Laini Queet

Pov. Qin Shi's

It's been a week since we took over Nobunaga position. Mina has already taken over and she's gotten settled in while Daiki and the rest of my agents are making sure Edwin doesn't find out. The scouting on the house of greed is taken more than I would like mostly because of Mismarin. She seems to never leave the premises and that's a problem since she is able to kill me then all my subordinates would be easily taken care of if they fight her. So for the moment, I'm waiting for the right time to strike. In a normal situation, I wouldn't mind fighting her since even if she can kill me I'm sure I can kill her as well since From Software games have trained me will.

The problem isn't whether I can kill her or not, the problem is that our fight will draw attention to me. That would alert Edwin and from what I know of him he will be a pain in the ass to find again. Sure he will make contact with humans and I will be able to locate him like that but he tends to wear disguises so they won't know they are dealing with him until it's too late and his goal has already been reached. And I would prefer that someone like him doesn't get his way since it can be troublesome down the line for me.

For the moment I'm heading to meet someone extremely important to my plan to kill Edwin. After all, there are different types of Edwin's and they all have different strengths and powers but some are more of a pain in the ass than others. The girl I'm going to meet is leading a group to kill Edwin and she is my trump card for one of the more tricky powers he may have.

As I stand in front of an abandoned warehouse that is supposed to be their hideout I'm not looking forward to meeting her. Her personality is supposed to be very arrogant, she is someone that would refuse to work under someone to the point that if you fight her and win she would only consider you worthy enough to work directly under her. In the game, if you wanted to get her, not only would you have to win a fight with her, you would have to break her mind so she could work for you. Well if you took the sex slave route that is.

Walking into the warehouse having Shiranui and Yukikaze wearing their mask following behind me. Suddenly they get in front of me with their weapons drawn ready for a fight due to multiple people appearing in front of me pointing their guns at me. There were many types of people in their group from demi-humans, demons, dark elves, and demons.

'They should know I was coming over to talk today like I thought this is going to be a pain.'

"Yare, yare daze it looks like Laini is going to be a pain to deal with," I said.

That's when I felt a small trace of space law, so small that I would have missed it if I wasn't paying attention to anything. I covered my fist in haki and space law. Striking the air in front of me causing the sound of glass breaking to be heard and cracks to form in front of me in the air. After learning space law I tried to copy white beards power unfortunately I couldn't do that. But what I was able to get was just as deadly if not more, though I could not affect the vibrations to cause earthquakes I could break space to attack anything in front of me whether it's in my dimension or another overlapping one.

That means if someone has the power to hide in another space and appear somewhere else like Blueno's door door fruit I can still attack him. And if someone is unlucky enough to touch the cracks then they will get torn apart due to the broken space. Only someone that is truly strong will survive but they will still sustain large amounts of injuries.

As everyone was shocked at what I did as well as wondering why I did that they saw a glass arrow appear out of nowhere. As it falls to the ground it breaks into many pieces before it disappears.

"Laini Queet is this how you treat guests?" I asked.

"That's how I treat a human that says my name without respect," I hear a woman say.

As she steps out of the shadows I see a dark elf with yellow eyes and long white hair. She was wearing purple bikini armor and had a purple bow that had yellow glowing lines on it.

"I think I've been pretty respectful though, I've even provided you a place you and yours can stay while in Yomihara," I said as I gestured around me.

"Yes but that's the natural thing to do if you want my help. Now then how can I be sure you can help me kill Edwin as your subordinate told me?" She asked.

"Well you can't really but I think the fact that I was able to destroy your arrow is a pretty good indicator of my strength. But I must say it's not very welcoming of you to do that by the way, so tell me what were you aiming for anyway? My heart, my brain, my spirit, my soul, my mind, or maybe an idea. The fact that your arrow can not only hit anyone but even things that have no form will it's in a different space is a scary thought."

"Does it really matter after all if you can't survive even an attack like that then you have no right to work under me."

"Sigh, I knew you would be like this but what gives you the right to think you can order me around."

"Isn't it obvious, you humans should just do what you're told by your betters. Plus the fact that I have my men surrounding you ready to fire at any second doesn't give you much of an option but to work under me."

"Hate to break it to you princess but why don't you take a good look around."

As she did she saw my people behind her men with their weapons on their necks. They have all been disarmed and were in no condition to help her. In fact, the two men that were standing guard next to her had disappeared, replaced by Nekomata and Kappa. When she finished looking around she made a horrible expression, which I found funny.

"You know what, I didn't hate that at all, in fact, I quite enjoyed that. Did you really believe that I would provide you a place and not have something like this prepared just in case? After all, according to the information on how you behave, it's not too hard to think you may try something like this."

"You bastard, you were planning to betray us from the start!"

"Whow, whow there girl. I'm not planning to argue with you about this since I know no matter what I say you will twist it around to make me the bad guy."

"That's because you are a -!"

She didn't finish that sentence since I had my girls gag her and take away her bow with a gesture. They also pulled her hands behind her and used zip ties to tie her wrist and thumb together.

"Like I was saying I know what type of woman you are, once you get an idea in your head nothing and no one will change it. Not even if the facts are right in front of your face so I'm going to tell you what's going to happen. Normally I would kill you and your people along with anyone close to you that can become trouble down the line for me. But your power is important to me but get this through your thick head. You are important but not unreliable so don't do anything stupid you understand me," I say as I look at her.

If looks can kill I'd be dead ten times over by now with the way she was looking at me with so much hate.

Walking up to her I looked into her eyes and said " do you understand me" causing Kappa to punch her in the stomach before letting her up by the hair. With a look of absolute hate, Laini slowly nods.

'Okay I didn't tell her to do that but if it works then it doesn't matter.'

"That just means your girls are learning what to do and when to do it," said Lucy with a devilish smile.

"Good, now let's get you all healed up so you can fight," I said.

That surprised not only her but everyone here including my girls.

"But master can't you just place the slave seal on her so she will do whatever you want?" Asked Nekomata.

This seemed to frighten Laini since she started to try to escape or at least get as far away from me as possible since she started to wiggle around.

"I could but judging from her personality that won't be enough, so it's best to show here just how far apart we are in strength first."

"Then you break her spirit, then her mind," said Lucy on my shoulder.

'Maybe, in all honesty, her power is too good not to want her as one of my people. But it won't be easy since she's hard headed.'

"Well then let's go," I say walking towards the location we will fight. As Nekomata puts her over her shoulder they start following while the rest of my girls start tying up the rest of the men there.