
Pov. Aimi

'God how long is that man going to keep us waiting,' I thought as I made my way home from school.

"Are you okay princess?" Asked Akai.

"I'm okay, just tired of waiting and didn't I tell you just to call me Aimi until we finish this mission."

"I'm sorry, it's just a habit that is hard to correct but I'll be more careful in the future. As for Qin, all we can do is wait since we don't have any clue as to where he is."

"I know but I just hate being in the dark, if we could just get more information to level the playing field I would be so worried about what he's up to."

As we got home we found someone waiting for us, it was a girl I'd seen in the exorcism club. As Akai got in front of me and got ready for a fight. The woman put up her hands to show she wasn't here for a fight.

"Master will see you now," she said.

"Watch the way you speak to the princess!" Said Akai, a little too loud for my liking.

"Akai calm down, it's okay," I said.

"But princess"

"It's okay"

"You ready, it's best to not keep master waiting because he is very busy," she said.

"Fine then lead the way but even though I don't really care how you speak to me you should be careful how you speak to other people you may embarrass your master in the future."

"He does really care about all that, the way he sees it, if this little bit offends you then it's best to look for someone else to work with. By the way, the name is Toujou Yurie."

"Good to know Miss Toujou," I said.

"Yurie is just fine, no need to use that polite language with me."

"Thank you and would you be so kind as to tell us where you're leading us?" I asked.

"I'm taking you to a SUV that will take you to Qin's location."

"You expect us to get into a car that will take us to who knows where?" Asked Akai.

"You don't have to get in but if you don't you won't meet Qin," she said.

"That's fine, we will comply with what you say as long as I'm able to have a meeting with Qin," I said.

"But princess, they could be planning to kidnap you," said Akai.

"If we wanted to kidnap you we would have done it already. After all, we already took care of most of your guards," says Yurie.

"She's right Akai, they don't need to go through this if they want to kidnap me."

"Fine but if anything happens make sure to follow my lead."

"Of course Akai," I said while smiling. Akai has always made sure I stayed safe, she really is my best friend.

We finally made it to the SUV, when she opened the door so we could get in. I was surprised to see Celia and Ririko inside as well.

"Well, well, well it looks like the princess is joining us after all," said Ririko.

"Princess you should come, it may be dangerous. I will go and inform you of what happened after I come back," said Celia.

"If we come back," said Ririko.

"Ririko why must you say things like that and Celia I must go to speak with Qin no matter what," I said while getting in the SUV and sitting down.

"Hey, you never know he could just want us for our bodies. After all, to him we could be just four high quality sex slaves."

"As vulgar as ever Ririko, for the life of me I will never understand how the hero sees you as a pure maiden," said Akai as she got into the SUV.

"He's an idiot and for your information, I am a pure maiden."

"Could have fooled me and maybe a sex slave wouldn't be a bad life for you."

"Well, as long as the guy is hot and has a huge dick I won't mind."

As they continued to talk I looked at the interior of the SUV. All the windows were tinted so dark we couldn't see what was outside. The driver and passenger side were separated like a limo with a dark tinted window not letting us see anything as well. For a while, we continued talking to take our minds off what could happen since I'm sure we were all worried about what may happen.

Or at least I think we were since Ririko started adjusting her school uniform to make herself look more slutty. Whether it was to try and seduce Qin or be ready for her new life as his sex slave I couldn't say. Honestly, I think she would be satisfied with either result.

Suddenly the SUV stops and all four of the doors open. I don't see Yurie anymore and in her place are four girls all wearing white masks that represent yokai.

"Please follow me, the master is waiting for you," said the one that had an oni mask on.

As all of us got down and started following her we noticed a lot of women working here. Sure there were men but the majority were women. But everyone had a mask that was in the shape of a yokai.

"There are an awful lot of women working here, does your boss sleep with all of them?" Asked Ririko.

"Not all of them but he does sleep with a majority of them," answered the oni.


"He must be a beast in bed if he can satisfy all these women."

"Yes he is, are you interested. You wouldn't be the first or last Taimanin he beds."

"Tempting but I'd like to talk to him before I make up my mind."

"Just remembered if you sleep with him he will most likely take you as his woman and refuse to let you go."

"So what I will be his sex slave or something."

Oni just looks at her before saying "if you're into that, he doesn't kink shame."

As she is talking to Ririko she approaches a door and knocks on it.

"Master their here," she says.

"Let them in," says a man behind the door that is most likely Qin.

So she opens the door to let us in before closing the door behind us when we all go inside. Inside Qin was working on some papers behind a desk with Shiranui standing next to him.

"Thank you oni you may leave to continue your work," he says without looking up.

"Yes master," she says before leaving the room.

As he finishes working on something he finally looks up to us. He doesn't have his blindfold on but his eyes are closed.

"So what do you want to talk about princesses," he says with a smirk.

'Something tells me he's going to be a pain in the ass.'