
I'm only going to write one large chapter a week now it would be around 3,000 plus words instead of three to four small chapters a week that were around 1,500 or less word's.


Pov. Mori Kōran


"I-I-I don't know it was fine when we checked this morning. But around 4:00 a clock we noticed something wrong. When we checked it was too late and over half of your liquid assets were transferred to another account. Unfortunately, we were unable to trace where the money went to do to how professional everything was handled."

The more I listen to this sniveling piece of shit the anger I get. Half my fortune is gone, just like that without a trace and these incompetent fools can't do anything about it. Unfortunately, I can't involve the police in this matter due to how I earn that much money. Even if I have some of the higher-ups in my pocket it doesn't mean I can make them do anything I like, no questions asked.

"We are working hard to find any clue of who did this. Rest assured we will get your money back," said my ex-underling.

"Oh, I'll get my money back, too bad you won't be alive by then. Kurei get rid of him."

When I said that blue flames came out of the shadows engulfing the idiot in them. He screamed as he rolled around to try to put out the flames. Unfortunately for him those weren't normal flames and won't be able to be put out that easily.

"Kurei I leave this problem to you, find my money and teach the person that stole it a very painful lesson."

"Yes father," he says as he leaves the room.

As I watch him leave I can't help but hope he dies. I've raised him to be my weapon and he's been an excellent tool but ever since I killed Kurenai I haven't been able to have a moment of peace. I have to be on constant alert against him, not telling when he will snap and decide to kill me. The only thing keeping him in line is the fact that I have a bomb implanted into my wife. As long as he remains weak and keeps caring about her I'm safe. But who knows how long that will last, fortunately for me it seems the clones are coming along. And as soon as they are complete I will kill him myself. The smell of burning flesh brought me out of my thoughts.

"Have someone clean up this mess," I said to my secretary.

"Yes master," she said as she walked away.

As I look at her ass as she walks away I can't help but curse some more. I just got her and her master and I can even enjoy them due to this shit. Hell, I haven't been able to fully enjoy a woman for a long time due to Kurei. Whether he's near me or away from me, there's always that underlying threat to my life. I can feel it when he looks at me, the feeling of a predator looking for the perfect time to strike.

When my secretary was close to the door when something came crashing through it. Outside in the halls, I can see blue fire raging, my secretary was lucky she was far away enough to not get hurt.

"Kyaaa," she screamed as she ducked for cover.

'O God the little bastard snapped,' was all I could think as I opened my drawer and got a switch out of it. Looking up again only to be shocked by what I saw. Kurei was on the floor struggling to get up. It seems he was what was thrown to break down the door. As I look into the hallway I see a silhouette of a person walking through the flames as he walks towards me.

"What are you doing Kurei, get up and take care of this!" I shouted as I tried to figure out what was going on.

As Kurei got up he did answer me, he didn't even pay any attention to me all his attention was focused on whoever this was. As he got close his silhouette got clear and then something happened that I never thought I'd see. Kurei's flames parted for him as he walked through them as if they were nothing.

Then I got a good look at him, he looked to be 195.58 cm (6'5 feet) with black hair. He was wearing all black clothes, with black leather gloves, and a black trench coat. On his face, he had a white mask with a red slit line for a mouth that looked like it had a slight smile, the eyes on the mask looked angry yet also entertained at the same time, with what looked like a purple centipede going down the right cheek of the mask.

As he stepped into the room he looked over to see who was in it. As his gaze stopped on me I felt the smile on his mask become more noticeable. The eyes also looked like he was happy to see me like I would be someone that would entertain him.

"Kurei, what are you doing, kill him already or do you not care what happens to Tsukino!" I shouted. That seemed to get his attention as he looked over to me to see the switch in my hands.

"Kurenai," he said, bringing out his flame to attack the intruder. As he was engulfed in flames I relaxed a bit thinking it was over only to see his flames were ineffective against him. In fact, the flames didn't even reach him. There wasn't even a single ember on the corner of his clothes. How can this be possible, unless he has a Madōgu. After all, it would make sense for the Hokage to make something to fight against a flame user, just in case one of them decides to do as he pleases.

Looking over at Kurenai he doesn't look surprised that his flames were blocked somehow. He must have found that out when he was fighting him outside. He must have known about the Madōgu and kept the information from me so I wouldn't have something to use against him. Luckily for me, it came to me, now I need to get my hands on it. With it and the clones, I'm making sure I won't have to worry about Kurei ever again.

"Kurei, what Madōgu is he using?" I asked.

