
Okay people I keep trying to remind you that your comments get deleted here for the weirdest things. And to answer your question Linus279, there's not a war in hell yet they're just preparing to go to war and he didn't leave. He was taken by the system does that make him a slave to the system kinda not really since there's no real penalty for falling the quest other than not getting the reward. Unless it's a sub-quest that has to deal with the world he's in, for example, "save this person before they are killed: penalty for failing that person dies." But honestly, what did you expect from a deal with the devil to provide her entertainment. Plus his world's time is frozen until he gets back. Side note I wonder which word got your comment deleted: war or hell?

One last thing before you get to the story some people seem to have been confused when I said he won't have Gojo's eyes. I meant he won't have his blue eyes, not the six eyes power, and before you say anything I know his blue eyes are the side effect of his power. I just prefer to keep Qin Shi Huang's eyes looking like the originals.


Pov. Zhao Zheng

It seems I ended up in the flames of Recca, though I remember the most important parts of the story. I'm drawing a blank for the minor details. For example, I don't remember what those items that have supernatural powers were called. I guess they didn't leave me with a big enough imp like the shen gong wu.

Anyways as far as I can remember most of those things can't even hurt me but there was one that may have the power to. Though I can't remember its name, I do remember it has the power to erase anything from existence, even those that don't exist physically. Though it comes with a cost, it takes away something of equal value from its user. Though I don't think it can erase my skills, it's best to be careful.

But that also reminds me of something else, Recca's mother is immortal. She also has some regeneration powers, to what extent I don't know since the most damage she's ever got was a knife through the heart. Though impressive it pales in comparison to others if that's the extent of it. But the important part is that she's immortal and it wasn't because of some magic liquid or wish-granting being. It was due to a technique that allowed her to send Recca into the future. Makes you wonder why don't most people that want immortality come to this world and learn it in those fanfics. Though it is seen as more as a curse than a gift and that's understandable because immortality is a curse depending on the circumstances.

"My name is Kirisawa Fūko," she said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

'She was sitting right next to me and I didn't even notice.'

But I did have a lot of time to think about Fūko since I have to introduce myself next.

"Hello my name is Zhao Zheng and as you have noticed I'm the student the principal was talking about this morning. I would also like it if you treat me like any normal student. My hobbies are traveling to new places, please treat me well," I said as I stood up.

"Ah yes student Zhao, I know you don't want any special treatment but if you require help don't hesitate to ask," said the teacher.

"I will take up your offer if I ever find myself in a situation that needs help. Thank you," I said as I sat back down.

Focusing back on Fūko, she seemed surprisingly quiet. That's one of the main reasons I missed her sitting right next to me. Since the protagonist and his group are usually hard to miss, either because they are loud, flashy, or beautiful/hot/sexy. And Fūko as far as I remember was part of the loud and sexy group. But at the moment it's like she wants to be left alone.

She was wearing her school uniform, a black choker around her neck, and a headband. She had blue eyes and her hair was reddish brown and cut short with shoulder-length bangs. She was the typical tomboy, which was something I loved. After all, I'm part of the rejected femboys embrace tomboys faction.

After the class finished introducing themselves the teacher went over some rules and other things before letting us go.

"Before we leave I would like someone to show Zhao around the school. And before you say anything I know you don't want special treatment but I would like someone to show you around so do you have someone in mind?" Asked the teacher.

"I would like Kirisawa-san to show me around if she doesn't mind," I said.

That seemed to surprise everyone including her.

"Are you sure?" The teacher asked.


"Okay then Kirisawa, do you mind giving Zhao a tour of the school?"

"Tch, let's go," she said as she got her bag to leave.

Looking towards Fūko, she's nothing like she was in the anime. Though she looked the same she didn't act the same. But that's not really that strange since the world I came from was a mixture of world's then which means there will be more like it. Come to think of it, Lucy said the missions would appear when I come in contact with something to do with them. Does that mean Recca or his story doesn't have anything to do with my mission?

Whatever, I'll mess with Kōran since I would need something to entertain myself with. And what better entertainment than screwing over a douchebag like him. But that still leaves the question of what is my mission.

"Hey, are you paying attention?" Asked Fūko with an annoyed voice.

"Yes, this is the cafeteria fight."

"No this is the gymnasium," she said, sounding even more annoyed than before.

"I see, I see, so where do we fight to the death."

"What," she said, giving me a weird look.

"What," I answered back.

"Okay, anyways if you're not paying attention we may as well stop the tour here," she said walking away.

"That's fine, now I need to find a way home," I said loud enough for her to hear.

When I said that she stopped walking away, her face had a look like she was conflicted. After a few minutes of her seemingly debating about something she let out a sigh.

"Haaa, tell me the address and I'll help you find it," she said.

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"There he is!"

Looking towards where the shout came from I saw six people coming towards us. They were the senpai's and the idiots I got loot from. As they approached us Fūko got into her fighting stance and pulled out what looked like some throwing needles.

"We're going to kill you for what you did," said what appeared to be the leader.

