
Pov. Lucy

As I look around the void I see all manner of beings. Some of them are human-looking, others in the shape of animals, or a mixture of creatures, others don't even have what you can call a shape and are ever-changing. They're all doing their own thing whether it's talking to each other, flirting, fighting, relaxing, or just sitting on their throne.

'God I hate this meeting, good thing they don't take place frequently,' I thought to myself while relaxing on my throne with a cup of wine in my hand.

"Hey Lucifer what's with the new look?" I hear someone ask to the left of me.

As I look over I see one of my good friends Loki on his throne floating toward me.

"Well you know it gets boring being the same thing so I thought I would change it up. Plus I quite like this version of me the mortals came up with," I said.

"True it does get boring if you don't change it up every now and again. And if it's one thing we can agree on is that the mortals do come up with some pretty interesting versions of ourselves," he said while adjusting his clothes.

"You say that but when was the last time you changed that form," I said as I looked at what Qin remembers as the Marvel version of Loki.

"Hey if it works why try to fix it. Anyways I'm surprised you took the form of a woman while Zeus is around and not that one with all the eyes, feathers, and light that you usually take around him."

"Like you're one to talk, don't think you're safe from him just because you're in the form of a man. Hell, I think he was eyeing me up a few times in that form I always took around him. Probably thought of it as a new challenge of how to fuck the thing without a gender."

"True, Zeus is weird like that. I've even heard that he has taken some of the versions of himself as lovers from the world's he made whether they are men or women. In fact, I don't think he even cared if they had a humanoid form."

"Wouldn't surprise me after all his worlds are always unique, to say the least."

"Anyways it doesn't look like Yahweh is going to show up again. I'm still surprised he let you join the pact."

"That old light never shows up, too preoccupied with his own things. And he didn't let me join since he didn't have a say in the matter."

"Right, anyways you have any ideas what the meeting is about this time?"

"Probably the same as every time. He's going to check up on us and make sure we aren't fucking around too much and see what we are doing about them."

"Ah yes them, the old calling them that so anyone listening in won't have any idea who we are talking about until they are revealed."

"Yes those them and to be honest I'm surprised you're not among them with your sense of humor."

"Hey, I take offense to that statement after all professionals have standards. And they are anything but professional."

Suddenly everyone goes silent and sits up straight on their throne or stands up straight where they are floating. Out in the distance, a huge eye opens up in the void, inside it were more eyes opening up, inside them were more eyes opening up, and so it went for infinity. Odorous the personification of infinity has arrived.

"Good everyone is here," its voice came from everywhere and nowhere.

"For someone that has more eyes than the Argus he is pretty blind to not notice Yahweh not here," said Zeus trying to be funny.

It is a pretty freaky experience having infinite numbers of eyes all focused on you as Zeus found out right away. As he looked around for help only to notice everyone that was around him just a moment ago was as far away as they could get from him.

"As I was saying everyone's here, isn't that right Yahweh?" It asked.

"Yes," answered a familiar voice.

As I turn around to see him I spot four big golden rings covered in eyes spinning around what looks to be a ball of light.

'Fuck if even he is here then this must be important. Okay act cool there's no way for him to know I took that soul.'

"You took that soul didn't you," said a voice to my right.

Peeking over my shoulder I see that old light, quickly looking to my left I find Loki disappearing on me.

"We'll talk after the meeting," said the old light.



At the same time at another distant location, another group was meeting.

Them 1: So does anyone have any ideas about how to kill time?

Them A: How about we fight those gods with a stick up their ass?

Them better than the people on top of me: Yes let's kill the hectares for the God Emperor!

Them ♾: lol, then kill yourself.

Them anyone below me is gay: Ah yes great argument but in my defense your mother.

Them anyone reading this is gay: Why don't we just go get some Wendy's?

Them jokes on you I'm into that shit: Sure I can go for some Wendy's.

