
Just a reminder that web novel is deleting your comments if they have something like sex or fuck or even teen for some reason. So get creative and censor anything that could make them delete it because there are some comments that I would like to respond to but we're deleted.


Pov. Qin Shi

Waking up I feel my head resting on something soft, grabbing it with my hands and giving it a light squeeze causes me to hear a moan.

"Nhammn, dear if you want to get lucky then you will have to wait until tonight after all you gave me quit a workout last night. Besides, you have to get ready for school" said Alcina.

"I seriously hate that your making me go to school" I said as I got comfortable on my favorite two pillows.

"It wouldn't be much of a punishment if you liked it but I guess you suffered enough so you can stop whenever you want to know."

"Good because I was planning to stop after today, even if you didn't give me permission to. After all, school is taking up too much of my time, time I could be using to spend with you and the girls."

"That sounds nice but unfortunately we both know we have way too much work right now to spend some quality time. Your empire won't run itself and the girls have been doing an excellent job helping me."

"Good all the more reason to take a break and relax. Oh before I forget I'm going to have Mina in charge of Yomihara when I take over it. Since she has experience being the queen of the vampires and all."

"How unfortunate she's been a great help to me but I guess I could find a replacement among her people … will you make her your second empress?"

"Don't know if she's willing to, then I will but I would like to get to know her first."

"Excellent, she would make an excellent wife for you and I have really taken a liking to her."

"So you're okay with this?"

"Well I'll be lying if I said I'm one hundred percent okay with this but you've shown me that you'll never leave me. After all, you're very greedy so even if I wanted to leave you won't let me."

"And don't you forget it, I guess it's time to go to school. Don't want to miss meeting the hero" I say as I lightly kiss her on the lips before getting up and getting dressed.

"Why do you even want to meet him? From what I have heard he is an idiot" she says as she gets up and uses the blanket to cover herself while she heads to the bathroom.

"Because I want to see what it takes to be named a hero but honestly I don't expect much from him."

"Well I hope you aren't disappointed now let's get ready to have breakfast with the girls" she says from the bathroom.

After getting ready and having breakfast with my wife and daughters I left to go to school. Meeting up with Shiranui, Yukikaze, and Rinko we head to school.

"So this is our last day going to school?" Asked Yukikaze.

"Yes I don't really see much of a reason to go after today" I answered.

"Morning boss!" Shouted all the boys in front of the gate to school as some as they saw me.

"Morning president" said some of the girls that saw me.

"President, you should really have arrived earlier," said the vice president of the student council.

To be honest I'm not really sure how I became student council president but it started when I beat up all the boys at this school. The reason for that was because of anime logic, after I transferred in I became the center of attention for all the girls. Mostly because of the comb of my name and looks, not to mention the fact that I spent most of my time by Shiranui, Yukikaze, or Rinko's side. Then there were times when I was with the girls from the exorcism club which were known as the group with the most beautiful girls in school.

Well as you expect like most anime the boy's of the school got jealous and resorted to get together and linch me. But I was the only one that could walk away from that fight but it didn't end there. They brought more people and tried again multiple times, they even resorted to bringing people from outside of school to try to win but the results were always the same. With them spending some time in the hospital, of course they tried to involve the police as well but when I should proof that they ganged up on me. The charges were dropped quickly after all they couldn't blame me for getting a little rough when I was facing a huge crowd. After they realized I was taking it easy on them when an idiot tried to run me over with a car and I destroyed it with my bare hands.

Since then they have seen me as the boss of this school and as for the guy that tried to run me over it seems like he was a wanted fugitive. He was someone that would stake girls and kidnap them when he got the chance, convinced that they loved him as much as he did. After he takes them and he finds out they don't love him he would kill them after having his fun but this time he was targeting one of the girls in the exorcism club. And according to him I was a fly that was getting too close to his love and had to be dealt with like he has done in the past. After he was arrested he mysteriously disappeared and was later found dead horribly mutilated.

But the important part was I was officially the strongest person in school and it turns out that was one of the requirements to be the president. The others were something like being trusted by the teachers and students or something but the thing was around the time they were voting for the next student council president. For some reason I was nominated as a candidate without my knowledge and somehow won without my knowledge. I was a bit surprised but because of the type of world I was in I wasn't too shocked. So I accepted and proceeded to bump all the work to the other members of the students council.

They didn't really mind because they left me with the most important task, fighting student's from other schools. In a world where strength is everything the schools would motivate schools to fight each other to improve their own situations. Of course there were always people to look over these fights so things wouldn't go too far. The idea was that they would get stronger to get more advantages like money, improving their standards in living, or training. They would even get resources to help them in cultivating as well as weapons to strengthen those that participated. And since I've taken over as the student council president we have never lost so everything from the food to training and resources have improved in our school which caused everyone to respect and fear me.

"Like I said before you will take care of all the annoying stuff and leave the fighting to me" I said to her.

"You can at least act like a student council president, it would make my job a lot easier," she said.

"Well then it sucks to be you."

"Why do I even try with you, oh and before I forget the principal would like to talk to you. Apparently we have some important people transferring into our school so she would like you to give them a tour of the school."

"Really, letting the blind person take the new student's on a tour of the school. Yeah I'm sure nothing we'll go wrong with that decision."

"Well you stop using the blind card to try to get out of work, we all know you can see just fine even without your eye's."

"Fine, let's go greet these important transfer student's Shiranui."

"Yes, young master follow me" she says as she leads me by the hand to the principal's office.

'Time to meet the protagonist of the story I guess. I hope he can at least entertain me.'


I would like to give names and faces to the student council so if you have any suggestions please comment them because I'm not very good with name's.