
Pov. Yukikaze

"Aaaghhh!" Screamed an enemy that I just cut down. I infiltrated the mansion with a group of Qin's subordinates since he refused the idea of someone going off on their own. Even mom, who was one of the strongest people I know, had to pair up with Kana.

"I still don't understand why we have to wear this mask if we are just going to kill everyone," I say as I touch the mask of a Raijin.

"It's for your safety, after all, you never know if someone is watching or has the ability to see what has happened here," said Jorōgumo.

"I guess but isn't he just being too paranoid about all this?"

"There they are!"

Some men that just came around the corner saw us and started shooting. As I defected them with my daggers I shot back with the modified gun Qin gave me. It was so much better than my old gun that just used my power to shoot my enemies with bolts of electricity. This gun uses my energy to power it to become a rail gun that kills anyone that's not strong enough to block or dodge it.

Unfortunately, I need this gun to help control my powers since I don't have full control over them yet. Every hit leaves behind a huge hole in their body. After clearing them out we keep moving forward.

"Okay everyone, our job is to find every vehicle they can use to escape and rig them to blow. As well as secure all emergency escape routes and block them. Do you all understand that?" Asked Jorōgumo.

"Yes ma'am"

Jorōgumo brought us to the garage and we started to rig the cars with explosions. When I hear some noise coming from the inside of one of the cars I'm rigging an explosion too. Picking the lock and opening the door I find a woman tied up and unconscious.

"I got someone over here," I said, causing some of the women to come over here to help while the rest continued working.

Once we untied her and they looked over her to see if there was something wrong with her I was able to get a good look at her. And I knew who she was, she was a Taimanin. I didn't know her well all I knew was that she retired and went missing with her family. But from the few times I did speak to her she was friendly.

"Okay someone bring her outside and get her some real medical attention, as for the rest of you let's continue with the objective," said Jorōgumo.

"Yes ma'am"

Soon two members of our squad separated in order to escort her back. While we continued to go around the mansion and sabotage vehicles and destroy escape routes.

Pov. Rinko

"Void cut," I say as I cut the air in front of me causing the heads of multiple people in front of me.

Over the last few months, Qin has been showing me how different why's of using my abilities as well as their limits. As well as training us in hand to hand combat. Especially for me and Yukikaze since he said even though I was a master in swordsmanship it was better to learn some hand to hand combat.

"Ghost the security room up ahead," said Inugami.

"Let me see what's going on inside," so I open a small space to peep at what's going on inside.

"Okay it seems they have two people aiming their guns at the door with everyone trying to contact someone," I said.

"It looks like Enenra is doing her job and making sure they are keeped in the dark," said Kappa.

"Okay open a portal on top of the ceiling so we can get the drop on them," said Inugami.

"Okay," when I make a port the girls jump in and drop on top of all the guards stabbing all of them threw their throats.

As I close the portal Kappa opens the door, going inside I see Inugami start doing something on the computer. As well as telling her people where to go and where the enemies are.

"Ghost take Kappa and Nekomata and go restrain the slaver that seems to be trying to get away," said Inugami.

"Yes," we say at the same time.

We started going to where Inugami told us where he was heading. From what we could tell is that he is a weakling since he is running away and trying to stay out of conflict. Some of the routes we took were collapsed or on fire due to the explosions so it took us longer to get to him. On the way we had to kill several guards.

"There he is," said Kappa as she kills two guards that get in the way.

"I got him," says Nekomata as she throws a knife stabbing him in the leg.


"Die bitch!" He says as he pulls a gun out but I appear next to him and cut his hand off and stab my katana through his other hand pinning him to the floor.

"HQ we have captured the target, what does Nurarihyon want us to do with him?" I asked.

"He wants him alive to punish him as well as get information from him," said HQ.

"Roger that," says Kappa as she kicks him in the face to knock him out.

"Looks like he is in a world of hurt if Nurarihyon wants to punish him," said Inugami.

"Does Nurarihyon punish most of the people we capture?" I asked.

"Only the worst of the worst, will that doesn't matter let's make sure he doesn't bleed out," says Kappa as she starts trying to stop his bleeding.

'I wonder what he has done to make Qin want to punish him.'

Pov. Qin Shi's

Walking through the front door alone since no one can harm me here.

"Keep shooting!"

"It's not working!"

"Get the RPG!"

Some decided to shoot an RPG at me but since infinity was activated it stopped in front of me before falling on the floor like the bullets. It explodes but it doesn't hurt me.

"Is he dead?" Someone asked.

"Oh he said it, some actually raised that flag. Show him what happens to people that say that," says Lucy.

So I used my strings to cut him in half along with anyone else that was around him.

"No, no I am not," I said.

"Keep shooting!"

So that's what they do with their guns and the RPG and don't stop as I keep walking to the front door. So I kill everyone with my strings and I pick up an RPG to shoot it at the door.


"Wow," says Lucy as she looks at the explosion.

"Okay everyone hand over your money and all your Ketamine and all of you may live!"

I yell as I step through the front door with many of the guards on the ground floor seem to be hurt due to the explosion. Those on the second floor are still okay and looking at me confused.

"Kill this fucker!"

"What the hell is a Ketamine," asked Lucy.

'A Ketamine is a Ketamine obviously.'

"You don't know do you?"

'No, I have no clue.'