Them anyone reading this is gay: Damn then you'll love when deez nuts are on your face.

Them jokes on you I'm into that shit: Have you read my username.

Them anyone reading this is gay: ...

Them: Leeeeerooooy Jenkinsss!!!

Them I'm ready: A shit some stop him.

Them $: Not so ready now are you.

Them I got this: don't worry I got him.

Them 1: Alright guys another successful meeting. Now just remember the plan and everything will go perfectly.

Them A: What plan?

Them 1: Exactly.

Them everyone: MAXAM EFFORT!!!


Pov. Qin Shi's

"Okay, are we all caught up now?" I ask the people in this room.

"I think so let me just go over it quickly, they are from the future but not our future. Their future is from an alternate universe where it is completely different from our own universe. To the point where we have people, places, and even events that exist in our world but not there's. And even if they try to go back in time to fix their world all that would happen is they'll go back in time to another world due to its laws," said Asagi.

"Yes," I said.

"So it was all hopeless," said the future Yukikaze.

"Not exactly we can help you fight the brain flayer. But if you want to change the past you can't do it with a time machine at least with our world's laws," I said.

"Do you mean we can change our world with other methods?" Asked Kirara.

"Yes but that doesn't really matter right now since you're too weak to even attempt them," I answered.

"Fine, then in what way can you help us fight the brain flayer in our world?" Kirara continued to ask.

"I don't mind helping you since we have a common enemy but that would have to wait for a later time. At the moment only three things have my attention: Yomihara, Nomad, and Edwin."

"Are you serious, if anyone knows how serious and dangerous the brain flayer are, it should be you. And you're just going to leave them to do as they please until you're done with whatever you're doing at the moment. Think of all the people that could be saved if you at least take out Arsal," said Asuka.

"First of all if I kill Arsal it would just be me announcing to them that I know of their plan. Secondly, there is much I can do at the moment since all of their most important military assets other than a few scouts are not in this world. And lastly, I will not be told what to do by someone that has no idea what to do because from where I'm standing you have no plan of what to do, you just went back in time and hoped for the best."

When I said that everyone in the room became silent. All the people that came from the future just hung their heads down since they knew what I said was the truth. They had no plan other than to help their past selves and give them some information that would be helpful if they knew anything useful. After all, one of the main reasons the brain flayer was so successful in their invasion was because they were left in the dark. They had no idea of how they were overwhelmed or even when they moved their forces to attack earth. The most they knew was Arsal was an advance scout sent to gather information on earth.

"As I said before I can help you with your brain flayer problem but only after I have dealt with the more immediate and present threat. As for the ways, I can help you for the moment is to have someone keep an eye on Arsal and have my people look for the Tesserac."

"You know about the Tesserac!?" Shouted Asuka.

"Yes, and I have a good idea of where it is but for now I have only these three problems I would like to fix before I do anything else."

When I said that Ram opened the doors to the room looked around until she found me and quickly walked up to me. When she was next to me she whispered something into my ear which most like cause an annoyed expression to show up on my face.

"Are you sure that's what they called themselves?" I asked Ram.

"Yes," she answered.

"Scratch that four problems I would like to focus on and this one requires my full attention. Kana give them our plans for the foreseeable, those who wish to join us train them and those that don't restrain them until our plans are complete. Let's go, Ram."

"Yes master," says Kana As she takes my place to tell them what to do.

As I walk out of the room I can see the confusion in some of their faces, as well as concern in others.

"Call all available forces and send them to hell and kill those you have captured. You know what, scan their equipment first then kill them," I said as we left the room.

"Yes master but is this necessary, after all, we only found a small group?" She asked.

"Yes, it is after all from what I know of them they like to gather and conquer."

"What should I tell your forces?" Asked Ram.

"Tell them to prepare for full-out war," I said as I got into the back of a car with Ram.

As we drove towards the surface the was only one thing on my mind.

'Fucken Cabal'