage."

"So what happened? Did you lose?" She ask with a sarcastic tone.

"Yes I did" I said seriously.

"You're kidding, you lost to a human."

"No I'm not and it was a one sided fight. I had no chance in beating him. That's why I have no problem taking him as my mate and doing what he asks of me."

"And you brought him to me to further his goals right."

"No I never mentioned you, he already knew about you like he already knew about me. He knows a lot about everything yet I know so little about him, do you know anything about him?"

"No, the only thing I could find is that he is the leader of the Hyakki Yagyō and he is currently in a war with Muscle Duke."

"Oh that it's not a real war we already killed Duke and are torturing Joe, the war is just a show he put on to fool Nomad into thinking we were weakend in the fight."

"How exactly did you do that? I doubt Oboro herself would be able to fool both Edwin and Ingrid. And that's not even mentioning every other Nomad executives that have territories near Duke's and Joe's territories."

"We never said Oboro was the only one in Nomad under his control" I said as I smiled thinking about how much we have infiltrated Nomad.

"I guess Nomad is really done for if that's true, then again I guess it's not so bad if I get to be on the winning side. All the companies he's going to let me be in charge just makes it better."

"I'm glad you're coming around to the idea of working under him but I will remind you if he finds out you are going to betray him and he will find out. He will kill you without a second thought, so please try to play nice.

"Don't worry I will, I'll even be his mate if he's as strong as you say he is."

"I guess I won't have to worry then after all we remain loyal to our mate. But must say you had no hesitation in accepting his deal is a little surprising."

"Well it's not like I had much of a choice but I did feel like I made a deal with the devil. Though it's not the first time I had that feeling after all I did work for Edwin. The only difference this time is that the feeling was much stronger."

"I got the same feeling when I started working for him but that just made it more fun for me" I said while smiling.

'I wonder just how much fun he well let me have.'