Horse Talisman

A temple stood at the edge of a cliff within a forest with a waterfall nearby with the only way to get to it was an old rope bridge. The moonlight shining down on it gave it the image of a peaceful and serene place.


Suddenly, there was a huge explosion that destroyed most of the right side of the temple. Flames were burning all around as men in black suits ran around, trying to put them out.

"What happened here!?" Shouted someone who appeared to be the superior.

"We don't know. Everything was normal until the explosion," said one of his subordinates.

"We're looking into it, but most of our manpower has been diverted to putting out the fires," said another.

"Sir, the Buddha statue is gone," said another, running up to him frantically.

"What, that was a giant statue made out of pure gold! How the hell was it stolen without anyone noticing!?"

"There's a chance that the statue was blown away during the explosion. But that's unlikely since there are no signs of it doing that. What most likely happened was that they used the explosion as a cover to steal it."

"Dammit! Go put out the fire and try to find any clue as to who did this."

"""Yes, Sir!"" They said before going to do what they were told to do.

"Goddammit, just my luck for this to happen on my watch," the man grumbled to himself as he made his way somewhere.

Even if the temple burned to the ground, there was one thing that he must make sure of before leaving. Though it could cost him his life depending on if there's more than one explosion, he must do what he was paid to do or else the consequences for failing his task could be far worse than death.

As the commotion happened around him, he made his way to a special room. When he entered, he looked around to see if someone had been here. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, he opened a hidden passage leading down to a secret basement. When he reached the bottom, he found himself in a dungeon with a bunch of empty jail cells. Paying no attention to them, he counted walking until he reached his destination. He found himself in front of a cell, but this cell was different. It had countless thick chains in it without a door to enter or exit. As if it was made to make sure whatever was locked up here never got out. The only problem was that it was empty. The chains were all broken, and the bars were bent, broken, and ripped open.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, he's gone."

Going nearby and getting a cell phone that was for situations like this he immediately dialed a number. As he nervously waited for his boss to pick up. After waiting what felt like forever someone picked up.

"What is it?" Asked the deep voice.

"There has been an incident."

In another part of Japan there stood a magnificent tall building. It was the headquarters of the Mishima Zaibatsu group. A company that many people across the world knew but its fame couldn't compare to its current owner, Mishima Heihachi. With his outstanding business sense, he grew the company to new heights when he took control. He also made his public image as a philanthropist so big that even if you haven't heard of the Mishima Zaibatsu group you have at least heard the name Heihachi.

At this moment at the very top of the tower, Heihachi was working. When he heard his phone ring, picking up the phone his face turned serious when he heard whose voice it was.

"What type of incident?"

"There was an explosion that destroyed a portion of the temple. During the confusion, the giant Buddha statue was stolen …. and your father was freed." He said as he hesitated whether or not to tell him the last part.


As soon as he heard that Heihachi broke his desk startling Kuma.

"Who was responsible?" He asked with no emotion in his voice.

"We don't know but we are looking for clues as we speak."

"Well, finding out or death is the least of your worries," he said as he crushed the phone.

"Kuma let's go, we have some hunting to do," he said as he exited his office with Kuma following close behind.

Pov. Zhao Zheng

As I wake up from sleeping I hear bing, open my eyes I see a message in front of my face.

[Mission Completed: Interrupt Mishima Heihachi's plans without interfering directly or using Desire

Reward: random]

[Would you like to open your reward now or later]

'Well, that was easier than I thought it would be.'

Honestly, I was lucky that my first try even succeeded. After all, it all depended on whether or not Jinpachi was alive or not. After all, there's not a whole lot of information on how long he kept his father alive after imprisoning him. Though I knew if his father was alive and I freed him he would drop everything to make sure he has recaptured him or killed him. Since the Mishima family is messed up like that.

'Well, time to see what my first real reward is, open it.'

[Reward: Horse Talisman]

'That's cool I guess.'

The horse talisman was a pretty neat reward for most but it was kind of useless for me since I have my regeneration abilities. It is also kind of useless in certain situations. For example, if someone used magic to turn me old or young the talisman would be useless since there's technically nothing wrong with them they're just old or younger than they were before. So there are ways to attack people that hold this talisman, you just have to be creative like using curses. Since the talisman can at most treat the symptoms not the root of the problem depending on the curses and if it's not an insta-death curse. After all, the talisman heals anyone as long as they are alive.

