
Pov. Kirara

As Oboro and Kaliya hand over those they have caught over to Asagi. I looked over the one that caught my eye the most was Miss Masked, who we now know is the real Koukawa Oboro but was forced to hide her identity. After her fight with Edwin, she almost lost her life but used her rare ability that transferred her soul into a different host body. Then there was Saki's big sister Homura that died fighting the brain flayers. And finally, there were Mari and Hebiko. Now all our past selves were gathered, as I was dreaded what would happen to our future. The past Yukikaze and Rinko untied them.

"What the hell is going on Asagi? Why are you working together with them!?" Asks Koukawa while she points at Ingrid's group.

"Calm down, a lot happened while we were away from the village and it will take a while to explain," said Asagi.

"Well, you better start explaining because if it isn't anything less than them helping you kill Edwin that would get me to work with her," she said as she glared at Oboro.

"What are you still upset that I'm rocking this body better than you ever could," said Oboro while smirking at her.

"Like I would ever want it back after you used it as Edwin's dog."

That seemed to get Oboro mad since she looked ready to fight Koukawa until the man that Yukikaze brought put his hand in front of her calming her back down.

"Well then now that everyone here that needs to be let me introduce myself my name is Qin Shi Huang and we have a lot of interesting things to talk about," he said.

As I looked at him closely, he was wearing something a successful gangster would wear in the movies. But I felt no strength from him if I did know any better I would think he was a regular person with some money. But I did know better, while my instincts knew better since I felt a huge threat coming from this man.

"Okay, what do you want?" Asked Koukawa.

"From you nothing really since I know everything I would have to know. Isn't that right Oboro?" He asked.

"Of course master," she says as she smiles and gets close to him.

"How much do you know?" Asked Koukawa with more of an edge to her voice.

"I know a lot of things for example because of your last fight with Edwin he was able to learn your trick which makes him much harder to kill," he said with all the earlier humor gone from his voice but oddly enough still smiling.


"Just as you heard he has learned your escape technique. Though he hasn't perfected it, it will still be annoying to kill him."

"No, how can that be possible? You're lying, it shouldn't be possible for him to learn it by just watching it a few times."

"And yet he learned it"

"It's true, he has learned your technique and has even prepared some bodies to use it if he ever needs to," said Ingrid as she got close to Qin as she lightly pushed Oboro away from him.

"There you go, if Ingrid is saying it then it is true," he said with his playful tone back.

If what he says is true then killing Edwin just got a whole lot harder. Koukawa's life saving technique Cicada Shell allows her to possess other people's bodies, at which point they will look just like her, which also includes her clothes.

"Anyways, let's go inside and have a long talk. I'm sure you don't need me to introduce you to each other but just encase, past meet your future," Qin said with a chuckle as he walked inside our base.

Pov. Kirara

As I walk beside, from what I understand is the future vision of me I look her over.

'She really does look like me but older,' I think to myself.

As I'm looking her over my gaze stops on her head, to be more specific her horns. The fact that she is showing her horns without hiding them surprised me since I didn't think I would ever show them to anyone. It seems she felt me staring since she turned to look at me before smiling at me.

"Got to say it's a little weird walking next to a young me," she said.

"Yes, it is," I say before staying silent.

"You're wondering why I'm not hiding my horns right?" She asked me.


"A lot happened when the brain flayer attacked, many died trying to fight them off. Including our mother, funny enough she died trying to protect me. Typically of her only acts like a mother at the end. After everything ended and we lost I couldn't take it and ran away and locked myself in a fantasy to relieve the past. Only until Asuka, Maika, and Yukikaze came to free me of my self made prison did I decide to stop running and help them take back our world," she says while lightly touching her horns.

"That's a lot to take in," I said.

"I know but if we are successful you won't have to leave through that. But enough about that for now tell me about Qin, he must be something for you to allow him to see your horns. After all, I never let Kotaro see my horns."

"Wait hold on a minute, Qin knows about my horns!" I shouted as I used my hands to cover up my ribbons.

As I look forward towards Qin I see him turn his head back and smirk at me. At least I think it's at me since he still has that stupid blindfold on it always makes it hard to tell.

"You mean you did tell him about them? That's strange since when he first met me he wasn't surprised he even called them beautiful," she said as she blushed lightly.

Normally I would be smacking my future self for blushing over something a guy said but this time I understood her since I was also blushing. But unlike her I could feel my entire face hot, I had no doubt my entire face was red. All my life people have called me many things over my horns but beautiful was not one of them. It got to the point where I even started hating them and my mother. I saw myself as a freak for a short time in my life because of them. I only got through that time in my life because of my close friend Kurenai who was also living through a similar situation as me.

'I guess he's not all bad then, wait did she say something about Kotaro? As in Fuuma Kotaro!?'

"You mentioned Kotaro, please don't tell me I was going out with that Fuuma Kotaro. You know what no, don't even tell me, I refuse to believe it. Like I would ever go out with a guy, especially that pervert."

"It seems we haven't gotten to the point in time where we start to like him yet. Well, don't worry too much we weren't able to go out. I never got the chance to tell him how I feel about him. In fact, most of us here didn't get the chance to tell him before everything happened," she said.


"Yes and you really need to keep your voice down," she said.

As soon as she said that, I shut my mouth and looked around only to find that most of the others not paying too much attention to me. The only ones really paying attention are Oboro, Ingrid, and Kaliya. Everyone else is too shocked at what the future selves seem to be saying to them. Even those that don't have a future self like Reiko and Saika are too distracted by what they are saying to pay attention to me.

"You know you don't really have to worry about it after all things seem to be going differently in this timeline," she said while looking at Qin.

"That's because it's not a timeline, it's an alternate universe," he said without looking back.

"Care to explain?" She asked.

"Yes" is all he said as he continued to lead the way.

"You picked a weird guy but it's not like I have the right to judge. After all, I fell in love with someone like Kotaro."

"We're not like that yet!"

""Yet?"" She and Qin both asked at the same time which just made me blush more in embarrassment.

"Forget what I just said!" I shouted at Qin.

"Sure," he says while smirking at me again.

"Well at least he's not dense, Kotaro would have just asked us if we said something even if we shouted that," she said while staring off into the distance.

'How could the future me fall for such an idiot' was all I could think as I looked at her.

"Anyways, what was he like?" I asked her while whispering.


"Your version of Qin."

When I asked that she made a weird face like she was asked something that's common knowledge. That made me worry after all they shouldn't be that different so what's with the weird face she made?

"Good question, we don't have one," she said as she continued to look at him weirdly.


"And here we are," said Qin, opening two double doors.

Inside the room was set up for a meeting with a long table and enough chairs for everyone. It even had a projector on the table hooked up to a laptop. Along both sides of the wall were his subordinates waiting for instructions.

"Now that everyone who should be here is here, let's go over everything I already went over so I won't have to repeat myself more than twice," he said sitting down at the head of the table.

"How did you even do all this, at our base without even us realizing?" Asked the future Yukikaze.

"Magic," he said with a smirk.

'Well, I guess he is better than Kotaro but just a little.'