
Pov. Qin Shi's

"Not that I'm complaining but are you sure about selling drugs," said Lucy.

'Yes I'm sure, look drugs are going to be sold even if I want them to be sold or not. Hell, I could forbid the selling of drugs in my territory but people will still find ways to sell them. So it would be better if I control the sellers instead of other people doing it that have worse intentions. Plus the drugs I ordered them to make are different from the other drugs.'

"Oh, and what's so different about your drugs."

'For one they're way less addictive and do way less damage to the body. But they still provide the high or dopamine hit they want.'

"But they still cause damage, correct."

'Yup, that's something we couldn't change completely yet. But it's something I have my people working on. Who knows, maybe I'll find a way to make it a reality in one of the worlds I'll visit when you unlock the system completely.'

"Don't get snarky at me, these things take time, just because you read some fanfics that show someone does it quickly doesn't mean it's easy. Just making pathways to different worlds takes a whole lot of time. Not to mention I'm making the world's you get connected to are random which is a whole nother ball game."

'Okay I get it just make sure it's safe, I would want to end up somewhere I shouldn't be.'

"That's another challenge in and of itself, after all not all beings that can wield infinity are friendly. Sure they're not all going to try to kill you but some of them are dicks that can do some asshole things to you just for entertainment."

'Like drop you into hell'

"Are you still upset over that? I made sure you landed in a permanent safe zone until you left. I also gave you some pretty op powers so you would be fine."

'I'm not really upset over it anymore but that was still a pretty asshole thing to do without giving me a heads up.'

As I continued to talk to Lucy I led Blue to my office. When we got there I gestured for her to sit on a couch while I sat on the couch opposite it.

"So tell me about these new drugs you made," said Blue.

"Well, they do less damage to the body while still providing that high or dopamine hit people want."

"Is that all because if it is then I don't see the reason to buy it because I could just keep selling what I'm already selling."

"Well with less damage to the bodies your customers will live longer which means more money in your pocket. But if that is unsatisfying to you it's also cheaper and easier to make than cocaine. So I can give you a stable supply without any problems."

"Now that's interesting, how much cheaper are we talking about?"

"Making a kilo will take half the time and one third of the money that it would take to make a kilo of cocaine."

"Okay color me intrigued, so how do you want to cooperate with this business."

"For the moment I will sell it exclusively to you since you're my only contact to the states. You can also sell it in whichever territory you have but I will sell it in Japan."

"Okay, then how much will you sell it to me for."

"You won't have to pay a dime but you will have to give me forty percent of the profits."

"Really now that's not a bad deal, but it's almost like I work for you now. Well, it's not like I hate the idea," she says as she gets up to walk over to me before sitting down next to me. Pressing her body close to mine while starting to kiss my neck.

"Well, I don't mind taking it to that level. I must warn you that if you want to continue, you will always be mine."

"Well don't you know how to sound romantic but don't worry as long as you don't betray me I am willing to be your," she whispers into my ear.

Well, I warned her so I pushed her down and made love to her for the next two hours.

"I'll have someone take you to a room in a moment. Also, you should get the first shipment of drugs by tomorrow, it should be enough for the month," I said to the tired Blue Rabbit on the coach.

"I don't want to walk you, take me," she says.

"Okay but I'm not dressing you up so you do it yourself."


As I see her put on her dress again I look at all the tattoo looking marks on her body. Even though they look like tattoos there really are a sign of her transforming into a demon due to the drug Nomad is selling her.

"By the way I know it's a little late but what's your name?" I asked.

"I don't really have one since I was an orphan raised on the streets. So I just gave myself the name Blue Rabbit but you can continue to call me Blue from now on."

She finally finished putting on her clothes so I picked her up in a bridal style and started walking towards a room to let her rest.

"You really did a number on me, you now just because I have rabbit in my name doesn't mean I can get fuck as long as one," she says.

"I keep that in mind in the future."

"You better, by the way, what's your name?"

"Qin Shi Huang"

"So you weren't lying about that, I take it you're part of the Qin clan."


"Are you really not going to tell me?"

"It's complicated but I'll tell you in the future."

"Okay I'll wait"

I made my way towards a room opening the door and going inside. The room was a luxurious room where we will allow guests to stay.

"Well for now have some rest, I have more work to do," I said as I put her to bed.

"Okay," she says as she quickly goes to sleep.

'Guess she was more tired than I thought.'

Making my way outside before I closed the door and headed back to my office. When I got back I told Kana not to allow anyone to disturb me. Sitting back down I got Lucy off my shoulder and onto my desk.

'Now then what was that memory about.'