"So I was right, this is where we fight to the death," I said with a smile on my face.

"Will see if you can keep smiling when we break your legs."

"Do you know these people?" Asked Fūko.

"Never seen them in my life," I said with a chuckle.

"Oh we got a joker here, let's see what kind of jokes you tell when we put you in a hospital."

"Are you really going to gang up on a blind man?" Asked Fūko as she stepped in front of me.

"Get out of the way girly unless you want to be beaten too."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Fine, you asked for it."

Pov. Fūko

'Should I take him to his house?'

As I'm debating over whether to take this kid to his house or just leave him here I wonder how I got here. The day started off pretty good too, I was in Recca's class and was planning to challenge him after class. But I couldn't just leave this guy to himself, it wouldn't sit right with me. I guess I'll help him for today, it's not like Recca would be going anywhere. And when I finally beat him he'll become my shinobi and have to do anything I tell him.

"Haaa, tell me the address and I'll help you find it."

"Thanks," he said with a big smile on his face.

I guess I could help him now and again but it's best not to get too close since there are many people that want to fight me. After all, since I was young I was doing nothing but fighting with my only loss being to Recca. Though I don't regret my life I have made a lot of enemies and they tend to go after more than just me. Recca can handle himself but anyone else would just get into more they can handle if they hang around me.

"There he is!"

Looking over to who shouted I see sex people coming into the gymnasium. I recognized three of them since I beat them before but not the other three. As they got close I got ready for a fight and took out my throwing needles.

"We're going to kill you for what you did."

It looks like they are after Zhao for some reason, I wonder what happened.

"So I was right, this is where we fight to the death," Zhao said.

I'm starting to wonder if his eyes aren't the only thing that doesn't work.

"Will see if you can keep smiling when we break your legs."

"Do you know these people?" I asked, trying to find out why they were after him.

"Never seen them in my life," he said with a chuckle.

'God dammit I'm dealing with an idiot here!'

"Oh we got a joker here, let's see what kind of jokes you tell when we put you in a hospital."

"Are you really going to gang up on a blind man?" I asked.

He may be an idiot but I can't just leave him to deal with them.

"Get out of the way girly unless you want to be beaten too."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Fine, you asked for it."


I suddenly hear as I look over to see Zhao dropkick one of the guys while they were focusing on me. Not wasting any time he quickly got up to reach back and grab the head of another guy's head. He put the guy's jaw above his shoulder before falling. By the looks of it, that guy isn't getting back up.

"Fuck, get him!"

With that shout, it woke everyone out of their shock. Now that two guys are down with four guys left to go. Throwing my needles it hit two guys stunning them into place.

"Fucking bitch," said one of the guys holding his hand in pain.

"My leg!" Shouted another as he crouched down to hold his leg.

As for the other two, one came towards me while the other went towards Zhao.

"Time for some payback," he said while throwing a punch at me.

I did a backflip while sending a kick to his head, though he blocked it. Throwing some needles at him stabbing him in both arms as I landed. As he was distracted by the pain I jumped up and kneed him in the face. As he fell down I made sure he stayed down by giving a good kick to the face. Looking over to the rest I see them already knocked out while Zhao was going through their pockets.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Haven't you ever played a video game? If they get beaten it's only right for us to get some spoils of war."

The sheer stupidity of what he said must have short-circuited my brain because I just stood there for a bit letting him do as he liked.

"Okay fine then why are you their pants?" When I came back to myself he even took their clothes and left them in nothing but their boxers.

"Well, they seem to be an annoying group of people and won't stop until they are taught a lesson. Plus a true gamer would leave their enemy in nothing but their underwear. Now let's go before they wake up or anyone comes around here," he said as he grabbed my hand and started running.

As we were running I heard a teacher shout something coming from the gymnasium. As we were leaving the school he tossed their clothes into some bushes and we kept running until we were a few blocks away from the school.

"Let go," I said as I yanked my hand from his. My face was hot, I was most likely blushing since he was holding my hand for so long. The worst part was while we were running, some students from school saw us holding hands. What would Recca think if he hears about this?

"My bad," he said while smiling.

"Will then I'll see you at school tomorrow," I said as I tried to leave as quickly as possible.

"Weren't you going to help me," I heard him say, stopping me in my tracks.

"What's your address?" I asked without turning around.

"******," he said.

"Follow me," as I started walking only to realize he was just standing there.

"Well, what are you waiting for, follow me."

"I'm blind," is all he said as he held out his hand for me to grab.

"You were just running through the streets without a problem."

"And we're lucky we didn't collide with anything."

"Are you stupid?"

"You're the one that followed a blind person."

That left me speechless since it was true I let this idiot lead the way.

"Fine but this was a one-time thing," I said as I grabbed his wrist and pulled him along.

"You're really are a kind girl," he said.

For the rest of the way, I didn't look back at him or talk to him and just took him to his house. When we finally arrived I was surprised at how big it was.

"Are you rich or something?" I asked.

"I don't think so, why do you ask?"

