
Someone has pointed out to me that I have been introducing Qin Shi Huang wrong and after reading TDG: the emperor's route (by the way it's a good fanfic so I would recommend it if you want something to read) and doing a bit of Google searching I have to agree with him. It seems Qin Shi Huang is more of a title than a name he went by after conquering China which means Emperor of Qin. His real name was Ying Zheng or Zhao Zheng but most people called him Qin Shi Huang when he became emperor.

But I decided to keep introducing him as Qin Shi Huang because he is in Japan and he has only introduced that name to people that only speak Japanese. And even if he introduces himself like that, they won't know what it truly means because they don't speak Mandarin.

But wait how can elite spies not know more than one language I hear you ask. And to that I answer, how does everyone in most anime know Japanese no matter where they go? Why do foreigners speak Japanese so the hidden protagonist that only speaks Japanese that's eavesdropping on them can understand? I don't know, I just choke it up to anime logic. Plus in all the research I have done not once did any information mention they know multiple languages.

Plus it would only be really wrong if I ever introduced him Qin Shi. But I only remember doing that during the pov introductions any other time it was Qin Shi Huang or Qin.


Pov. Qin Shi Huang

As I was finishing my second cup of whiskey Lucy popped back in looking like she had just run away from something with all her might.

"That was a close one, luckily you gave me an excuse to run away from that old light," she said, wiping the nonexisting sweet from her forehead.

"Old light?" I asked.

"You know Yahweh"

"Oh glad I could help I guess. So can you explain this," I said as I gestured around me to the bar/restaurant with a bit of a rustic feel.

"It looks like it was finally done. Got to say I do damn good work," she said as she looked around.

"Well it's a nice place but what is this place?"

"I did tell you I would give you a chat function like those dimensions group chats. But that would be boring so I decided to give you a guild so your group can meet up."

"Okay, but I was kind of in the middle of something and I would like to go back since it's urgent."

"What that thing you always say oh yeah "mou man tai" I stopped time so you can stay here as long as you want with no consequences. Everyone's first visit here would have a complimentary first time stop but after you would have to pay 10 guild points to slow it down or 20 to stop it. I also made sure that a person's time is connected to their world's time so they won't grow older if their time is stopped and they are a year away on a mission. So theoretically someone can live forever if they stop time in their world and never go back."

"And what about those missions you mentioned? What are they like?"

"Glad you asked. There will be two types of missions, main missions, and side missions. The main missions will be big events that happen in the guild member's main world or in different worlds you don't have access to yet. Of course, these missions need to be completed and you and a random number of guild members will go do them. Oh, and you can't refuse to do any because if you don't go then my fun will be cut in half. Next are the side missions and those are completely optional. They mainly take place in this world or the member's main world. Keep in mind even if they are optional some if not completed in time will have consequences since they aren't something the system came up with. Those missions have to do with events happening in this world and your main world and they aren't under its control. For example, take saving Shiranui as a side mission. If you ignore it, it won't just wait around until you decide to save her like some kind of game. They will kill or break her if you take too long to accept the quest," she said pointing at a quest board.

"Okay, I understand but did you say this world I thought this was just a separate space with just this building."

"I never said that this is a new world I created for the guild and only the members along with people they allow to enter. The world also changes and grows with each new member. Adding things like wildlife, monsters, and even environments similar to the new member's home world. At the moment it's the exact same size as your world with all the animals and monsters without any intelligent species."

"Wait, we can bring other people here so we don't have to keep this place a secret?"

"Of course, it doesn't have to be a secret, you can tell whoever you want. In fact, if you go to a slice of life world, imagine the chaos that can happen if the information about this place is spread throughout the world. Imagine the fun we could have, people's beliefs that would shatter, and the lives that would change. Granted not all of them for the better but it would be a politician's worst nightmare," said Lucy, her face getting more sinister as she rants.

"Okay, okay, Jesus Christ, calm down Lucy. So can we invite whoever we want into the guild or are there some sort of limitation?."

"Well there are limitations but it's just that whoever you invite will be considered a side member, not a main member. Side members can only take side quests, not main quests. All thought that doesn't seem like a lot. The rewards of the main missions are vastly superior to those you can get from the side quest. Of course, each member sees a different quest for their own world."

Going over to the quest board I start looking at the quest suddenly I hear a ding nose and start seeing messages pop up.

[Side quest completed: kill baby Eye Hydra

Reward: 500 points]

[Side question completed: save Kana

Reward: 50 points]

[Side question completed: kill Atriox

Reward: custom spartan armor create kit]

[Secret side quest completed: take your first steps in creating an empire

Reward: 5,000 points]

[Side quest completed: kill adult Eye Hydra

Reward: upgrade one weapon no matter the level]

[Side quest completed: save Shiranui

Reward: 50 points]

[Secret side quest: make Oboro your woman

Reward: small stamina boost]

[Side quest completed: save Yukikaze and Rinko

Reward: 50 points]

And so on the messages went for a while of things I did. Of course, not everything I did got a reward. It seems I was mostly rewarded for changing things in the plot or things the system considered huge achievements. The bigger my achievements or the more difficult the mission was the better the reward but even so, most of the rewards were points or just okay. They weren't bad, they just weren't great either, just okay. But by the end of it, I managed to rack up 1,000,000 guild points.