"I don't know," he answered.

"Tell me now or I'll blow that bitch up," I said, showing him the switch again.

"I don't know," he said again but with a dangerous edge to it now.

"You Hokage really do think yourselves special, huh? Is it really that hard to believe that if you can do it then others can't," said the man as he slowly walked towards me. As he did he didn't even pay any attention to Kurei, as if he wasn't a threat to him.

"Fuck!" That was all I could say as I opened another drawer from my desk and pulled out a gun.

~bang, bang, bang

After shooting him three times I stopped believing he would be dead. Only to be shocked by what I was seeing. All three bullets stopped before they even reached him before they dropped to the floor.

~ bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, click, click, click

"Fuck!" I shouted as I threw the gun at him only for it to stop before it hit him before it dropped to the ground.

"Stop right there if you keep moving I'll kill an innocent woman I implanted a bomb in," I said as I showed him the switch. When I said that he stopped which caused a smile to form on my face.

'Good he's just a weakling that cares about other people.'

As I was thinking about how to use him he started walking again towards me. Suddenly he was engulfed by flames again only to see nothing happen to him. From what I can see it seems like Kurei is also throwing knives at him but nothing can touch him.

"I'll do it, one more step, and the bitch gets it and you'll have an innocent life on your conscience!" I said but he didn't even stop for a second.

"NO!!!" I heard Kurei scream as he unleashed the full might of his flames on him but it still did nothing.

'Fuck it if I'm going to die I might as well take that bitch with me. It will also hurt Kurei quite a bit so I guess that's good enough,' I thought as I pressed the switch. Or at least I tried to but I found I couldn't even move a finger.

"What did you do to me?" I asked through gritted teeth as he finally stood in front of my desk.

My body suddenly started moving without me wanting to. I held out my hand with the switch in it, like I was giving it to him out of my own free will. He took the switch and tossed it behind him. With the blue flames behind him, he looked like a demon straight out of hell here to calm a soul that rightfully belongs back to hell. As I'm staring at him I see another person appearing out of the flames to his right. It was Kurei, it gave me hope thinking maybe close combat was his weakness. Only to see in horror as he stopped at his right with the switch to the bomb in his right hand.

'I'm dead,' was all I could think of.

Pov. Kurei

As I was leaving to do as my "father" asked me to, I ran into an unknown person in the hallway. I immediately understood he was an enemy due to the guards that were laying down unconscious around him. So I immediately attacked him with my flames but nothing touched him. As I was being pushed back to the door due to trying to find out how his power's worked or what Madōgu he had. So when I had no more room to move I decided to fight him in hand-to-hand combat. But the same thing happened, my fist stopped before it even reached him. He kicked me in the stomach, sending me crashing through the door and back into his office.

"Kyaaa," I heard someone scream.

As I was getting up I heard that fool talk to me but I ignored him due to needing to keep my entire focus on the enemy in front of me. As I go through the Madōgu that may be able to do what he's doing I come up empty. It's not like there isn't any Madōgu that can't do it, it's just that we have all the ones that can in our hands.

"Kurei, what are you doing, kill him already or do you not care what happens to Tsukino!" Shouted the fool.

Looking over at him I see the switch in his hand. He always kept that thing close to him at all times due to his fear of me. How I hated that man but as long as he had her life in his hands I couldn't do anything to him.


As I tried using my love to see if it would break whatever his powers were. She surrounded him in flames attacking all sides trying to find some kind of weakness to his barrier. But it was useless, it was like the surrounding space he was in was locked and nothing could get in. The only possibility of hurting him was when he attacked me. Maybe but I could only test that theory the next time he attacks someone.

"Kurei, what Madōgu is he using?" Asked the fool.

"I don't know," I said.

'If I did know I wouldn't be having such trouble dealing with him you idiot.'

"Tell me now or I'll blow that bitch up," he said, as he waved the switch around.

"I don't know," I said, dangerously close to seeing if I could kill him before he pressed the switch.

"You Hokage really do think yourselves special, huh? Is it really that hard to believe that if you can do it then others can't," said the man as he walked by me.

Does that mean that his power isn't due to a Madōgu but his natural powers like my flames. But I haven't heard of other people having powers. No, if the Hokage could be hidden from normal people and history why couldn't others do the same? How many more powers are there in the world?

"Fuck!" Shouted the fool as he pulled out a gun from his drawer and started shooting at him. He unloaded the entire clip into him doing absolutely nothing before throwing the gun at him.


