
Sorry about the absence, life has been hectic lately. Someone bought the company I work at so the higher-ups made everyone work twice as much so they can look like an asset instead of a liability. So I've been dead tired these last week. Anyways back to the story.


Pov. Qin Shi's

'Now then what was that memory about?' I asked Lucy while I looked down at her.

"Well about that it's a small error on my part but it won't cause you any trouble, promise."

She says as she walks off my desk before growing to her normal height and sitting down on one of my couches.

'I've noticed that my personality has changed slightly due to the memories of Qin Shi Huang from Records of Ragnarok. So you can understand my concerns when I learned I also have the memories of this world's Qin just a moment ago.'

"First of all, I fixed it so those memories won't affect you too much if at all anymore. Luckily that also means these new memories won't affect you at all. Secondly, remember when I said and I quote {I will give you his memories}?"


"Well I wasn't really specific when I did that, I just did it while thinking of giving you Qin Shi's memories. What I didn't expect was that you would get the memories of the Qin Shi Huang that lived in this world as well."

'Okay, then why did it take so long for me to get them. Because I'm pretty sure that I only got them when I was speaking to the princess.'

"Don't know, maybe it will take some time before you get them or something needs to trigger your memory of this world's Qin."

'That does make sense, after all, they did start appearing in my head after the princesses mentioned Zhongguo after all.'

"So how's Zhongguo?"

'She's like Yamato for China.'

"I see no wonder her name triggered the memories of this world's Qin. After all, he did unite China so he would have quite a vivid memory of her."

'Yes he does but enough about that are you sure it won't negatively affect me and is there anything more I should know?'

"Of course, it won't negatively affect you. I made sure of it as for things you need to know. Let's just say you'll getthememoriesofQinShiHuangoftheworldyouvisitifheexistedthereatonepoint."

'What was that you said it too fast?'


"You'll get the memories of Qin Shi Huang of the world you visit if he existed there at some point in time."

'Will that affect me in any negative way?'

"No, in fact, it may help you depending on the world you visit."

'Okay then'

"Okay? You're not mad?"

'Not really it should be fine if you say so and like you said it may be useful depending on what world I go to so I see it as a plus.'

"Really, I thought you would be angrier over this."

'I would have been if it would have continued to affect my personality but you said you already took care of that, right."


'Why did that answer sound like a question?' I asked while putting my hand on my head due to the feeling that a headache was coming my way.

"I mean yes, of course I took care of it but let me make sure there won't be any more errors just to make sure," she said as she disappeared.

'And there's the headache, fuck it let's go to the casino. Nothing like spending my hard earned money that I made by robbing ass holes on dumb shit.'

As I go out of the room I see Yurie so I tell her I'm going to Bunny Kings casino to talk to Bunny K.

Pov. Bunny K

"EDWINNN!" I screamed as I used the little bit of sanity to grab a syringe to inject the contacts into me.

"Hah, hah, hah"

As I catch my breath I can't help but curse what I have become. I don't even remember why I do it anymore, just the intense hate I have for that man is what keeps me going. Every day that passes erodes my sanity bit by bit. It's gotten to the point that I need these damned injections to calm me down and not lose control. But I continue because I can feel it my revenge will be reality soon.

"Miss I have something urgent to report," I hear from my intercom on my desk.

"This better be good, you know I want to be completely alone with no distractions around this time," I said to my secretary.

"Of course, it seems that Nurarihyon has entered our casino."

"Really, now isn't that interesting. For now, make sure he has everything he needs and monitor him from a distance. I'll be down to greet him in a minute."

"Yes miss"

'Now what could he want, whatever it is it may have something to do with Edwin. I'll go down after I rest a couple of minutes. Those outbursts really take it out of me.'

After resting up I go down to the floor to find Qin at a table playing and winning a game of Texas Holdem. From the number of chips, he got he seems to have been winning for some time.

"Is this set taken?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"Did you even need to ask if you were going to sit there anyway K," he said.

"I guess not but it's only polite to ask and as the owner it's kind of a perk that I can sit anywhere I want."

"Fare, so are you going to play with us? We are about to start a new game, he says as he puts down four of a kind."



"Not again!"

"That's it you blind bastard you're cheating," says one of the players getting up to start something.

But before he could do something the guards nearby grabbed him and dragged him outside.

"Well since one of your players just left I may as well take his spot," I said as one of the attendees brought me a few rows of chips.

"Good 500 every rise," he says with a smirk.

"Well then looks like I'll be earning quite a bit," I answered back.

"You forgot you can't smirk back didn't you," he said.

"Shut up"

God this guy is way too observant for a blind guy if that even makes sense.