
Pov. Fuuma Saika

"Little too much arrogance in that tone for someone in your situation but whatever. What I want to ask is whether the Fuuma clan, specifically Danjo, still plans to rebel," said the man that calls himself Qin Shi Huang.

With one sentence he silenced everyone in the room as well as made me confused.

"Danjo rebelling is impossible!" I shouted.

"Oh so you don't know about it yet, that helps now I have an idea of what's to come," he said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well if you want to be caught up ask one of your friends but to make a long story short. Every possible choice someone has to make has already been made. For example when your legs were cut off and Danjo made the choice to give you cybernetic legs so you can work for him. There's a world out there where he decided to not give you those legs and left you alone because he thought you weren't worth the trouble. At the same time there is a world out there where your legs were never cut off so you had no reason to work for Danjo as his secretary, do you understand."

"Yes, I think you're talking about the multiverse theory right."

"Well yes but it's not just a theory, Edwin and the brain flayer is proof of that."

"Okay I need an explanation but for now what does that have to do anything."

"Well in some worlds you help with the rebellion and in others, you don't. In the ones you do help you should know about it by now but you're still probably helping him without knowing like for example spying on the princess for him."

"How do you know that?"

"I know a lot of things."

"So I assume he is planning a rebellion," said Asagi.

"Are you really going to believe him Asagi?" Asked Reiko.

"Yes, from what I've seen his information is always accurate. Not to mention I've always had trouble with the elders of the village. Even my own teacher betrayed me and sold me out to the enemy."

"You gotta be kidding me, there's no way he betrayed you. I mean he treated you like his own daughter," I said.

"And yet he betrayed me, sold me out to Nomad for whatever he wanted from them."

"And you think Danjo would do the same?" Asked Reiko.

"I know he would, after all, he never agreed with the idea of me leading the village."

"And he's not the only one," said Qin.

"For some reason, I'm not that surprised," said Asagi as she put her hand on her head like she just got a headache.

"Don't worry too much for the moment but when they do try something I'll help you out," said Shiranui.


"Don't worry about it after all what are friends for If we don't help each other out," she said while hugging Asagi.

As they were hugging Qin Shi started to squat to get a better angle of them hugging.

"What are you doing?" Asked Yukikaze.

"Getting a better angle on their tits fighting for dominance," he said without a hint of shame.

Causing Yukikaze to smack him in the back of the head and Shiranui let go of Asagi with a small blush on her face, while Asagi glared at him.

"So what are you going to do about the rebellion?" Asked Asagi.

"Nothing really if Shiranui and them want to help you, I won't stop them but I don't really see a reason to fix your problems for you."

"So what's the point of asking her that question if you're not going to do anything about it?" Asked Reiko.

"Just want to know what is most likely to happen with your group. If she knew about it she would have joined Danjo in rebelling but since she didn't know she would join Asagi's side instead. Plus I'm sure Shiranui and the others wouldn't have liked it if I didn't help a little so informing you now is as much help as you will get from me at the moment."

"Should you help us more than, if you-"

"Reiko, that's enough what he says is correct. He has helped us a great amount by the fact that he informed us that multiple elders are each planning a rebellion. And for that I thank you," said Asagi as she bowed her head to Qin as thanks.

This is all still hard to believe for me, after all, he basically said my saver would throw the village into chaos for his own greed. He saved me at my darkest hour and now I'm supposed to believe he would betray all of us.

"Can you show us some evidence because it's hard to believe in just your words alone. After all, he gave me a second chance at life," I said.

"Desire pull up the files," he says after sitting back down in his chair.

"Yes master," said a voice from the e TV in the room.

In front of us files started appearing that show Danjo involvement with Nomad, Real, Yazaki, and the Incubus faction. It also shows proof that he violated Tokiko's mother and later sold her to orcs. There were many documents that showed how greedy and power hungry the man called Fuuma Danjo really was. This shocked me to the core because that means the man I thought as kind and caring was in fact a monster that willing to sell his own children into slavery when his done with them. In fact he showed a document that seems to be a likely deal for his daughter Tokiko but it seems it hasn't been settled yet and they're still hammering out the details.

'So all that I believed was a lie and what I was really doing was helping that monster further along his plans.'

"Is that enough proof for you that the Taimanin have always had problems before even I was born," said Enji.

Reiko didn't even respond because she was busy looking at one file in particular. As I looked it over it showed that Danjo sold information to Nomad about some of the operations with people loyal to Asagi's father, the last chef of the village. One of them just happened to be Reiko's father who died when she was a little girl.

"I will kill him," is all she said as she continued to stare at the file.

"This is more serious than I thought, is there no way I can convince you to help us," said Asagi.

"This as much as I would help you for free and I think it is more than enough," he said.

"Then are you willing to be hired by us to help us with cleaning up our village?"

"Sure but what are you willing to pay?"

"Everything," said Reiko.

"Tempting but with all the problems your village has that's not enough."

"Then what is enough! Tell me and I will get it for you."

"Hard to say since your village probably are seriously endless. But if you don't believe me then I'll show you an example as well as take it as me giving you a freebie if you decide to hire me. Desire would you inform them to bring him in."

"Yes master"

'I wonder what he will show us.'