None ya

Pov. Qin Shi's

"So what do you want to talk about princesses," I say.

"Well first of all I would like to thank you for seeing us even though you're quite busy," she said.

"Don't mention it and do drop the formalities, they can be quite annoying and tedious. It's best if you get right to the point, it would save us all a lot of time since like you said I'm quite busy."

"Yes well then if you don't mind, I would like to know what are your intentions in this country?"

"My intentions? I thought I made myself quite clear what my intentions were to Yamato. Did he not pass on my message?"

"Well yes he did inform us of your message but I would like to hear it from you."

"I see you don't trust me, it's not like I blame you. I wouldn't trust me either but I really did just come to kill some people that can be troublesome to me later on. And if I punish some ass holes along the way then I see that as a positive."

"And those people that you want to kill are our citizens, it would be weird if we didn't make sure what you said was true."

"You had no idea of what they were doing under your very nose. You don't even know which people in your government that you can trust. The fact that Shiranui was captured means that they know that you're finally on to them and investigating which people are working with demons. That you only found out because of me and you want me to work with you just because this is your country. I could have just run away from Yamato and hide. And you guys wouldn't know how to find me. The only reason I even informed you of this was so you wouldn't do something stupid to rune my plans."

"You have no right to talk to the princess that way!" Shouted her bodyguard.

"The point I was trying to make was what makes you think it matters if what I said was true or not. The fact of the matter is something big has been going on in your country for the last I don't know, let's say 200 years and you people had no idea of it. It would be for the best if you and your family just stayed on the sidelines like you always have and let me deal with your mess. Keep in mind I won't be cleaning it all up, so you will still have some work ahead of you."

"I know we messed up and let this continue and the fact that we didn't know about it is no excuse. In fact that makes it worse since it was our job to keep our people safe but we failed. Even so, I will not allow you to do as you please in this country," said the princess.

"Again you don't really have a choice at the moment," I said.

"Can I get it into this conversation for a bit," said Ririko.

"Sure but I thought you were just part of the princess group," I said.

"Yes, well even if I am I would still need to ask some questions on behalf of the Taimanin."

"First of all, what happened to the Taimanin that you captured?"

"They're fine, you can speak with them after this if you want."

"I would like that now then, what are you doing here Shiranui?" She asked while looking at her.

When she was asked, Shiranui looked at me so I gave her a go ahead gesture.

"I was saved by him and due to a series of events I have decided to work for him," she said.

"Do you know that your daughter has gone missing looking for you, along with Rinko?"

"Yes I do, I also know about Asagi's group going missing. Along with Kana and Lilliana, they too have been saved and are now working with Qin."


"Yes, like Qin has said if you don't believe us you are free to talk to them after this talk."

"Will it be possible for me to talk to them as well?" Asked the princess.

"Go for it, now then do you have any more questions?" I asked.

"Yes, what do you plan to do after accomplishing your goal?"

"Nothing really, at least not in this country."

"So you don't want any kind of position of power or reward."

"Not really, I don't really care what this country does as long as it doesn't bother me. I also don't care to try and take control of the world like Edwin. The work alone would be so annoying, not to mention having to deal with people, no thank you."

"You seriously not going to ask for a reward?" Asked Lucy.

'No, but I will take the oni village I made, Yomihara, and Amidahara.'

"I know about the oni village and Yomihara but where is Amidahara?"

'It's an abandoned city that was attacked by a hell wave a few years back. They weren't able to protect it so they evacuated the citizens and left it to the monsters and demons. About 2 years ago a group of underground organizations got together and killed all of them and took the city back. Due to many reasons, the government wasn't able to take it back from them, though they do see it as an improvement over demons. Now it's used as a gathering place for all the people that are outcasts of society.'

"So a city for criminals."

'Well not all of them but yes.'

"And they will let you have them."

'Well they don't know of Yomihara or the oni village and as for Amidahara. They don't even control it so they won't mind.'

"My last question is if you're part of the Qin clan?" Asked the princess, causing my conversation with Lucy to be put on hold.

"Now that's an interesting question, but I have to ask why would you think I'm part of their clan? Other than my name of course," I said with a smile on my face.

"Well, it's true your name would normally be a dead giveaway. From what I know Zhongguo hasn't allowed anyone in the clan to use the first emperor's name. The last person to try was severely punished. Coupled with the fact that we have no information about you would lead most to believe you're just using that name to hide your real name but I don't get the feeling that you would do something like that. The way you act also shows me even though you seem laid back, you really have the bearing of a king that you can't completely hide."

As soon as she said the name Zhongguo a certain memory flashed through my mind.

'Lucy, what was that?' I asked with an annoyed tone in my thoughts.

"I'll tell you later, for now, focus on the talk," she said, looking nervous and doing something with her hands. Most likely looking through some invisible states menu.

'We will be talking about this later.'

"Well to answer your question is none ya," I said.

"None ya?"

"None of your business, but if it puts your mind at ease I'm not working with the Chinese government."