That was all he could say as there was nothing he could do. As he continued to walk closer to him a smile spread on my face knowing what would happen to the fool.

"Stop right there if you keep moving I'll kill an innocent woman I implanted a bomb in," said the fool making the smile on my face vanished.

That caused him to stop which brought me some relief as well as a slight disappointment. As I watched the fool start smiling only to disappear as fast as mine as he continued to approach him.

"I'll do it, one more step, and the bitch gets it and you'll have an innocent life on your conscience!" He said more hysterically, like a man grasping at straws. Unfortunately, he did stop this time and continued to walk toward him.

"NO!!!" I shouted as I used every bit of power to stop him or just slow him down. I used my flames as well as threw knives at him, I did anything I could think of but nothing stopped him.

'No, no, no, I couldn't save my mother or Kurenai will I be unable to save her too.'

As I got close to him to try attacking him with close-quarters combat he tossed something behind him casually. Thinking it was something dangerous I was going to burn it to ash with my flames only to see it was the switch. Quickly catching it, I look at it closely and find it to be the real switch to the bomb.

Walking up to the right of the intruder I see hope fill the eyes of the fool only for it to turn into despair as he sees the switch in my hand.

"Kurenai," I said as I crushed the switch in my hand.

She goes up to Kōran and hugs him, engulfing him in flames. As he screams and rolls around to put out the flames I feel myself smiling at his suffering. But he if all people should know it is impossible to put out my fire like that but I do enjoy his desperate attempt to put them out though.

"So who are you?" I asked as I looked at the masked man.

Pov. Zhao Zheng

"So who are you?"

"You can call me Hei," I said.

"What do you want?"

"I want a lot of things but for starters, I would like his business," I said as I pointed to the remains of Kōran's corpse.

"You can have them, now I have things to do," he said as he turned around and started to leave.

"I can bring her back," I said.

Causing him to stop walking away.

"I can also let you have your revenge and before you say anything I'm not talking about Recca."

"How do you know about him?" He asked with a threatening voice.

"I know a lot of things like who you really want revenge against as well as the true purpose of the Hokage, or at least what their purpose turned into. And yes I can also help you in fulfilling their wishes."

"What do you want?"

"Just work for me until I'm satisfied then I'll send you along with your girlfriend to the past."

"And how long is that exactly?"

"Not long, you may even be able to get to fight Recca along the way. Oh and I'll bring back your girlfriend as soon as I can."

"Can you really bring her back?"

"Yes but not at the moment you will have to wait for a bit before I'm able to but it won't be a long wait."

"Fine, I'll believe you for now."

"Well nice working with you for the moment. Now go save your mother and as soon as you're done start hunting those that are loyal to Kōran and get rid of them."

"Yes," he says with a wicked smile before leaving.

'Good thing I prepared these clothes for when I go to different worlds.'

The clothes I'm wearing are basically Hei's clothes from Darker than Black but with some modifications. Like for example instead of the purple lightning bolt over the right eye I have a purple centipede coming down from it. I also changed the green to purple on the inside of the trench coat and of course, it was bulletproof not that I needed it but you never know when someone else would.

Looking over the room I see a woman cowering in the corner. She was probably Kōran's secretary and I got to say he doesn't have bad taste. As she noticed me staring at her she slowly got up.

"Please don't kill me, I promise not to tell anyone what happened," she said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Kannazuki Mai"

"Don't worry I won't kill you but are you interested in working for me after all I just got a big business and I would like someone that knows about it to work for me."

"Can you promise me one thing if I work for you."

"Sure as long as it's not too unreasonable I don't mind."

"Can you not miss treating my mistress."


"Yes, due to circumstances my mistress and I have been forced to work for Mori Kōran. And all my mistress' possessions and wealth have been taken from her by him and now you."

"Well, that makes everything more simple. Don't worry I won't mistreat her but I won't give her wealth back either since your lack of reaction to a corpse lets me know your hands aren't clean either. And I'm no hero so make sure you work hard to keep your mistress safe."

"Yes of course I'll get people to clean this room right away," she says as she leaves.

"So Desire any luck on the Illuminati?"

"Unfortunately no, it seems they've made sure to keep off the internet for now. But whenever they get on I will know."

"Well keep an eye out for them. Also try to find out as much as you can about Shadaloo."

'I could use Google sensei but I need physical evidence for them so for now I'll use Desire to get it.'

"Of course master"

'Now that this is under control for now let's get started with the next mission.'

Opening a portal and stepping through I arrived at Hon-Maru, the Mishima family temple.

'Now then let's lead a prison break.'