Three group's

Sorry for the late update I will upload the rest of the chapters later.


Pov. Qin Shi's

As I sit here in a room full of the Taimanin that I have, well for lack of a better word captured I question myself.

'How did I get myself into this situation?'

"Well that's simple, you follow those wonderful emotions of greed and lust. But mostly greed," said Lucy.

'I guess, but it's not like I went out of my way to gather them.'

"Yes but it's not like you're going to let them go now that they're under your right command."

'It 's true but I won't hold them against their will when this is over but I would like to recruit all of them to work under me.'

As I talk to Lucy I look at the women in front of me, they are separated into three groups. Group number one is made up of the most loyal Taimanin to me and are willing to continue to work with me after this is all over like Shiranui. It seems that the group was made up of Yukikaze, Rinko, Saya, Enji, Rei, Lilliana, and Kaede. They were the girls that have been with him the longest and have decided to join me. Lilliana was a special case since I've spent the least time with her due to rescuing her will being in a delicate state. Mostly because unlike most Taimanin she had angel blood running through her veins instead of demon blood.

It seems this was rare so they wanted to run as many tests on her as possible and that left her in an awful state. Due to her having angel blood I tend to have her do missions outside of Yomihara because her angel side tends to draw hostility from demons. But she still got along with my girls more than with the people from Gosha Village, according to her. So she would prefer to stay with me rather than go back.

The next are the Taimanin that are willing to work for me until I kill Edwin. Afterward, they would go back to Gosha Village. This group was made up of Asagi, Sakura, Murasaki, and Kana. I've also saved all the women in this group but they have spent the least time with me and the fact that I'm working with people from Nomad and traitors makes them cautious of me. Though it seems that the fact that I'm doing more damage to Nomad than they have been able to do gained me some of their trust.

The last group are the Taimanin that were sent to guard the princess. They don't trust me at all and think I'm mind controlling everyone else. Which is understandable since I did capture them and detained them so they would be able to reveal what I'm doing here. Their names were Kousaka Shizuru, Koukawa Asuka, Kamimura Maika, Onisaki Kirara, Shinganji Kurenai, Fuuma Saika, and Hasuma Reiko. Since I for lack of a better word captured them they don't trust me, which is understandable.

But the main thing I'm surprised about is the fact that most of these girls are the main heroines. If you take one of them out of the story then the heroes of this world would have some trouble later on or even fail their quest causing the world to end. It seems like they have started arguing over whether they can trust me or not. Though it's mostly Shiranui's group arguing with Reiko's group, Asagi's group doesn't seem to care.

"Why do you trust this man who obviously kidnapped us!" Shouts Reiko.

"It's not like he had much of a choice, it's obvious what you would have done when you saw me," said Shiranui.

"That's why I think you're not right in the head, the fact that you're defending him so hard is strange. From what Asagi has told me he has traitors and people from Nomad on his side. Coupled with the fact that he doesn't allow us to contact the village is strange in itself as well."

"We already explained why it was a disadvantage to do that."

"And we're supposed to take his word for it? You may be fine with it but I would like to check if it's true, personally."

"Like you or the village would be able to find the traitors, the fact that you never found out about me or even suspect there was a traitor is a good indicator of your incompetence," said Enji.

"You have some nerve to talk like that to me, you traitor. You were probably responsible for some of the missing or dead Taimanin," said Reiko.

"Maybe and I will accept that but I'm also willing to do it again for my sister. But you're precious Taimanin are getting more people killed without even knowing."

"Well now that we know we can go and hunt those traitors down and the problem will be over. it's as simple as that, isn't that correct Asagi."

"I wonder about that after all the time I spent here I find that there are many problems with Taimanin. From their training to the way we are sent out to missions. Even the chain of command is a mess."

"You're just a little girl that doesn't know anything about the world. How would you know anything about running our group?"

"She does have a point, Reiko. The more time I work with this group the more I see the flaws of the Taimanin. In fact, some of those flaws lead to me, my daughter, and Asagi being captured," said Shiranui.

"How dare you to-!"

"Enough Reiko, it's true that for some that had their father taken away because of someone else not following the rules of the Taimanin it is a little hard to accept. But from what I've seen here that could have been prevented by following some of their examples."

"Like what!?"

"The fact that we make students go out to do missions in itself is a problem we have to fix."

"And how will they gain experience then if they don't go out to do missions?"

"I'm not saying we should stop it, I'm saying that we let them go by themselves or a small group of newbies. The only time where they get an experienced person to go along with them is when they're going on dangerous missions like with your father. And who in their right mind would allow a newbie on a dangerous mission where one mistake can cause death."

"But only the most elite students are allowed to go on those."

"That doesn't change the fact that they are newbies and are prone to make mistakes."

"Then why haven't you changed that rule?"

"Do you think I haven't tried but those elders have refused to listen to reason."

Seeing my opportunity to join the conversation so I take it since their argument isn't going anywhere.

"About that," I said, catching everyone's attention.

"I would like to ask you something, Saika."

Making her a little flustered since I called her by her first name she looks over to Reiko to see her nod.

"You may," she said.

"Little too much arrogance in that tone for someone in your situation but whatever. What I want to ask is whether the Fuuma clan, specifically Danjo, still plans to rebel."

When I said the room turned silent with everyone staring at me as I sat there with a bored look on my face.