
Pov. Reiko

As I stared at the file, the rage grew in me. I went through life knowing that my father died due to a newbie's mistake. That's why I was strict with myself and my students so no one else would lose a family member to someone else's mistake. Only to find out now that the mistake didn't matter because he was betrayed by someone that was supposed to be his comrade.

"I will kill him," was all that I could say.

"This is more serious than I thought, is there no way I can convince you to help us," said Asagi.

"This as much as I would help you for free and I think it is more than enough," said Qin.

"Then are you willing to be hired by us to help us with cleaning up our village?"

"Sure but what are you willing to pay?"

"Everything," I said.

I was willing to give him my soul if it means I can have my revenge. Because of him, my mom and I went through some tough times, my mother even tried to kill herself at one point. Luckily we were able to save her but we were never the same again.

"Tempting but with all the problems your village has that's not enough."

"Then what is enough! Tell me and I will get it for you."

Even if I have to give him the village and everyone in it then I would do it to get my revenge.

"Hard to say since your village probably are seriously endless. But if you don't believe me then I'll show you an example as well as take it as me giving you a freebie if you decide to hire me. Desire would you inform them to bring him in."

"Yes master"

No sooner than when she said that two women dragged a man in with his hand cut off. He was a demon in a dirty butler uniform, he was bloody and battered like someone was just beating him. Some of his fingers were broken and so were his legs.

"What else do you want I've already told you all I know," said the man in a weak voice.

"Welk I would like you to summon your slave," said Qin.

When he said that he tensed up and said "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Qin Shi just walked up to him and stomped on one of his legs causing all of us to flinch and him to scream in pain. Even if we're used to killing we don't have much experience in torturing other, not to mention the fact that he does it without any hesitation. Like he's just doing any old chore and not torturing someone.

"Now let's try this again, I want you to summon your slave," he says as he put his hand on his head from behind him and starts healing him.

This shocked him as well as most of the people in this room.

"L-like I said I don't know what you're talking about.'

"Okay then," says as he jumps up and stomps on both legs at the same time causing a sickening crack sound to be heard in this room followed by the demon's screams.

"I could do this all day and you won't die with me unless I want you to. Now one last time before I get serious, summon your slave," he said as he grind his shoes into his broken legs.

"Okay, okay just stop it, please!" said the demon as he cried out in pain.

"Good," he says as he heals the demon again.

And so the demon started to summon his slave only for Qin to go up to him and break his arm.

"Why!" He shouted as he clutched his arm.

"Because I told you to summon your slave not attempt to escape. But it looks like you underestimated me so now I'll get serious. Let's go," he says as he leaves the room with the two girls following behind him dragging the demon with them.

After a short while of silence, Yukikaze finally says something "so now what."

"Now we should discuss whether to help him or not," said Asagi.

"Obviously we will help him," said Shiranui.

"So will we but after that's done we will go our separate ways," said Asagi.

"How about you," says Shiranui while she looks at me.

"We will help him, but more importantly what are your plans for the traitors Asagi?" I asked.

"For now there is not much I can do, it's true with what he showed me I have lots of evidence on Danjo but from his words, there are more elders than just Danjo that we have to worry about."

That wasn't the answer I wanted so I started to think of my own way to get revenge as they continued their discussion.

'Maybe I should work for Qin, he would be able to help me get revenge. But I would be betraying the Taimanin, no it's them that betrayed me and my family first. They allowed Danjo to get away with it for who knows how long and the leader has been useless since the last chef. The only one I can trust to get revenge is me.'

As I was thinking of what to do and everyone else was discussing of what to do from now on, no one noticed when Enji sat next to me.

"So now do you understand my feelings," she said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes as I stared at her.

"The fact that you're willing to betray the Taimanin for your family," she says, shocking me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I say as I look around to see if someone heard that.

"Whatever you say but I recognize that face you made well. A guilty but still willing to do what it takes to accomplish your goals."

"And how would you recognize that?"

"Because I've seen it every day in the mirror when my sister was kidnapped and they were forcing me to be a spy."

"So what are you here to laugh at me and call me a hypocrite now?"

"No, I'm here to tell you your correct Qin would be able to get you your revenge much faster than they ever could."

'What she said destroyed the last hesitation I felt for betraying the Taimanin.'

"What do I need to do?"