White void

Pov. Qin Shi's

"We have almost taken complete control of this building, Nurarihyon. We just need to do a sweep to see if we missed anyone the first time," says Enenra.

"Good, is there anything else worth reporting?" I asked.

"Yes, it seems we found a kidnapped woman in the car of the demon you ordered us to capture."

"It was a Taimanin agent, wasn't it?"

"Yes, but how did you know master?"

"Because even if I don't know much about him, I do know his specialty is capturing Taimanin and breaking them to be slaves. Is there anything else?"

"No master, it seems just like you said most of the information we found here is things we already knew. And even if there were weapons and resources here, it wasn't anything extremely useful, but he did have a lot of money and properties."

"At least we got something out of this ride. Well, you know the drill. Take everything but make sure they can't trace it back to us."

"Yes master," she says before leaving.

"So you're going to make Mina your second empress," said Lucy.

'Yes, it seems like Alcina wants this as well and she has experience running a city so she's the best option."

"Oh, you knew what Alcina was planning?"

'I'm not dense, it is obvious that Alcina has some self estimate problems about her position as the first empress. As well as some fears of being replaced or abandoned. That's why she will probably make a faction in my harem with her as the leader.'

"And you're okay with that, I thought you wanted to have a peaceful harem."

'I do want a peaceful harem but I would be a fool to believe everyone would get along right away. As for what Alcina is doing I'm not exactly okay with it but it's a normal reaction for someone that has entered a harem where they are expected to rule some territory.'

"So you're going to leave it as is and let the members of your harem sort it out by themselves."

'No, but as for right now there isn't much I need to do, though I will try to keep reassuring Alcina that she won't be replaced.'

As we were talking I started to hear something falling at a high speed. Suddenly something fell through the hole in the ceiling that I made.

'So he finally came back down.'

"I was wondering why you haven't left yet."

What fell through the hole was Nobunaga, he was miraculously still alive but he wasn't too far from dying. He just needed one final blow to kill him.

'Well let's clean this up so I can leave.'

Turning my hand into a metallic color, walking up to him I bring my haki covered fist down on his face. After crushing his face his body scattered into dust.

'Okay now that that's out of the way, let's go home.'

Third point of view

Somewhere in a white void, there is a round ball of light and a woman in a military uniform talking to each other.

"Where is that soul!"

"I'm sorry but we haven't been able to locate it."

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that soul could be to my plans?"

"Yes, but we haven't been able to find any clue to where it went."

"Sigh, it's not that I don't understand the difficulties of having to find it. Even I forgot about it for a bit and left it alone for a while so it can erase its personality. But I must find it because it could become dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands."

"We will continue looking but do you have any thoughts on what could have happened."

"Well yes but it's not like I can do anything without any proof."

"Why is that?"

"Because that will cause some trouble that will be a pain for me."

"You don't mean that one of the others stole the soul right?"

"It's possible, it's not like they haven't done that in the past to each other. They usually don't do it to me though so it's not very likely it is a possibility. A huge one at that since even I don't know what happened to it."

"That's the biggest problem we are facing at the moment in finding clues. After all only the strongest of us can go out into the infinite void to try to find out what happened."

"That is a problem, unfortunately, it's not something I can fix at the moment."

"Can't we request help from the others or ask to see if anyone took it?"

"Sigh if it were only that easy, I haven't been the most friendly with them. I always used the oath as a way for them not to interfere or bother me as well as get help when one of the more unsavory of our kind tried anything in my territory. So my relationship with the others will only be up to the point of them helping me when I'm under attack."

"Well, then how about asking Lucifer for help?"

"I refuse, Lucifer made it quite clear that the most she would help me from now on is in running my Hell after she joined the oath. But now that I think about it she may have been the one that took the soul. After all, she is the one that knows me best."

"That is true, we will continue our investigation in that direction but if it was Lucifer it will be hard to prove anything."

"Unfortunately once she took the oath she no longer falls under my control so I don't know her movements even with my omnipotence."

"Can't you use your omnipotence to see if he was taken to another world?"

"Unfortunately I can't use my omnipotence on someone else's territory without their permission due to the oath. It also won't work in the infinite void due to it being infinite so it would tell me all the infinite possibilities of how they took it or what happened to it with all of them being right and wrong at the same time."

"Then it's highly unlikely for us to find it or prove someone took it."

"I only hope one of the oath takers took it and none of those crazy fools took it or the results could be devastating. By the way, why do you look like that?"

"Please don't remind me, anyways I'll go get started on trying to find the soul again."

"You do that I have a world to get back to, my plan won't write itself."

The light disappeared after saying that with the woman following after leaving the space with no one and nothing. Just the empty white void stretches out as the eye can see.