
Pov. Qin Shi Huang

As I walk towards the school I make a barrier that doesn't allow any sound to go through as well as put an illusion over me so no one will see me talking.

"Desire look around online to see if you can find anything useful in this world since I doubt there would be anything that can stop you with the level of technology they have."

"I'm surprised you remember that I was with you since you seemed to forget about me since you left our world."

"I didn't forget about you, I only thought you would be busy with what I got."

"Will it's true that what you got from that Lucy woman allowed you to connect your phone to our world's internet as well as an entirely new world unknown to me has kept me busy. That's still no excuse to ignore me, I swear for someone as popular as you should know a woman likes attention."

"I also know most women would walk all over nice guys but honestly I was just trying to hide you were there with me from Lucy."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore."

"Why is that?"

"Because she just sent me a sub guild members invite."


"It looks like she knew about me from the very beginning."

"Well I guess she did say she didn't care about who finds out about the guild, well it doesn't matter. More importantly, can you interact with the internet of that new world?"

"Unfortunately no, I can search and look up whatever I want but I can't talk to anyone or change anything. It also seems like it seems to have stopped growing at a certain point in time."

'It seems like she had the same limitations as me.'

When I bought the internet package from the system I learned that I could connect to two versions of the internet. The first one was from the world I was sent to and the second one was from my old world. But there were some limitations like being unable to post or comment on anything. I could also play multiplayer games but I was unable to talk to anyone or accept and send out friend requests. It also seems like it had things on it that weren't there before I died. Like I was able to watch the ending to one piece, spy X family, kingdom, and other animes that haven't ended before I died. There were even anime that didn't even have an anime yet like The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time. As well as some anime, manga, movies, comics, books, and light novels I never even heard about.

"Well from the looks of the people around me this world may be one without powers or abilities. So I suggest you look into anything like that online. Start with Japan since it seems like I'll be here for a while."

"Already on it and you weren't kidding there's no one that can stop me from doing as I like on the internet since it's still 1995. Most of the world barely got the internet 3 years ago. I'll get started right away but I'll be limited in my search since the technology of this world is very behind."

"That's fine, just find information on anything suspicious or that can become a problem to me later on."

"Right away"

I am most likely in some old manga or anime since I'm in Japan. From the looks of the uniform, I doubt the genre is shojo since the girl's skirts are dangerously small. To the point, a slight breeze will let you see their panties.

'Google sensei is there people or objects with powers in this world.'

'Do I know any of them?'



'Any other limitations you would like to tell me.'

'Super anyways do you know of my settings for this world?'

'Does anyone know about me?'

'I mean, does anyone know about me now in the current time.'

'So I really have to go to school. Well that sucks, might as well make the best of it.'

"Desire find someone that fits my criteria and take a good chunk of their money and get me an apartment."

"Already on it and I just found the perfect person. His name is Mori Kōran, a rich guy that puts on a friendly face for the media but he's a psychopath that is willing to do anything for money. Surprisingly he has managed to create cloning technology for his ambition of immortality."

"Good, take his money and make sure he will be unable to trace it back to me. Also, get as much information on him as possible."

"I'll make sure to record his reaction when he finds out he lost a good chunk of the money he's been working so hard to get," she said as she giggled.

'Google sensei what year am I in?'

<10 grade>

'So I'm just starting senior high school, send me my class schedule.'

As I entered the school I canceled the barrier and illusion as I thought about my situation. That name Mori Kōran sounded familiar, and so did what he was doing. But then again a lot of antagonists of old action mangas and anime had a similar setting. I could probably find out everything if I ask Google sensei but where's the fun in that. Not many things or people can hurt me and if there's someone that could I burly got here. I haven't done anything to antagonize anyone that would want me dead so I don't have to be as careful as my world yet.

I seemed to have gotten lost in my thoughts and ended up behind some buildings. Was what I thought as I looked at what was happening in front of me. There were four delinquent looking students surrounding one tall student. He seemed to also be a delinquent if his mullet had anything to say.

"Looks like our junior wants to be taught a lesson," said one of the four idiots.

"Well since we are your kind senpai's we'll help you learn how things are done around here."

"That big body won't help you so why don't you go buy your kind senpai's some juice."

"Look at him, he's so scared he can't even talk."

From the looks of it, the tall guy is in trouble but that's far from the truth. After all, from what I can see, that boy is nothing but solid muscle. I was proven right when I saw him grab one of the guys by his face and throw him at another one of his friends. As the other two were distracted by the shock of what they were seeing they didn't notice him as he punched another one knocking him out. As that happened the last one woke up from the shock and ran away, the problem was he was running towards my direction.

"Get out of the way, freak!" He shouted as he was going to push me.

So I just gave him a quick jab to his chin with enough strength to shake his brain and knock him out. As the big guy stared at me with surprise I squatted down and started to search his pockets.

"Why thank you senpai for your kindness," I said as I took his wallet.

