
Pov. Qin Shi's

As I look at the shell of a demon that I just tortured I see that he is in perfect condition, even his clothes don't have a speck of dust. The only thing dirty are his shoes since the spot his chair is has blood all over the floor. His hollow eyes tell a story of pain that can never be expressed into words.

"Wow never thought you would train your time abilities while torturing him. But I gotta say it's a pretty impressive idea," said Lucy.

'Can't really take credit for that since I got the idea from several animes I watched in the past.'

"Really now, maybe I should start watching some. They may give me several new ideas for new punishment."

'How do you punish sinners if this is a new idea, it's not an uncommon idea that humans use in their stories.'

"I should have known humans would come up with the most brutal ways to torture each other. And for your information, we haven't been punishing humans from your world lately but when we did it was standard stuff. For lighter offenses, we did the usual torturer and pain you know the standard stuff. For heavy offenders we do one of two things if they have a conscience they relive the part of their life that haunts them. For those without one live their life as they get everything they want until life itself has no meaning for them where there is nothing more than a shell of their former self."

'Wouldn't that be more like heaven for them?'

"You would think that but you humans, especially the guys are wired to want a challenge. So if you get anything you can ever want while being able to do everything without a problem or effort then humans seem to start to go crazy. To put it in words you can understand it like if you play Dark Souls for the first time with a guitar hero controller and you 100% it without getting hit. It would be cool the first time but sooner or later you will realize you're missing something like a challenge to truly enjoy the game. Or if you see the first 10 seconds of an anime and already know how it's going to end."

'That does sound pretty bad when you put it like that.'

"Well for the worst of the worst we tend to do a mixture of things to them including what I just said."

'Okay, but what do you mean when you no longer punish the humans in my world?'

"Well we kinda felt sorry for them, the world continued to be remade but they continued to end up in hell due to following God's plan over and over again. Getting the exact same torture due to committing the exact same sin. Sure there may be a slight change every billion or so times God restarts every do to not follow his plan to a T. But those were few and far between and we started to get bored and feel sorry since they weren't even committing the sins of their own free will. They were only following God's plan so we decided we would put them to sleep when they die and are sent to hell to rest before God restarts their real hell.'

'So you made hell a resting stop for all the people in my world since you thought there going throw enough torture due to God's plan.'


'I got to say that's a depressing thought but not too surprising.'

As I'm talking to Lucy I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," I say, causing the door to open and Shion walks in followed by the rest of the ladies I sent her to get.

"Thank you for your work Shion, why don't we go get lunch later?" I asked.

"I would like that," she said with a smile on her normally expressionless face.

"Excellent but for now back to work, ladies it looks like he will be more cooperative now," I said as I looked at the group behind Shion.

"Now then can you summon your slave?" I asked.

"Yes," he answered back with a hollow voice. He used his magic to create a summoning circle and it lit up the room. You can make out the shadow of a woman in the center of the magic circle. When the light disappears you can see a beautiful woman with long dark blue hair and purple eyes in the middle of the room.

"Karin!" Shouted Kana.

As everyone was surprised and shocked to see her, she noticed that something was wrong. I noticed her trying to use her wires to tangle everyone, quite a foolish choice in front of me but I'll cut her some slack since she doesn't know me or my powers. As I used my strings to cut her wires and tie her up quickly everyone noticed what she was trying to do. But before they can even do anything she was already tied up.

"Can you people not be so surprised over every little thing," I said with a lazy voice.

"Can you blame us when was one of the most loyal and dedicated persons in the Taimanin. She has many years of experience out in the field, a true veteran. To find out she betrayed us and most likely lead to me being captured it's only natural we would be surprised," said Kana.

"I told you your elders betrayed you and are most likely planning a rebellion not 30 minutes ago and this still surprises you. Anyways by this point, you should consider any Taimanin that I have not gathered with me as a traitor until I say otherwise," I said.

"What you say makes sense," said Asagi.

"Now then what to do about you," I say as u stare at Karin.

As she was trying to get out of my strings when we weren't paying attention to her she was surprised when I mentioned her.

"Do as you like," she answered.

"Okay then work for me since this thing is no longer fit to be your master," I say while pulling the demon's head up by his hair.

As she looks toward the demon she sees her master broken and hollow. She quickly turns back to me and says "yes master."

"Are you really going to take her in, who knows since she was so quick to betray her master she may betray you as well," said Yukikaze.

"Why wouldn't I, I got was to make sure she doesn't betray me after all," I say as I go up to Karin and rewrite her slave tattoo to be mine.

As soon as I was done I let her down and she kneels before me.

"What do you wish of me master," she says.

"I'm going to send you back to keep an eye on the people I wrote down on this paper," I said, handing her a piece of paper.

"But remember to be careful, I don't want to make them aware that someone is watching them."

"Yes master," she said before I sent her back.

"Now then I've helped you enough so go do what I've assigned you to do," I said as I left the room.

"Master, what would you like us to do with the demon?" Asked Shion.

"Get rid of him I no longer have a use for him."

'Now then back to work.'

"You should really take a break," said Lucy.

'I'll take a break when Edwin is dead.'