New Madōgu

Pov. Zhao Zheng

"Old man, I'm home and put the groceries in the fridge if you want me to make you something to eat later!" I shouted.

"Quit your shouting, I already told you I'm not deaf," said Jinpachi.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, old man. I'll make some food later, just don't bother me for a bit, I'll be busy," I said as I went up the stairs and to my room.

Taking out my phone, I call Mai.

"What would you like me to do for you, master?" she said.

"Has Kurei accomplished what I told him to do?"

"Yes, he has managed to eliminate most of the people that supported Kōran's madness. Unfortunately, some of them managed to escape and take some of the madōgu with them. One individual in particular who was Kōran's main scientist who escaped seemed to have information on something Kurei didn't know of."

"Have you had a chance to look over the information?"

"Yes, it seems it was on a particular madōgu called Tendou Jigoku. From the information we collected Kōran believed it was the key for him to achieve immortality. Fortunately, it seemed like he needed more than just the madōgu to reach his goal, so he was unable to get it to work."

'So Kurei already knew of the Tendou Jigoku, but he just couldn't use it because he needed what's her name's healing abilities.'

"Do we have any idea of what else he needed to activate the madōgu?"

"Unfortunately, we don't, we have people combining through all the information we have acquired, but it seems even Kōran didn't know what he was looking for."

"Keep me up to date if you find any more important information."

"Yes master, is there anything else you need of me."

"Yes I need you to collect some materials for me," so I gave her a list of what I needed which wasn't too much since I had most of the more expensive materials in my item box. I was also planning to upgrade some of the madōgu by using materials I gathered from hell and the guild world.


So I spent the next two months going to school and working on my madōgu. While I was doing that, Desire was working on tracking the Illuminati. It seems she may have found a lead in a small slavic country located around euro-asia that just erupted into a civil war. It seems there were some unnatural movements before the war started that could prove they were responsible for it. Desire has also found some possible evidence online, but we would need more solid evidence to drag them into the public's attention.

Surprisingly, the internet is more advanced than I initially thought, well privately, that is. The public internet is still shit but what people like Shadaloo and Mishima Zaibatsu use is comparable to what would be used in the future. Which shouldn't be too surprising since Bison has a whole bunch of scientists working under him who are making all kinds of things for him so he can take over the world. As for Heihachi, his company is already working on those space lasers he has in later games. It's no surprise they have a more advanced form of the internet than the public has.

Desire has also started looking for a hidden internet that the Illuminati may be using, but she found nothing so far. That doesn't mean she stopped looking since she may have just missed it like she did with Shadaloo and Mishima company the first time around.

I've also been traveling around Japan to see if I could find that missing quest that's still a mystery to me. Unfortunately, I've had no luck. Though I've finished most of the madōgu, I even made some shen gong wu along with other useful tools.

The old man, Jinpachi, also made a full recovery and asked for my help to look for his grandson when he learned of his existence from me. I agreed to it as long as he gave me some shares of his company when he gets it back, well, if he gets it back. He agreed without hesitation or thinking it over. Apparently, he liked me so much that he offered to adopt me when he learned I had no parents. It was surprising but not too surprising because even Heihachi was prone to make random decisions from time to time, like giving a panda bodyguard to Ling Xiaoyu. Though I refused, unfortunately, he still hasn't given up trying to persuade me to accept.

While I was busy, it seems Kurei and Mai have discovered one of Kōran secret labs. Though Kurei knew of most of his labs and the experiments going on in them, some of them were hidden even from him. This one, in particular, was so well hidden that it took him two months to find. This is understandable since Kōran wanted to make sure Kurei didn't find out he was trying to make clones of him that would be completely loyal to him.

As I walk through the lab, I pass containers full of some kind of purple liquid. Some of them were empty others had what looked to be a person's, horrible deformed person but still a person. Very few looked like a normal person, some of them even looked like Kurei like they could be related. In front of me, I see Mai and Kurei in front of one container. While Mai is standing to the side looking around, Kurei is standing in front of the container, looking into it in a daze. As I got closer, Mai noticed me and walked towards me.

"Here's all the important information we have been able to summarize about this lab so far. If you want a more detailed explanation of the lab's information, you will have to wait a bit longer since our people are still going over the information," said Mai as she handed me a file.

Nodding towards her, I take the file and look through it. Most of it was things I knew about already, like they were trying to make clones with the power of Kurei's fire. Information about Tendou Jigoku and other projects to try to attain immortality. Nothing was too important to me until I got to the page of who Kōran was working with. Heihachi of the Mishima Zaibatsu corporation, M. Bison of Shadaloo, and finally Geese Howard of the Howard Connection enterprise.


