Bruen Mk9

Pov. Qin Shi's

As everyone is shooting at me I just start walking forwards killing anyone that's in my way. Using my strings I made everyone shoot everyone else as I walked up the stairs. When I made it to the second floor only one person was left on his knees in fear.

"You monster," he said to me.

Not caring I walked right by him as I made him put his gun in his mouth and blow his brains out. Was it fucked up what I just did? Yes, did I care? No, the thing is if you worked in a place like this there's no way your hands are clean. Take for example the RPG is illegal and even though Japan is less strict with its weapon law in this world due to the monsters and hell. There is no way in hell they would just let civilians get their hands on RPG's so they must have got them through other means.

When I'm going to open the door to enter the next room it is destroyed in a hail of bullets. At the end of what appeared to be a hallway, there was a man with a Bruen Mk9. As he yelled he didn't stop firing but all that happened was the bullets stopped in front of me and fell to the floor. The person next to him got a grenade launcher and started firing but the only thing that did was destroy the surroundings and cause a lot of smoke. They along with everyone with them didn't stop firing until they ran out of ammo.

But they didn't stop, they reloaded their guns and started shooting again. While they were doing that I just walked down the hall like it was normal with smoke covering everything. But that didn't bother someone like me that hasn't been relying on his eyes to see.

"That should have killed him," said the man with the light machine gun.

He knew that he fucked up when I reached my hand out of the smoke and grabbed his neck lifting him off the ground.

"AaAaaAAhhH!" Screamed the man with the grenade launcher before stupidly shooting at me. So I threw the guy I had in my hand after taking his Bruen Mk9 causing the grenade to explode at point blank range. It killed those two and injured everyone around them, some injuries were serious others not so much. The explosions also caused smoke to block most of the people's view in the hallway.

"Where is he!"

"Goddammit find him!"

"My arm, where's my arm!"

As I hear all the screaming in my surroundings I walk behind one of the guards, put the Bruen Mk9 to his back, and start to shoot while pushing it forwards. The bullets caused chaos, as soon as they heard the shots they started firing at where they thought they heard the shots come from. As the smoke cleared up some of them realized they shot each other, while the ones that did shoot in my direction looked at me in horror.

What they saw was me with Bruen Mk9 impaled thru one of the guards using him as a meat shield. All the bullets that were shot at me hit him instead of me.

"Did you really need to do that?" Asked Lucy.

'No, but a fight is as much psychological as it is physical. Showing them something like this will break their spirits as well as give me a chance to kill them like now.'

Taking the opportunity that they were too shocked to do anything I started firing at them. While some still fired back most chose to drop their guns and run away. Not that they got far anyways. As I killed everyone there I saw one of the guards run away so I let him since I noticed that he was heading in the direction of my target. Following him, people appear to ambush me from the rooms that are along the hallway. As I'm killing them I run out of ammo so they take the chance to surround me.

"Why are they not using guns anymore and why are most of their melee weapons made of wood?" Asked Lucy.

'They probably think that my powers are some kind of electromagnetic field so they're trying other ways to hurt me.'

One of them tried to hit me with a bat believing I had no weapon. He was proven wrong when I used the Bruen Mk9 as a club to crack his skull open. Beating them with Bruen Mk9 until they realized they had me surrounded and didn't have to fight me one on one was fun. Sadly for them, all their weapons stopped before hitting me.

"Shit, he's able to use his power again!" Someone yelled.

'Did they think I couldn't use my power?'

"Most likely, they probably thought that because you used that guy as a human shield," answered Lucy.

'Reasonable conclusions I guess but I can use this.'


'Well, they probably think my ability has a time limit as well as I cool down. So I'll just need them to continue to think that to draw out Nobunaga.'

As I'm talking to Lucy I pull out some grenades from my inventory, pull out the pins, and toss them around me. Killing everyone in my surroundings I keep walking forwards, as I'm walking forwards I notice some people appear in front of me that are dressed differently than all the other guards.

"So this is the guy that everyone is having trouble with, he seems like a weakling to me."

"Now, now, even if he's trash he did kill all those other guards so he should provide some entertainment."

"I doubt it, just because he was able to kill all that other trash doesn't mean anything. At most, it just upgrades him to recyclable trash."

"You guys can take care of this one."

"And I thought this would be fun after so long."

As they talked amongst themselves, they belittle me since they don't think I'm as strong as them. Since I didn't really bother to learn the levels of those below me anymore I just knew they were weaker than me.

"Okay I'm tired of this as well as bored," I said as I used my string to cut all their heads off.

"Bored already," said Lucy.


"Will then hurry up and get it over with already."

Walking to the end of the corridor using red to blow it up the door and anyone behind it. To see Oda Nobunaga standing in the middle of a ballroom looking place.

'Sure I'll get it over quickly.'