That does raise the question if I use this on anyone that has cybernetic enhancements will it restore their body over them or just push them out of the body altogether? Pretty brutal if it's the former since if you got a cybernetic eye and I touch the talisman to them will their eye fuse with the cybernetic parts? Because that would be pretty painful and gory depending on how much cybernetics they have.

But other than that it's pretty useful with normal people since it heals every injury or sickness afflicting the user instantaneously, usually by being exposed to the ailment in question. So all I have to do is touch it against anyone I want to heal and there healed instantly.

Getting up and getting ready to go to school I go downstairs and whip up something for me and my guest to eat.

"Old man get down here it's breakfast time!" I shouted.

I didn't have to wait long for a very big and wounded old man with a very impressive beard to come walking downstairs.

"I'm old, not deaf you brat, no need to scream."

"Yeah, yeah hurry up and eat."

I found Jinpachi beaten and starving, it was a miracle he was alive at all. But I guess that's the Mishima family for you, tough as cockroaches. He was most likely reaching his breaking point when I found him, probably surviving on just his willpower alone, and refusing to die. When I saved him all I did was patch him up a bit and give him some soup and he was walking around on his own in no time.

'Should I heal him with the talisman, Nah he'll be fine. After all, you can't keep a Mishima down for long even if you kill them.'


When I was finishing up my food I heard someone knock on my door as if they were going to break it down.

"That's for me, old man remember to stay inside, don't want your son finding you too easy," I say as I go towards the front door.

Opening up the door I see an annoyed Fūko standing there.

"Morning," I said.

"Morning, let's go," she said, turning around and starting to walk away.

"Thanks again for doing this," I said with a smile.

We made our way towards school in silence though we got a lot of attention from the people around us.

"Are you sure you really want to be an emperor?" Asked Lucy as she suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

'You know for a guide you're not that useful when I need you to be and what do you mean by that question?'

"I mean you don't really act like an emperor and you seem just fine passing off most of your duties to your wives," she said.

'First of all, manners maketh man, without them we would be simple barbarians. So I see no problem thanking someone that deserves it, on that note you will never catch me bowing to someone or begging for help. Sure I may suggest for others to form an alliance with me or sell out my skills for the right price and that may not be something an emperor would do, though that first one is debatable. I've just started this whole emperor thing for less than a year. You can just expect me to act like an emperor. After all, I was a normal person less than a year ago.'

"Normal?" She said, giving me a skeptical look.

'Well not quite normal but I wasn't something crazy like a top assassin or elite member of a secret military unit. You can't expect me to just change my entire personality, sure I got all of Qin Shi Huang's memories and it may have affected me a bit but I'm not him and I won't try to be him. Plus I've always liked games like civilization, HOI 4, and any other game that lets me control army's to crush my enemies.'

"So you're going through the trouble of making an empire just to lead them into war?"

'Of course not, but if a war does unfold due to me making my empire, which is most likely to happen then who's to say I can't enjoy it.'

"Wow, it seems like I didn't need to bind you in a deal. All I had to do was give you some powers and throw you into a random world and your soul would have been mine, in the end either way."

'I mean you're not wrong, I never saw myself as a good person anyway. But I digress what took you so long to show up.'

"Just waiting for you to at least finish one mission by yourself before I show up, so war huh?"

'Yup always wanted to say something like "hold the line men, today we die for a cause much greater than ourselves" or "they have us surrounded, those poor bastards" and who can forget "release the war elephant" you know standard stuff for most guys.'

"Well with your powers it's more likely that it's along the lines of "today you die for a cause much greater than yourself" but then again that depends on what world I would have sent you to. Come to think of it, I just found one that you may have liked. What was its name again, oh yeah Warhammer 40k."

'Woah, Woah you just went from 0 to 40,000 real fucken quick.'

"You just said you wanted war. I would think that would be the perfect place for you."

'Well yes but no.'

"Which is it, yes or no?"

'I would like to go there but it is suicidal even for a god to go there since they'll most likely end up a snack for something bigger and uglier. So even if I go there with my strength I would be high mid-tear in strength and that's been generous depending on where or when I show up in that world. So I would like to strengthen myself and my people before I go there.'