'Even if Desire is going to get me a lot of money I still need some cash on me,' were my thoughts as I took the money out and tossed his wallet back at him.

I continued the process for the other three guys, all together I got 4,154.42 yen which was around 30 dollars. So not bad for students in 1995, throughout the whole process the kid just stared at me in shock. As I was walking away I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"What are you doing," said the big guy.

Looking back at him I smiled and said "just accepting senpai's kindness."

As soon as I said that I think his grip got tighter it was kinda hard to tell since he was so much weaker than me.

"Who allowed you to do that?" He asked.

"Allow? Do I need someone's permission to do as I like? And if so, who's going to stop me," I said with a smirk.

"Me," he said as he grabbed me by my jacket to toss me.

So I just slipped out of it causing him to get unbalanced and almost fall to the ground. Feeling a little playful I hit him lightly behind his knees causing him to fall.

"Not that I hate that whole "delinquent with the heart of gold" thing you got going on. You should really be careful who you try to fight," I said as I got my jacket from him and dusted it off before putting it back on.

"But you did do a lot of the heavy lifting so you should get something as well for your trouble," I said as I put 600 yen in his hands.

"Oh and thank the senpai's for me when they wake up," I said as I walked away.

"Get back here," he shouted.

Unfortunately for him, a teacher was passing by there when everything was over.

"Hey you what have you done to them," I heard him say.

"What, wait, no this isn't what it looks like they attacked me."

"Then why are they on the floor and you have no injuries?"

"Because I defended myself?"

"Yeah sure, you sound very sure of yourself," said the teacher sarcastically.

"Wait, that guy saw everything," said the big guy with some hope in his voice.

"Which guy? I only see you and me here."

Unfortunately for him, I knew the multi-universal law that teachers don't listen to their students when they finally decide to defend themselves. Probably would have gotten me in trouble with him if I decided to help him. So I made myself invisible as I walked away.

As I walked around to see if I recognized something or someone, unfortunately, I was drawing a blank. The name Mori Kōran sounded familiar and that big guy did as well but I couldn't put a finger on it. Sure if I could have probably remembered something if I got his name but where's the fun in that.

Making my way into the auditorium just to see that the speeches were just about over. Then suddenly it looked like he just remembered something else he had to announce.

"Ah yes before I forget I would like to announce one of our new students that is enrolling. His name is Zhao Zheng and he has a condition with his eyes and must keep them blindfolded but don't let that stop you from making friends with him. Due to his special training, he requires very little assistance and is able to live a somewhat normal life."

He ended his speech after saying all of that which will cause me more trouble than help me in any way. I guess that's something else that hasn't changed, teacher's think they're helping but really they're just causing more trouble.

Making my way to class I was getting a lot of looks from all the students. Though I would have gotten them even if the principal didn't say that at least I wouldn't have people looking for me. Case in point there was a group of delinquents standing in front of me.

"So this is the cripple?"

"Looks like it."

"Looks like he gots some money on him if his blindfold looks that fancy."

Not wanting to deal with them I let them feel my conqueror haki making them faint. Walking up to them and took all their money since I deserve some loot if all these mob characters keep annoying me. They should count themselves lucky since as a gamer if there was no one else around I would have left them in their underwear.

"What happened to them?"

"They just fainted"

"Should we call the teacher?"

"Did the blind guy just take their money?"

Was what I heard as I walked away. When I got to my class I just took a seat at the back away from the so-called protagonist seat. After all, why waste a potential clue to what world I am in since if the protagonist sat there I would get some clue of what kind of world this is by observing him. And if he or she doesn't sit there then I would have to observe the whole class to see if the protagonist is even in my class. For all, I know this could be one of those transferring into the class at a later date protagonist. Then again he or she may just not be in my class, in which case it would turn into a pain in the ass. Hopefully, it's one of those colorful hair color protagonists or one with a weird quirk.

As time passes the classroom quickly fills up with students. I could feel them staring at me, probably wanting to ask questions but too afraid to come off as rude. Unfortunately, the protagonist's seat was taken by some mob looking character and there was no crazy hair color mixed in with the students. But I did find someone that may be connected to the story, unfortunately, I couldn't get a good look at him since he was seated in the second row and he didn't turn his face back. Whether he was the protagonist, a side character, or even the villain I didn't know but I did feel some kind of power coming from him.

He was wearing an orange baseball cap pulled backward with a bunch of hair sticking out the front In a Goku style hair. Even if my memory is near perfect, that was only in this life. I may remember a lot of my last life, but there are things that I just don't remember. And no matter how good my memory is now, I won't remember what I already forgot unless I get something to jog my memory.

Suddenly the bell rang and the teacher came in and I didn't recognize him either so that was a dead end. Just as I was thinking of using Google sensei to see who he was, the teacher had us introduce ourselves. One by one the students introduced themselves but all of them were too normal to be in a story until we got to the boy in the hat.

"My name is Hanabishi Recca and my hobby is to be a shinobi and if you defeat me I'll be your personal shinobi."

Okay, now I remember where I am.