
Just a heads up, this story won't have a lot of lewdness. Yes, I will write lewd chapters every now and then but it won't be every other chapter. Mostly because I think if I start writing a lot of lewd chapters the story will go downhill like a lot of others have. Also, this is my first story so I want to focus more on the story aspect of it.


Pov. Shizuru

As I sit here watching them talk about what to do next only one thing is on my mind.

"So have you two slept with him yet?" I ask Shiranui and Yukikaze.

That caused both of them to blush before Yukikaze started to shout "of course we haven't slept with him!"

"That's what she says but what do you say Shiranui," I said.

As we all stare at her all she does is blush stronger while she looks down.

'No way'

"No way! Mother, did you actually sleep with him? When, how, didn't you say to take it slow," said Yukikaze.

"Sorry Yuki, it's been so long and I've been so lonely," said Shiranui while blushing heavily.

"Oh, oh, oh how did it feel? How big was it? Did he satisfy you?" I asked.

"Calm down Shizuru, so will you be able to get us to help us more with your relationship?" Asked Asagi.

"I think he told us about Danjo because of our relationship," she said.

"So he helped you because you slept with him, huh. Why don't we all sleep with him then," I said.

"What kind of foolishness are you talking about Shiranui?" Asked Kirara.

"It's not foolishness after all we are kunoichi. It wouldn't be too strange to use our bodies to help our village," I said while pushing my chest together with my hands.

"She's not wrong," said Asuka.

"If you want to sleep with that beast then go ahead because I won't," said Kirara.

"Well it seems like that's what we will do," said Maika while doing a lewd gesture with her hands and a smirk.

"Sigh, if it's something that we have to do so I have no complaints. After all, we all have taken classes on seduction. Unfortunately, we don't have someone that specializes in it," said Saika.

"What do you think Shiranui, will it work if we offered our body to him?" Asked Reiko.

"I don't think so he will probably sleep with you and help you a bit more for a one night stand. But if you really want his help you have to agree to be his wife," said Shiranui.

"I think we should leave that as a last resort for now but it is a good avenue to look into later. But for now, we should think of other ways to take care of Danjo," said Asagi.

"Do you really think we have many options? Danjo has been working towards this rebellion since the time of your father. Do you think we can put up a fight without many of our people dying without Qin Shi's help," said Reiko.

'This is going to take a while.'

Pov. Kaede

As everyone was arguing about whether to get into Qin's pants or not I sat next to my daughter Kurenai.

"So what do you think," I asked her while doing my best not to hug her and tell her I'm her mom.

She looked at me funny before she started talking.

"I don't really care, I'm willing to sleep with him if it means Edwin dies," she said.

That hurt me, for her to feel that way because she must have suffered throughout her life.

"You should value your body more, though I have no right to tell you what to do. But you should really think about it before you do it."

"I'll keep that in mind," she said without any interest in her voice.

'Well, it's not like I didn't see this coming.'

From what I have heard from Enji about what has happened to her. It seems like my grandfather raised her mostly secluded from the rest of the village. After my grandfather was able to save her and escaped from Dark World with a severe injury he stopped trusting the village. I don't blame him for doing that after all, I haven't trusted the village in a long time.

She seems like she was bullied by others when she was a child. Mostly because they saw that her father was a demon. Which is beyond stupid since every Taimanin has demon blood running through their veins. That means at one point in their ancestry they had a demon as their relative. So she was also isolated from her peers.

"Can we talk in private?" I asked.

"Why?" She asked, sounding more intrigued by what u had to say.

"It's about your sister."

"I don't have a sister," she said looking confused.

"That's why we need to talk."

As she stayed staring at me for what felt like an eternity to me until she said okay. Getting up and leading her out of the room I see Asagi, Shiranui, and Shizuru notice us. It seemed like Shizuru was going to say something before Asagi put a hand on her and slightly shook her head. Everyone else was too preoccupied with the argument or shocked about Shiranui sleeping with Qin to notice us.

As I got her outside and closed the door I turned around and quicker than she could react I hugged her. I felt her tense up so she probably thought I was going to attack her but stopped from pulling out her katana when I hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for what happened to you," I said while crying softly.

"What are you talking about, how are you?" She said while trying to get me off of her.

"Please let me stay like this for a little while," I begged.

It seemed she reluctantly agreed since she stopped struggling. I know after I tell her the truth of who I am she will probably hate me and I may never get the chance to hug her again so I'm taking it. As I separate from her reluctantly I have tears in my eyes, I see her face rapidly in confusion but tears in her eyes as well.

"Why are you crying child?" I asked.

"I don't know, I just felt like something I always wanted just happened."

"You have no idea how much what you said means to me. But I have to tell you something that may make you hate me. First of all, I am your mother," I said, waiting for her reaction.

"What," was all she could say.

"I understand that this is a lot to take in but there's more. While I was in captivity I had more children."


"Unfortunately they didn't have anyone to save them so Edwin raised them as killing machines. He made all my children fight to the death with only one survivor but she was twisted into a psychopath. I wasn't able to protect her, her personality is so twisted Edwin was going to have her kill me."

"This is a lot to take in," she said sitting down on the floor.

"I know but what I want to tell you is I hope you can capture your sister alive. I know she has done many awful things but it isn't all her fault. Of course, I understand that she has some of the blame but she didn't have a choice to start with."

"I need some time to process this," she says while putting her hands on her head.

"I know and I understand but please try to understand I've seen many of my children kill each other. I don't want to see my last two girls kill each other."

"What will you do with her?"

"I'll hand her over to Qin to help her."

"Will he be able to help her?"

"I don't know but his people have expressed dealing with people with mental problems."

"Can you let me think about it first," she said while getting up.

"Of course sweetie."

"Please don't, I need some time," she said before going inside the room.

'That went better than I thought, I just hope we can get together as a family by the end of it.'