[Mission: learn two fighting styles from KOF

Reward: 200 points]

'Hmmm, that makes things simpler.'

"How does that make things simpler? Doesn't learning a martial art's take a lot of time? And now you have to learn two of them," said Lucy.

'That would be true if I was normal, but with Gojo's ungodly ability to learn whatever he wants and my perfect mind ability, it will help me speed up the process.'

"Makes sense, so which two martial arts will you learn?"

'Well, I would like to learn the Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu from Hanzo Shiranui, who should still be alive at this point. And Hakkyokuseiken from Tung Fu Rue. It shouldn't be too hard to convince them to teach me. Though I would also like to learn Ansatsuken from Akuma, I doubt he would teach me, though. He is more likely to fight me on sight. Then again, he may teach me if he thinks he would get a strong opponent out of it. Plus, the Satsui no Hado shouldn't have taken too much of a toll on his mind yet.'

"Mr. Hei, what would you like us to do with the clones," I hear Mai brings me out of my thoughts.

"Well, that isn't for me to decide. Isn't that right, Kurei?" I asked him, finally getting his attention.

"After all, they are made with your and Kurenai's DNA. By all rights, they're somewhat like your children," I say as I look at the only two viable normal looking clones in the lab.

There was a boy and a girl, both children in the containers.

'From what I remember, they should be around teens in the anime. Kōran must have rapidly aged them up later on.'

As he went back to quietly looking at them, his flame appeared, taking the form of his dead lover. As she put her arm around him, she let out a low shriek.

"I'll raise both of them," Kurei said as he held her hand despite it being burned.

As I looked at his flames with my haki, I could feel the soul of Kurenai in it.

'I wonder what the difference is between him and Recca. After all, when Sakoshita died, he did the same as Kurei did to Kurenai. Yet the final result is so different. Maybe it's due to Sakoshita's healing powers.'

"That's fine, but I suggest you wait a while until I'm able to bring my people to give them both a once over to see there's nothing wrong with them," I said.

"Fine, but I would like to remind you that you still haven't held up your part of the deal," said Kurei.

"I know, I know, don't get all riled up about that. After all, bringing someone back to life isn't easy. For now, I have two ways to bring her to the world of the living," I said as I held up two fingers.

"The first way would take a long time and is not granted to work, but it would be the most stable option for her soul and is guaranteed to let her have a normal life. The second option is quicker as well as safe, but I can't give you a one hundred percent guarantee that there won't be problems later down her life."

"How long will it take?"

"Not sure, but it won't be within this year or next. It may even be longer than that."

"And what is the second option?"

"Well, I would prefer my people were here to explain it, but what I want to do is make a clone of Kurenai and move her soul from your flames into it."

When I said that, he started to glare at me like I had wasted his time with my idiotic ideas.

"Don't look at me like that. Like I said before, Hokage aren't the only one that have supernatural powers in this world."

"Well, let's say you can do that. What sort of complications can she have down the line?"

"Like I said, I don't know, I don't even know if she would face any. After all, that's not my field of expertise, but it is one of my subordinates. The fact that we have some of her DNA would probably lower the chance of her even having problems."

".... I'll make my choice after talking to your subordinate then," he said after a short silence.

"Excellent, add to make sure you're not unsatisfied with our arrangement I'll give you something extra, on the house," I said as I made my way to an open space in the lab.

I start making some hand signs as I use the power of time I've been working on. Using the Hokages secret skill as a base, I made something of my own skill. Now, I could not only send people into the future but bring things as well as people back from the past. Of course, I would have to be careful with this depending on what world I use it in, since some of the world's I would visit aren't as flexible with their timeline as this one. As I do, this space begins to warp, and someone falls out of it along with some flaming dabri. As I made sure the person was safe, I felt the curse trying to affect me. But I was planning for this, with my knowledge and powers. I forced the curse into a ring I was wearing, making a new madōgu. It was a simple black ring made with some of the best material I gathered from hell to make sure it could hold the curse.

"What's going on," said the lady who fell out of the space warp as she looked around.

The woman was wearing clothes that looked quite worn-out and a bit dirty. She seemed weak and feeble, and by the coughs she was letting out, she was sick. So I tossed the horse talisman to her, no surprise that she caught it without a problem due to her being a kunoichi.

Looking over at Kurei just looking at the women, unfortunately, he was wearing a mask too, so I was unable to see what kind of face he was making. After a short while, he started walking towards her.


