
Pov. Qin Shi Huang

"So how long are you going to keep playing?" Asked both Lucy's.

"In a bit, I just need to beat new game plus," I answered.

"That's your fifth new game plus."

I've spent three months in this place already. Luckily this place had everything I needed like food, drinks, a bed, and more importantly my video games. During that time I mostly spend it playing video games. Mostly Elden ring but when it got stuck I would play other games for a bit. I also explored this world and it is huge with many dangerous monsters roaming it. Some of them may be able to hurt me but none were a threat to my life.

"I guess you're right, let's stop for now. Anyways, didn't you say this would be a guild? So where are the rest of the members?"

"Well, you got so absorbed by those video games that I couldn't find the chance to tell you that you need to invite them."

"Me? I thought you would just choose some people."

"No, no, why would I do that? I'm making you the guild master. Of course, you won't be able to invite whomever you want. The invitations will be sent out to random people threw out the infinite world's."

When she said that a message popped up saying if I would like to send to random people.

"One more thing that I didn't get to mention to you before you got distracted and wasted most of your points. It's a game of chance where you randomly pick a world at random through a lottery. When you get there you would be given a mission that you have to complete if you would like to go back or you can choose to leave. But if you leave without completing the mission you won't be able to go back, the only way would be to pick that world again through the lottery."

Now that's interesting looking at the price. It was 90 points per try which I had just enough for one try. But it was risky as well since it chose a random world through all of infinity which includes anime, cartoons, movies, books, comics, mangas, games, and even every AU of all the ones I just mentioned. And when I mean every AU I mean even the off-brand version of them. While most people would be jumping up in joy at that possibility my way of thinking is a little more cynical. Since that includes even the BL version of them as well. But an even worse option would be the current DC and Marvel comic books.

"Just a word of warning, everything is random if you choose to try it out. From the mission you are assigned to the location you will appear at, and even what time of the story you will appear at. There is also the fact that you won't be told the mission at first. Only when you come in contact with something to do with the mission only then will you be told what to do," she said.

"Now that sounds fun."

"By the way, I made sure you and any other main member will get real identities for every new world you visit. Though that's as much as I'm willing to help any of you with. For anything else you may need you will have to rely on yourselves."

"Thanks for that, since I doubt Desire will be able to help me with that for every world we visit."

"I resent that statement after all it's not my fault you would be visiting some back ward's world that doesn't even have internet connection," she said from my phone.

"Oh sweet summer child you may be the most advanced AI in this world but that won't be true for all worlds we visit."

"I doubt it," she answered.

"Well then let's see," So I pressed the button and spent 90 points leaving me with zero points.

"So will it tell me what world I would go to?" I asked Lucy as I saw pictures of objects changing in front of me.

"Nope, as soon as it picks the world you will go to, it sends you before you even see a clue of what to expect. The pictures are more of a clue to those that didn't go with you. Makes it more fun for those that didn't go."

"Well isn't that just super," I said with as much sarcasm as I could put in my voice.

As I watch it spin I wonder where it will land, suddenly I'm standing in the middle of a street. Looking around I see a bunch of high school students going to school. Looking at their uniforms and the style of the architecture it was obvious I was in Japan. Though the uniforms look kinda old school so I must have been sent to an old anime or its setting is probably in the 90s.

As I noticed that I was starting to draw quite a bit of attention I remember that my clothes may look strange to them since I was last wearing my original clothes. Then I noticed that even though I still had my blindfold on, my clothes were different. They were the same as the other male students.

'Lucy did say I would get an identity in every world I visit. I guess I'm a student this time. I'll ask her when she gets here.'

And so I started to walk towards where all the students were going. As I walk I wonder what type of world I was sent to, it could be anything at this point. From a slice of life, action, BL, drama, fantasy, or anything in between. Hell, I may not even know where I am, it could be something I never watched or something that never appeared in my world. For example, in the world I ended up there was a DxD manga that was a gender-bend shojo manga instead of some core porn it was in my world.

'Well let's go see what I'm going to deal with.'

Pov. Lucy

'I wonder what world he was sent to,' I think to myself as I look at what appears to be a dragon made of fire.



Okay, I just got a crazy idea that may cause my story to get screwed up but I like it and am going to go through with it. What I did was get this app that randomly picks something out of a list you made. So I made two lists with a bunch of characters and worlds. I'm going to pick the world he goes to and the characters I will add to my guild. I was planning to do that with the gacha as well but there are too many items to put and I'm lazy so I didn't.

The only downside is that it will slow down my story. Since it's been a while since I watched, read, or played those stories. I've also put some that I haven't seen or have no idea of the story but that makes it interesting. I've also done something people have only said but no one has dared to do. I added Boku no Pico to the list so yea I went there. I've also added some things I don't like Twilight, High Guardian Spice, and other things I don't like to the list. After all, it's no fun without the threat of a bad time.

Add your suggestions in the comments for characters and world's to add to the list in the comments.