"I see your point," she said as she made an Ipad appear from nowhere and looked through it.

When we got to school most of the people around me were surprised to see Fūko walking with me. It looked like most of my classmates wanted to ask me something but were hesitant to ask me with Fūko around. When the class started I just made an illusion of myself paying attention since I had more important things to do.

'Google senses a list of all the madōgu, their blueprints, list of ingredients needed to make them, and the process of making them.'

My mind was instantly filled with all the information I wanted, gave me a slight headache but it passed. With this information, I got out a notebook and started sketching plans for a few things I wanted to make. Even if I didn't care for them too much, some of the madōgu were even tempting to me. Plus if I have the supplies and time I can arm a handful of elite teams with some of this.

Shouldn't be too hard since getting the supplies is easier than I thought. The tough part is making them since it looks like if I make one mistake in the process it would have me starting all over again. But that's not even the best part since with a little experimenting I may be able to make them more powerful or make completely new madōgu thanks to my past knowledge. So that's how I spend the rest of my day at school.

Pov. Fūko

I've known him for a short amount of time and even then I know it's strange for Zhao to be so quiet throughout the class as well as during breaks. Even as lunchtime came around he stayed in his seat and quietly ate. I thought for sure he'd follow me to try and eat with me since he seemed to want to keep following me around.

As I was eating lunch on the roof I heard the door slam open and see someone being thrown across the roof. He landed on his feet while sliding a bit to stop his momentum. It turned out to be Recca and following him through the door was a tall student with a dumb face and a dumber hairstyle.

"So you're the person everyone making a big deal about, you ain't so tough," said the tall guy.

"And you're the gorilla that escaped from the zoo I heard about on the news," said Recca.

"You're going to wish you never said that," he said charging at Recca.

But before he even reached him he began screaming and hopping around. Looking at the floor you could see some spikes Recca must have thrown as he was tossed.

"A shinobi must always think five steps ahead of his enemies," said Recca as he did that stupid shinobi pose.

"You're not a shinobi, you're just a coward!" Screamed the big as he was still jumping around trying to get out of all those spikes.

That must have pissed Recca off since he took out some fireworks and tossed them at him with a wicked smile.

"Remember if you ever beat me I'll be your personal shinobi," he said as he left the big guy surrounded by fireworks and spikes.

Normally I would ambush him here and try to beat him to make him my shinobi but I didn't feel it today. Plus I like the show that was put on while I ate. When the fireworks were done and he finally got out of the spikes, lunch was almost over.

"Damn that shinobi otaku, I'll get him back for this," he said as he left.

'Well that was entertaining,' getting up and going to class I found Zhao there finished eating, and starting to write something in his notebook.

'How is he writing something if he's blind? You know what, forget it, let's not think about it.'

The rest of the day was pretty peaceful but boring. Trying my hardest not to fall asleep until the end. As soon as the day was over Zhao and I went home together.

"I need to get something, can you show me the way to the supermarket Fūko."

"What did you call me!" I said louder than I expected to. But it wasn't my fault he surprised me by just saying my name like it was no big deal.

"Fūko," he said, tilting his head as if he was wondering why I shouted.

'How can he call me by my name so casually, does he not know shame?'

"Fine I'll take you just don't call me like that again," I said, a little embarrassed of how he called me as I was leading him to a store.

"Promise," he said while chuckling.

"So what do you need to buy? I'll help you get it."

When I said that he just smiled before saying "just some more groceries since the old man and I are big eaters."

"So you just live with your dad?" I asked.

"No he's not my dad, he's just an old man. If you want you can come over, I'll whip you up something to eat and if you ask him he'll teach you some martial arts since you seem to like fighting."

"Well, that answers the question of who taught you how to fight like that even though you're blind but I think I'll pass for now."

"You sure he's pretty strong."

"I'm sure"

"Your loss," he said as he shrugged his shoulders.

After quickly getting everything and paying for it we arrived at his house before leaving him and going towards my own home. As I was walking home I stumbled across Recca fighting some thugs in a park.

'I let you off earlier, but since you showed up in front of me again, you must be wanting to get your ass kicked.' Those were my thoughts as I pulled out my needles.