POV. Kurei

I was shocked when he started to use the Hokages secret time jutsu. But I was more shocked by who came out of it. It was mother, she looked exactly like the last time I saw her. She was coughing a bit, which reminded me she was sick. Then I saw Hei throw something at her and she caught it. As she looked at whatever he gave her, she seemed to look a lot healthier.

Before I came to this time, I saw the house fall on top of her, preventing me from getting to her. I thought she died along with everyone else during the attack on the village. Without realizing it, I started walking towards her, causing her to look at me.

"Who are you? Where am I?" She asked as she pulled out a knife to defend herself.

Remember I had a mask on, I took it off as I got close to her so she could see my face. As I did, I noticed tears coming down my face due to seeing someone I thought I would never see again.

"It's me, mother."

As I saw the shock and realization on her face before lowering the knife, I kneeled down to her level to hug her.

"I thought I would never see you again."

"Kurei, how is this possible? I just saw you run away into the forest," she said.

"Like I said, think of this as extra for your good work so far," said Hei as he suddenly appeared next to us and snatched back whatever he tossed to my mother.

"Continue the good work, and I'll make sure to up," he said as he walked away.

"Kurei, what's going on, and who is that man? But more importantly, what happened to you? I just saw you not a moment ago as a child, and now I see you again as a fully grown man."

"It's a long story, but for now, let's get you to a doctor to check if there's anything wrong."

As I helped her up, I thought of how he knew of the Hokages' most secret and forbidden technique. As well as how he made it his own because, as far as I know, it could only send things or people into the future. The only reason I know of it was due to my mother and Kagerō using it in front of me.

But that would be impossible for him since the only two people that know how to do it are me and Kagerō, I guess with my mother that makes three people. The last time anyone used it was during the Sengoku period. The only thing he could do is speculate where he learned that technique.


Pov. Zhao Zheng

"Mai, get me a plane ticket to Russia for next month." I said as I walked out of the lab.

"Yes, should I get one for me too?" She asked.

"No, this is personal business, so I'll be going alone. And about meeting your master, set up the meeting for next week."

"Of course, and thank you," she said while bowing to me.

"Oh, and make sure you sort through all the new information you find as soon as you can," I said before leaving.

"Yes, sir."

'Google sensei, give me the location of Hanzo Shiranui.'


Pov. Hanzo Shiranui

"How unfortunate," I said as I listened to Andy's story.

It seems like my good friend Jeff has been killed by his fellow disciple, Geese. Andy and his brother have been seeking revenge. They seem to split up to get stronger, Andy seems to spend the last five years going around Japan, training his strength before he found me.

"Well, don't worry, I'll take care of you and teach you Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu."

Though the thought of him only living for revenge is worrying, I hope that with time, he may find something else to live for. But for now, I will try to guide him as I train him.

"Grandfather! Someone is asking for you!" I hear my granddaughter shout.

"Mai, what are you being noisy for? It's just someone looking for me. What's the big hurry? Now, who's looking for me?" I asked.

"That's the problem, it's not someone I recognized, and he's asking for you to teach him the Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu," she said.

'That's worrying, not just anyone can find me or even know where I am. There's also the fact that even if he was looking for me, I would have received some kind of report about someone looking for me from all the clan members outside.'

"Well then, let's go meet him," I said as I stood up to go find out who this new intruder was.

"We better hurry then some of the clan members thought he could be an enemy and wanted to catch him to interrogate him."

"Then we must hurry," worried about what may happen, I speed up my walking speed.

Anyone who can find me without being detected can't be normal.

When I got to the front of the village, I found a lot of the clan members, along with some disciples knocked unconscious with a blindfolded boy standing in the middle of it all. He was tall and strong. If I wasn't so experienced, I would have mistaken him for a man.

Looking at my people, I saw no damage on their body's. In fact, the only thing I could make out wrong with them was the dirt on their body from being on the ground. It was like they all just fainted on the spot.

"Hey, what did you do to them!?" Asked Mai.

"Nothing really, I didn't even touch them, isn't that right Shiranui-san," he said while looking in my direction.

Even though he was blindfolded, I could feel him closely watching me to see if I made any slightly suspicious movement. He was ready for a fight if it came down to it, but it looks like he won't start it.

"Calm down Mai there fine, so do you mind telling me who you are and what you want?"

"Names Zhao Zheng and I would like to learn Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu," he said with a smile on his face.

"You think we'll teach you after what you did to our people!" Shouted Mai.

"They tried making a move on me after you left." He said, taking his sight away from me.

"Very well, I'll listen to what you have to say for now, but I make no promises. Follow me," I said as I walked back to my house.

"But grandpa," Mai let out a complaint.

"No, but now let's go."

This kid may make things more interesting around here.