"Forget it, I'll see you later," I said as I started walking away.

Until I heard "I wonder how I'll get to school" causing me to stop again.

"I hate you," I said as I turned around to see him smiling at me.

"How did you get to school today?" I asked.

He just shrugged his shoulders and said "luck."

"Fine, I'll pick you up in the morning but you better not make me late."

"Excellent, I'll see you tomorrow morning," he said while walking towards his house and opening the gate.

'My days are going to get a lot more annoying,' was all I could think as I walked away.

Pov. Zhao Zheng

'That was fun.'

It was pretty entertaining messing with Fūko and I will enjoy it as long as this mission lasts. Though I still have no idea what that is I'll probably run into it later. For now, I'll have to focus on Kōran. For starters, I'm going to take over his company. As for the story, I couldn't care less since the timeline got messed up as soon as I arrived here.

If I remember right there also weren't a lot of waifus. There's only Fūko, the ring announcer girls, some of the villains, and the main girls. To be honest I don't remember most of the characters other than Recca, Fūko, and Domon. There was also Recca's older brother who was the villain for most of the series. As for the main heroine, all I remember was Recca always called her hime and she had the power to heal others. The plot also revolved around Kōran thinking he would gain immortality by researching her powers. Which he does but he also needed the help of a Madōgu. Though he was turned into a monster due to the side effects so it wasn't really as worthwhile as he thought. Which reminds me.

'Google sensei, can you teach me the techniques to send things through time.'

Suddenly I have the information in my mind about how to perform the Jikūryūri technique. It wasn't too complicated, all I had to do was a series of hand signs along with a basic ability to control some of the world's power. Which was easy enough for someone that can control some type of energy whether it was mana, chi, chakra, or psychic. It also seems that's how the Madōgu were able to have their powers. The creator's infused the world's power into them. Anyways now that I know how to do it I took out my phone to see if I can find out how powerful her immortality is.

'So her name is Kagerō huh.'

Looking at her powers the only thing I can think of is how op her immortality is. It's probably one of the strongest I can think of, if not the strongest there is. It seems she possesses absolute immortality, unable to die, age, get sick, or be permanently wounded. It's self-sustaining while her mind and soul are immortal. She's immune to both mental and spiritual damage. Any injuries she suffers immediately heal even if she is disintegrated, blown up, completely deleted, or even if she is completely destroyed to the sub-atomic level. She will still return to life. Absolutely immune to all harm whether it's natural or unnatural causes. Her existence and soul are completely independent of even the concept of reality making her not bound to the subjects of life or death and its manipulations. Her powers can't be absorbed, negated, erased, changed, or copied. New powers can still be developed and existing ones strengthened but only through her own will and abilities. At least according to the wiki.

At this point I wonder if any other type of immortality can measure up to it. Though I think I will wait at least until twenty something until I cast it I wouldn't want to be stuck at 15 forever. Unless I get a power to control my age, but I can't think of many towers that do that other than Bonnie's fruit in one piece. Which would probably cost quite a bit in the store. Too bad I wasted all my points already.

Though I don't regret it since internet connection will be important no matter which world I go to. Plus it can connect to any world I've been to that has internet no matter where I am.


"Yes master"

"How is the work I gave you going?"

"I've already taken half of Kōran's wealth. Unfortunately that was as much as I can take from him without his knowledge. If you wish I could take the rest but now he will be ready for me. Though it won't stop me either way though it will cause quite a bit of trouble and I know you would prefer to remain hidden."

"That's fine I'll deal with him later but is there anything else?"

"Yes to things in fact that may interest you. A company called Mishima Zaibatsu and its president Mishima Heihachi are worth investigating. As well as an organization called Shadaloo that is on the watch list of most of the policies around the world."


When she said that I heard a noise along with two messages appearing in front of me.

[Mission: Defeat Bison in a fight

Reward: random.]

[Mission: Interrupt Mishima Heihachi plans without interfering directly or using Desire

Reward: random]

[Mission: Reveal the Illuminati to the world

Reward: 500 points]

[Mission: hidden

Reward: hidden]

Well that was convenient, good thing I asked Desire to do some research on this world. Fighting Bison is probably the easiest of them. It all depends on how his Psycho Power works. Most of his attacks probably won't work on me but this isn't a game so he would probably have more movies then what I've seen. Telekinesis can also be a problem since the rules for that are always changing. The one that I care about though is if he can carry anything within his sight or does it have to be a certain distance. Because if all he needs is to be able to see the item to affect it then infinity will be useless.

As for Heihachi, that's a little more tricky. Since I can't interfere directly or use Desire it may take more time. But depending how far along the store is that's something I don't have.

For the Illuminati, all I need to get is some proof of their existence and show it to the world. Which is harder than it sounds since they were even to hide from Desire. But it's not impossible since I know some of their secrets.

The last one can wait for now since I don't even know what it is, but it's best to keep searching. I would like to complete all of them since I always liked to hundred percent my missions.

"Now let's get to work"