"So what can I do with these guild points?" I asked.

"Well you can do all sorts of things with them as I already mentioned you can slow down or stop time in your world but that's just the simplest thing you can do. For a 100 points, you can visit another member's world. You can also use the guild's many facilities to train, relax, and be entertained for the same amount. Of course, we also have the casino where you can earn more points but if you really want to throw your point then you can try the different types of gacha rolls we got of course you get one normal free roll. You can also strengthen your stats or abilities with them just be warned that it's also not a hundred percent success rate when you want to upgrade your ability with points. There is also a store where you can buy items from different worlds," she says pointing behind me.

Looking behind me I see Lucy but with her maid outfits from the helltaker DLC. Looking behind me again I still see Lucy smiling at me.

""Surprised, it would be obvious that someone like me could split themselves up multitasking. Or I wouldn't be able to run hell and spend so much time being enterta- I mean guiding you,"" they both said at the same time.

"Okay, then why are there times when you're not with me and not just when I'm having fun with some of my wives?"

"Because sometimes things or people require my full attention and it's better I'm whole to deal with them."

"Okay, then I would like to take my free normal gacha spin."

"Why certainly sir," said maid Lucy.

When she said that a hologram appeared in front of me. It showed images of what items I could get to and the items were ratings. There were things like swords rated as common to Assassin's Creed Valhalla Excalibur rated as rare. Pictures of a stack of money that had one billion on it was rated as uncommon while a picture of Metroid Suit was super rare. Items like devil fruits were epic or SSS. There was even an item I never expected to see like a Mario 1up mushroom ranked EX. Then there were things like a cup, food, everyday home Items, and even a freakin 'quarter all marked F rank. At the bottom of the hologram was a button so I pushed it.

When I did the pictures started moving so fast that I could only see a blur of Items passing by so fast I couldn't even make them out. Suddenly I just stopped without slowing down with the Item I won on top of the button and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

It was a quarter I won the fucken quarter but that wasn't what I was staring at. Because on one side of the quarter was the 1up mushrooms and on the other side was the Sword of Rupture Ea though there wasn't a ranking on them anymore they were easily EX rank. A message popped up asking me if I would like to hold my item or put it in my inventory. Without paying too much attention I just put it in my inventory.

'Just a little more before or after and I would have got something good. Should I try again, it looks like my luck isn't too bad if I got so close to getting so close to those two items. I'm sure if I try one more time I will get an EX rank item for sure. Wait a minute.'

Looking up to see both Lucy's smiling sinisterly causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Not today Satan! I will not fall for your temptation. I'm a good Christian boy that will save hand holding until marriage," I said with all the righteousness of a corrupt pastor.

"Of course sir you can always try your luck tomorrow with another free draw," maid Lucy said with a smirk.

"A sucker is born every minute," said Lucy.

Not wanting to pay any more attention to them I went back to looking at the side quest board. Looking over them not a lot of them were serious, it mostly consisted of killing some side characters or hunting down monsters. Some of them were delivery missions, others were specialty missions that required special skills, and some were normal ones like training this person or looking after that person. But I quickly focused on one particular mission.

[Side quest: destroy giant volatile nest at the base of Mount Fuji before it is released

Reward: Mantis Flip coin]

Okay, this right here is a fucken problem, though not a big problem for me if they were released without no one the wiser it would cause some major chaos. No matter how strong someone is they are only one person and depending on how many there are, many people will die even if he does help protect them.

'Better take care of that when I get back,' and so I accepted the quest.

"So what do you have for sale," I asked maid Lucy.

"Take a look," she said as a hologram appeared in front of her.

There was a list of categories that you can look up from weapons, armor, food, consumables items, items, abilities, and many more. On top of it was a search bar, clicking on weapons took me to another list with swords, bows, spears, halberds, staffs, tonfas, and many more. Going to the search bar and typing Xbox series X takes me to it showing it only costs 1 point. So I bought it and selected the option to have it appear in front of me and there it was on the counter a new Xbox series X in its packaging.

"Finally!" I said as I picked it up.

But I didn't stop there. I bought a Playstation 5, a gaming PC, and a curved gaming monitor all of which cost me 1 point each. Finding some sockets behind the bar counter I set it all up. Only to find out this world doesn't have internet so I went back to the store and searched for the internet before I got depressed. It showed me several packages I could choose from.

"Are you serious," I said to Lucy as I looked up at her.

All I got in return was an innocent smile that wasn't so innocent. As I looked over the deals I see one that has one thousand terabits that would work anywhere I go. It didn't even matter if I was in a world that didn't have internet. The best part was no matter what world I went to, my devices will still be connected to the world's that have internet. The only problems were the price was 999,900 and marked as SS ranked. But I bought it anyway and was left with 96 points. After that, I bought a few games like Elden Ring, Hogwart Legacy, Halo Infinite, God of War Ragnarok, and many more.