Second empress

Pov. Alcina Dimitrescu

"Yes I'll inform her right away," I say as I talk into the phone before hanging up.

"Ram, would you go call Mina for me."

"Yes mistress," she says before bowing and leaving the room.

"Mother, what's going on?" Asked my eldest daughter Bela.

"Nothing too surprising, your father just took over one of the enemy's territories and he needs someone to look over it."

"As expected of father, but why don't you take over it mother?"

"Because even for me that would be too much work. Even at this moment I have a lot of work to deal with, especially since we keep expanding the empire's borders."

"Then why not send one of us?"

"You know how your sisters are, they are hardly fit to run a city. Even if they have gotten better it's still too early to send them. As for you, it's true that you can do an excellent job if you have someone that knows what they're doing to help you. But as I just said, your father's empire in this world may become the largest and I would like you to help me to gain some experience before he sends you to a world to manage."

"Yes mother"

"By the way, where are your sister's? They should be here for tea time."

"They went with Christian to go hunting."

"Sigh, even though I do love the fact that you girls are becoming more self dependent, is it too much to ask for them to join me at tea time. After all, I have less time to spend with you all since I'm so busy. I would like to spend some time with you girls during my little breaks. I barely see your father anymore since we're both so busy but I do love the fact that he takes me on dates whenever we are both free."

"Would you like me to go get them?"

"No it's fine, let them have their fun, that just means more time for us to talk."

"Yes mother," she says with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Causing me to giggle, for the rest of the time I spend my time talking to Bela. We talked about a wide range of topics from how she's feeling to how much stronger she has gotten until a knock on the door sounded.

"Empress I've brought Mina with me," I hear Ram's voice from behind the door.


Ram opened the door and came inside followed by Mina in her adult form wearing a red dress in high heels.

"What do you wish of me, Lady Dimitrescu?" Asked Mina as she slightly lowered her head.

"It seems like my husband is in the middle of taking over a city and he would like you to manage it."

"It would be my honor but as you know to my kind of vampires sunlight is deadly. We do have a gel that can protect us from it but it is not easily made. So it may be best to give this assignment to someone else," she said.

"You don't have to worry about that, the city's underground so no sunlight will harm you or your people. It's also a secret so you won't have to worry about any annoying humans."

"Then I accept this task."

"Good, now there's a few things that you must learn. First and foremost you will not be in control of the entire city right away since the person that you will be replacing was only the ruler of the city in name. The true ruler is still alive so until my husband kills him don't do anything too drastic. Secondly it seems that the city has some hidden dangers so even when you take over don't be too arrogant because you may run into someone that can kill you. Lastly and more importantly there's a high chance that you will become my husband's second empress."

"What, but that's too sudden! I know we talked about this but are you sure he will marry me," she said with blushing cheeks.

"Because he wants some that is tied to him in some way to rule over his territory and even though it's not a perfect way to manage his territory. He believes it's good enough and if you try to rebel he will just kill you."

"Well, isn't he romantic."

"I know but it's not a bad system, plus he won't force you to do anything you don't want to. And he will try to be a good husband to you, I can attest to that."

"Yes mistress but why me, why doesn't he let you take over the city?"

"Well that's because he and I know what type of person I am. Before I was turned into this I was a spoiled girl until I was pushed into reality when my daughters were killed by my first husband. To make matters worse I found out that I had a disease that was killing me. After coming in contact with someone that turned into this thinking it would save my life, how wrong I was. I just traded one negative for another bit. This time my mind was a mess and I stopped feeling human emotions. Even now that my mind is clear I have very little feelings for people. The point is I'm not a good person and I don't pretend to be one, that man accepts me and loves me but he knows this is the best place for me at the moment and I agree."

"But it's not like I haven't done awful things before, so why send me?"

"Because even though you've done terrible things in the past I still see some humanity in you. You care about your people and want them to coexist with others. Plus every person that has been in the position of a leader has been forced to make hard choices. You would be a fool to believe that all choices will lead to a good ending so you would be perfect for the next empress but remember I will always be first."

"Yes mistress"

"Good, no go get your things ready as well as the people you need to help you run that city."

"I'll get started right away," she said before leaving.

'Good it looks like it was the right choice to get close to her. Now that she's the second empress and she sees me as the first empress it strengthens my position more.'

"Mother, can I be one of fathers empresses?" Asked Bela surprising me.

"Of course not"

'But it can strengthen my position as first empress a lot more if all three become empress. What am I thinking!? Of course I can allow them to do that.'

"But me and my sisters want to spend more time with our father like you do."

'But then again'


"Thank you mother! I'll go tell Cassandra and Daniela," she says as she disappears.

'God what am I going to do with those three. Well I'll think about it when I cross that bridge for now I'll relax for the rest of the break.'

"This tea is wonderful Ram," I say as I take another sip.

"Thank you mistress"

'This is nice'