
Pov. Ririko

This man is so interesting, not to mention hot. Sure he is using the name of the first emperor of China which is surprising but that only adds to his mystery.

'Though if I paid attention in history class I may have known that. Though I don't remember the history teacher going over a lot of China's history.'

"So is there anything else?" He asks.

"Yes, who is it that you want to kill?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I don't think I told Yamato who it was I wanted to kill exactly. The person I want to kill is someone that all of you know very well. His name is Edward Black."

That surprised me, sure Edwin is a bad guy but why exactly does he want to kill him.

"I see some of you are surprised and confused. Well my reason for wanting to kill him is quite simple, if he learns of my existence and strength he would want to kill me. Which is no surprise after all that's the same reason why he targets the Taimanin because he sees them as a threat. But the difference is that so you people can be a threat to him you need time to get stronger as well as attack him in a group. So he doesn't see you as much of a threat at the moment, that's why he's in such a hurry to kill you all. That's why he decided it would be easy for his plan if he takes care of you separately."

"Is that why so many Taimanin have gone missing?"

"Yes, that way you would be able to unite with Asagi and Shiranui to defeat him. Then again you would still only have a slight chance of defeating him but to him, that's enough. Now if he found out someone like me exists, someone that needs no time or anyone else to kill him. Then he would stop at nothing to eliminate the threat."

"How do you know that?"

"Because he is immortal, sure fighting with me will ruin his plan but so what. For someone that has all the time in the world all he has to do is go into hiding for a few hundred years before coming back and doing what he did all over again."

"I see," said the princess.

"Well, that's all the time I have for you. Shiranui, would you lead them to the other so they can talk."

"Sure, follow me princess," says Shiranui leading us out of the room.

"So are you sleeping with him?" I asked Shiranui as soon as we left the room.

"We are in a relationship," she answered with a hint of bashfulness.

That surprised me a bit since as far as I remember she tended to be quite conservative.

"Just know if you plan to sleep with him, he may not let you go Ririko-chan," she said.

"Does he sleep with everyone that gives him the go ahead?" Asked the princess.

"No, he seems to get together with those he seems likely to stay with. So if he gets with you he would make you his wife."

"Nice to know," I said.

This can be a good option if I want to leave Taimanin. The elders have been acting weird lately and everyone in the village has been a pain as well.

Pov. Qin Shi's

"Master Blue Rabbit is here with what she promised you," said Kana As she came in after the princess's group left.

"Really, well have we already believed the weapons we promised her?" I asked.

"Yes, we have"

"Good then lead the way"

When she brought me to the garage I saw Blue Rabbit wearing that sexy black dress of hers that really shows off her assets. Along with her bodyguards in front of her SUV. With some of them taking a huge crate out of a truck they brought.

"Good to see you Blue, I hope those weapons we gave you are helping you out."

"Qin, good to see you too and those weapons have been fantastic. Really gives us the edge over our competitors," she said as she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Good, good, now then I would like to talk to you about a drug we are making but that's for later. For now, let's see what you have brought me."

"Well I would like to talk about that drug but we should get this over with."

As we were talking her man brought the crate down the truck and put it in front of us. Opening it up I see a girl with white hair wearing a neon punk sexy bikini armor.

"Her name is Asha, she's a prototype weapon/bodyguard that a perv scientist made back in the states. She has two combat knives, one katana, and a kind of whip tail thing that has a knife on the end of it. All super heated during combat of course," said blue.

"Looks good, Desire would you start her up."

"Yes master"

"How was that," said Blue, looking around to see who just spoke.

As I ignore her I see Asha open her eyes to look right at me before kneeling towards me.

"Combat unit Asha ready to serve master," she said in a monotone voice.

"Master she already has you set as her master so you can order her to do what you want. Also even though she doesn't seem to have feelings she does, only she's not used to them so she will need some time to get adjusted to them," said Desire.

"Good then for now follow me, Asha."

"Yes master"

"Now then let's go talk business," I said to Blue as I offered her my arm.

"Yes let's," she says, wrapping her arms around mine. Putting it between her big breasts.

'Shit, I should have worn a short sleeved t-shirt today.'

"Well I'm sure if you ask she would allow you to do a lot more to them than just put your arm against them," said Lucy.

'I'm sure she would but she would most likely want something in return and I would rather not have to give her something just because I couldn't keep it in my pants.'

"Whatever, do what you want but in all seriousness are you really going to start selling drugs?"
