The fun kind

Pov. Future Yukikaze

What he has said left me speechless, thinking back to how many situations could have been prevented if we weren't so arrogant due to our powers. How many people could have been saved if we did more than the bare minimum when we gathered information. Hell, I distinctly remember Arsal talking about the invasion and making sure to conserve humanity so they don't go extinct as he called himself a wildlife preserver. But I never paid attention to it, no one did, we all thought he was a strange demon that was a bit touched in the head.

"You know this will be a lot easier if we meet up with your group so I won't have to explain this twice," he said.

"I guess but you still haven't told me your name," I said.

"Wait, you slept with him and you didn't even know his name?" Asked my past self.

"I thought he was one of our regular customers so I had to pretend to know him."

"What do you mean customers?" She asked.

"What do you mean, what do I mean customers? The customers we served before we escaped."

When I said that she looked like she realized what I said as her face went pale.

"You don't mean I actually served as a sex slave, what happened to Tatsuro. He was supposed to save me if something went wrong."

"Same thing that most likely happened here he never came. Until he was brought here to show him what had happened to us, luckily we managed to escape later on but the damage was already done to us. Rinko, Tatsuro, and I were never the same after that but we continued pushing forward because if we didn't many more people would get hurt. Though it did take us a long time to finally get over it. The scars still remain even if the wounds have already healed."

As I said that I could see her thinking about what I said. From what I could put together she was spared the fate I suffered because of the man in front of me. It seems his existence has changed everything but Tatsuro still never showed up.

"Well has been a lovely chat but like I said in the beginning it's best we include everyone from the start or we will have to repeat ourselves again. Oh and by the way, my name is Qin Shi Huang," he said as he started putting on his clothes.

"Qin is right it's best we get both our groups together so we can talk this through with everyone," said mom.

"Well then if we are all agreed then I'll wait outside for you," said Qin as he was fully clothed.

After getting my clothes on I took them to my hideout to meet everyone that has come with me to the past. When we arrived I saw Rinko come out in a hurry with a worried look on her face.

"Thank God you're alright, if you would have taken any longer we would have stormed that place to get you," said Rinko while she hugged me with her one good arm.

"I'm fine but we have things we have to talk about," I said.

"Yes we do," said Kirara as she looked at Qin, my past self, and mom.

"Nice to see you're not hiding your beautiful horns anymore Kirara," said Qin.

"You know me, I don't remember you or telling anyone about my horn back then," she said while narrowing her eyes.

"Well, nothing gets past these eyes."

"But you're blindfolded."

"Mou man tai, don't sweat the small details."

"No, that's a pretty big detail. Anyways, what have you done? I thought we agreed to have as little contact with our past self to make sure we don't mess up the future too much."

"You don't have to worry too much about that but I'll explain when everyone gets here," said Qin before I could answer Kirara's question.

"And who exactly is everyone?" She asked.

"Oh don't worry it's no one you don't know," he said.

Suddenly some black SUVs pulled up and parked in front of us. Kirara, Rinko, Asuka, Maika, Mari, Hebiko, Saki, Abigail, and I got ready for combat. As I was dreading about the choice I made of trusting this man I saw who steps out of the car. It was Rinko, Asagi, Sakura, Murasaki, Saya, Saika, Asuka, Maika, Kirara, Kurenai, Nagare, Reiko, Shizuru, Kana, Enji, and Rei.

This shocked all of us since some of them should be betraying the Taimanin by now or dead. The most shocking thing was that Rei was okay, she was the main reason Enji betrayed us. When I thought I couldn't be more surprised another SUV pulled up in it were Oboro, Ingrid, and Kaliya. As we got ready to fight, Qin got in front of us.

"Calm down, there with me," he said.

"What are you doing with them," I asked.

"We work for him now," said Ingrid as she walked toward us.

"Like we would believe that!" Shouted Rinko.

As I looked over to our past selves they don't seem to be surprised or like there ready for a fight. In fact, some of them seem to be giggling at our reaction.

"It is indeed true that they work for Qin now and his goal is to kill Edwin," said Asagi.

"Fine will take your word and behave but the first sign of them trying something we will kill them," said Kirara.

As we relaxed a bit but still kept our guard up I see Oboro and Kaliya go behind the SUV and open up the trunk causing us to tense up a bit.

"Now that we got that out of the way we brought more friends for you. It seems a group looking for the princess arrived so we decided to bring them along for our little talk," said Ingrid.

"Took longer than I thought, you made sure they weren't hurt when you caught them," said Qin.

"Well you can't catch someone like them without hurting them a bit but I made sure they could walk," she said, sounding bored.

"It wasn't that hard, after all, there's no one that knows her better than me," said Oboro as she leads a few Taimanin bound and gagged.

"Big Sister!!" Shouts Saki as she heads towards Homura, who is also within that group.

But as she was about to pass Qin she was flipped and landed on her feet facing toward us instead of her sister.

"What is the meaning of this," said Rinko with a dangerous tone in her voice as she reached for her other hand seals.

"I would also like an answer to that question Qin why do you have them bound and gagged?" Asked Asagi.

"Same reason I had you in the same condition when you were asked by my subordinate if you would please follow them," he said.

"I take it you also send those three along with your other subordinate to get them as you did with us."



Asagi puts her hand on her head like she's tired of dealing with his whims.

"You do understand that no one and I mean no one in the Taimanin would follow them anywhere at all. As soon as they are spotted a fight will absolutely start," she said like she was trying to explain to a 5 year old.

"I told them to say please," he said like that would solve everything.

We all stared at him dumbfounded at his reasoning.

"Anyways, did you record their reaction," he said to Oboro.

"Of course, this time reaction was even better since she was with them as well," she said, smiling wickedly as she patted Miss Masked on her shoulder causing her to glare at her.

"Oh don't look at me like that, you aren't in any danger. In fac,t you're lucky to be caught by him. Since if you were caught by Edwin, well let's just say he had plans for you."

"Wait, what did she mean by "this time reaction was even better". Did you make them say that just to film our reaction for a laugh," said Asagi.

"Yes," he says without flinching or breaking his smile.

"Calm down Asagi, it's not worth it," said Shiranui as she along with Sakura, Murasaki, Saki, and Asuka are holding her back.

"More important would you hand them over to Yuki and Shiranui so they can unbound them and make sure they don't do anything stupid," said Qin.

"Yuki, what kind of guy did you bring here?" Rinko whispered to me.

"I'm asking myself that exact same question," I whispered back.

"The fun kind," answered Qin.

'I wonder if I made a huge mistake,' I thought to myself for the hundredth time.