
Okay it's been a while and I had a rough month where I had problems with work and money. So this story has been the last thing on my mind but it's all better for now so I'll get back to writing, hopefully without a problem but life can be a b*tch so who knows.

First off, I don't know how many actually read the last message at the end of the last chapter but I'm trying something out. I got this app where you put in words and it randomly picks one. What I'm doing with it is putting in names of characters and world's and randomly picking them. I have one rule for each list. For the characters I put two names from an anime, manga, movie, book, etc you get the picture. Usually I like to put one man and one woman character but it can be two men or two women depending on the source material. For world's I would put the original and a au into the list and whatever I pick I stick with. I would also like your suggestions on what to put into the list.

Lastly, I would like to remind everyone that web novel would delete your comment for some ridiculous reason. And it seems to have gotten worse with their new updates. I've also noticed that it sometimes doesn't even show me comments you leave for me. Don't know why but if I haven't answered your questions or comments it is due two one of two reasons because I didn't see it or saw it during work and decided two answer it later but forgot. Though it is mostly the first reason because I try to answer all of the questions you ask. And yes did put spy X family into the world list but remember if it looks nothing like the story it because the app picked an au version of it.