Nerfed Imperium of Man

Pov. Qin Shi's

As I'm riding the car up to the surface I think of everything I know about them. But the more I think about it the more annoyed I get since depending on the number they can be a big pain in the ass. Mostly because they are basically a slightly nerfed Imperium of Man and not by much. From their weapons that are just shot micro missiles, to their soldiers that are just a bunch of muscles and metal. Not to mention the sensors that they put on everything to see how effective their enemy's weapons are on their armor or how effective their weapons work on their enemies. The only reason they haven't beaten the Guardians is because just like the Imperium of Man they aren't the brights bunch that have constant infighting and corruption throughout their empire. As well as a constant war on all sides from the Hive, Vex, Fallen, Guardians, and the Darkness.

As for what they're doing in hell, well it's not too hard to guess that it swallowed up a bunch of them. Whether it swallowed a small group of them or an entire legion I do not know. Worst case scenario it swallowed an entire destiny universe and now I have more problems to deal with. Though logically speaking it would be impossible for hell not to swallow some of them since it is an infinite space that eats other worlds or at least part of a world if not stopped by the inhabitants of that world.

Of course, there's a chance that it has already swallowed an AU of Destiny. Though from the information I've gathered most of the technology the humans have been able to gather from hell were from Doom, Halo, Gears of War, Resident Evil, and Darksiders. There is nothing from information about the types of enemies to the technology they use that points to them making contact with anything from Destiny's enemies. So logically speak if they were in this world then they would be nowhere near the portal to this world. So even though it's surprising but not too shocking that they may appear eventually. Unfortunately now wasn't the best time to run into them with everything going on.

As we finally made it to the surface and out of Edwin's reach we made our way to a secluded spot so I could open a portal to my castle. As I stepped through it along with Ram I saw the front gate of my castle along with Duke in the front.

"Why hello your majesty, would you like to look around my wares? You may find something you like," he said.

"Hello Duke, as much as I would like to, I have some important things to attend to," I said.

"Oh I know, it seems you come across a group of nasty individuals," he said with a smile.

"Not too surprising that you know about them but knowing them I doubt you have a good relationship with them."

"How right you are, I and my associates have had not so pleasant run-ins with them. So if you're planning to fight them then you have my and my organization's full support. So how about you give me back the room that I used to do business in the castle."

"No, I will not have someone as dangerous as you inside my home."

"Now why would you think little old me would be dangerous to have around."

"Because you're a merchant and a merchant always sells their wares to anyone willing to pay."

"Oh how right you are and thank you for the compliment and I wish you luck in your endeavors, your majesty," he said as he chuckled and I passed his shop.

"Your majesty, would you like us to remove him from your land?" Asked Ram.

"No, even though he may be a dangerous element he has his uses. Just make sure to have people watch over him."

"Of course master"

As I'm heading to the meeting room I see people walking around, most likely due to my order to prepare for war. Though they still do a quick salute to me as I pass them before going back to what they were doing. When I got to the meeting room the elite and brute guarding the front door saluted me before opening the door. Inside I saw all of my generals as well as my wife. When everyone saw me they stood up and saluted me. The only one not to salute me was Alcina that welcomed me with a smile.

"Well, I like that you would spend more time here. I would have liked for me to be the reason for that rather than these hippos."

"I wished that to be the case as well but with how things are going it looks like we both are going to be busy for quite a while," I said as I sat down along with Alcina.

I gestured for them to sit down before asking "so can someone give me a report on the situation."

"Of course your majesty, as you instructed we have been expanding your empire to the south. Doing so we have come across a few groups that were either captured, killed, or allowed to join depending on the circumstances. Though not all of them could speak a language anyone could understand they were manageable as long as they weren't dangerous. Durn that we came across a group of four that immediately turned hostile as soon as we were spotted. The soldiers were able to capture two but had to kill the rest," said Kenta as he showed a hologram of what I remember as a Cabal legionary.

"During the interrogation, we learned they had the ability to speak some english. It seems their race is known as the Cabal and he is from the Red Legion. Their leader seems to be a Cabal named Ghaul and as far as they know they have no idea how they got here. We have managed to secure some of their technology like their armor and weapons to study. Unfortunately, it seems when it was clear they were not going to win the battle they destroyed the ship they were using to scout," he said before sitting down.

'It's surprising he got that out of a Cabal but then again he could have used them as a test for that memory scanning machine that he's building.'

"Desire what have you found?" I asked.

"It seems they are too far away from my reach so I won't be able to hack into their system but from the technology they brought it seems they have sensors on everything. And when I say everything I mean everything from their armor to weapons and even their ammunition. Pretty scary if you ask me since that means with each battle they will learn more things about the enemy from how well they aim to how many shots it takes to kill an enemy," she said as she replaced the picture of the Cabal with her avatar.

"So is there any good news to go with all this shit?" I asked.

"Yes, while we were expanding we were able to find two more races to join us. They are the Huragok and the Yanme'e. While the Huragok have no combat they are excellent scientists and engineers. As for the Yanme'e, they are good soldiers with the ability to fly as well as decent engineers," said the elite's leader Rho.

"Hand the Huragok to Kenta so they can get started on work and make sure they will be taken care of. As for the Yanme'e, split them between you and Hyperius since you two are the ones with the most experience with using them in combat."

""Yes your majesty"" they answered.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes, I've had the borders near where they were first spotted strengthen their differences along with making sure they stay vigilant. As well as send out some scouts to try to find the location of their base," said Alcina as she smoked her pipe.

"Good, for now, that is enough. What I want all of you to do is get ready for battle," I said.

"Is there no way for us to talk to them since we now know communication is possible. We may be able to convince them to join the empire," said Azazel.

"It would not work for the Cabal, they only know conquest or death. there is nothing in between, to put it in perspective they have no word for retreat but six for advance."

"I like them already," said Hyperius.

"You seem to know a lot about them? Do you know where they come from?" Asked Skorge.

[Note: for all those that say locusts don't talk like this. I know I just don't want to write the correct way they speak because that would be a pain in the ass.]

"Yes, I do and let's hope just a fraction of their armies were brought here or we will be facing a war we may not be able to win. Now go do as I have instructed you to."

"Yes your majesty," they all said before standing up, saluting me, and leaving.

"Are they really that dangerous?" Asked Alcina when we were the only two people in the room.

"Yes, though they won't be able to kill me or a small number under me if I were to fight seriously but I won't be able to protect the entire empire if they had the full numbers. At most, we would have to retreat to earth with my forces and try again another time. Or I risk most of what we have built here falling into ruin."

"I see," was all she could say.

"Well let's not talk about something so gloomy right now. After all, it's been a while since I've returned due to all the work. Let's get the family together so we could have dinner together and catch up on what my daughters have been doing."

"That sounds nice," she said while smiling.

As I got up everything changed, I was no longer in the war room inside my castle. I was behind the counter of what appeared to be a bar. So I did what anyone would do when they find themselves in an unfamiliar bar with no supervision. I got a glass cup, put some ice in it, served myself some whiskey, and started drinking.

When I was done with the first cup I was satisfied so I shouted "LUCY" before refilling my cup, now I just wait.