Have Fun

Pov. Zhao Zheng

"Are you going to keep following me?" I asked the woman following me without turning around.

"Is what you said true?" She asked.

"Who knows," I answered.

That must have pissed her off because she came up behind me, put her arm on my shoulder, and tried to turn me around to face her. The keyword was tried because I didn't even budge. Hell, the only reason she was able to put her hand on my shoulder was because I allowed it. As I looked over my shoulder, she had an awakened look on her face.

"Listen, my country is in ruins, my people are killing each other, and now the last city keeping my country from falling apart is on the verge of falling. So you should understand that "who knows" isn't an acceptable answer to my question!" She said as she shouted the last part.

"I know that, but I doubt whatever answers I give you will ever be enough for what happened to you, your country, and your people. The truth of the matter is that it was just bad luck that a powerful group just happened to pick your country for their games. It was bad luck for all the other countries they played with before they got to your's. But if you really want answers then all you have to do is follow me. Though I won't be responsible for keeping you safe," I said.

"Noted," she said as she pulled out her pistol.

"She's cute," said Lucy as she relaxed on my shoulder.

'Most of the women in this world are cute, beautiful, or sexy. And they don't even have to be the main or side characters of this world for them to be at least somewhat attracted.'

"True, but at least she's not complaining to you about taking care of her."

'Not too surprising since she is a soldier. The training they give her, no matter how quick it has to be due to the situation, is still training.'


As I was talking to Lucy, someone tried to snip me. But due to infinity, the bullet never reached me. Though it did surprise me, it just goes to show me that even with all these powers and abilities I have, I'm still far too immature on how to use them.

Someone who has worked to get all the abilities I have would have known of the sniper as soon as it had the crosshairs aimed at him. Which shows just how much more training I had to do. Luckily for me, most worlds don't have beings that can hurt me, but on the other hand, there are worlds where the beings that can kill me are too many to count.

~BaanNGgg, BaANGgg, BbAnGgGg

As I shot back so he couldn't get out of cover, I used observation haki to find out his exact location and my strings to kill him.

"Looks like you were right. She's the real deal," said Lucy.

Not understanding what she was talking about, I looked behind me only to see the soldier following me behind cover. Her weapon pointed towards the direction of the snipper ready to fire but with a shocked face as she looked at me.

'Not bad


Pov. Soldier

'How is he not dead?' Was all I could ask myself.

As soon as I heard the snipper, I dived into cover and aimed towards where I heard the shot. But before I could shoot, I saw someone shoot back, forcing the sniper back into cover. Then, out of nowhere, a huge cut appeared in the building that he was taken cover in. It looked like a giant invisible knife had cut halfway through the building.

Looking over towards the man, I thought I was dead only to see him looking back at me. I was sure the sniper had shot at him, and judging by how close he was and how clear the line of sight was for him, it would be impossible to miss. Even if he was a mediocre sniper, he would at least be able to hit his body from that distance.

I got behind cover so quickly, but now that I think about it, I feel like I saw the bullet stop before it hit his head. But that's impossible, though what happened to that building is also impossible. And I saw it with my own eyes, and I'm still having a hard time believing what I saw.

"Are you coming," he said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Looking towards him, I see he's already walking forward without waiting for me. After hesitation for a little bit and looking towards where the sniper was only to see no movement, only then did I run to catch up, but I kept my head down just in case.

"Annoying," I heard him say when I reached his side. At first, I thought he was talking about me, but as we walked towards HQ, I saw more buildings and rubble that looked like it was cut by a huge invisible sword. I also started to see bodies of both terrorists and soldiers alike, but each one had huge cuts on their body. Some were even cut in half.

I decided to put a safe distance between us so I wouldn't be shot or cut.

As we continued walking, we got closer to the center of the city, the less fight I saw. There was also very little damage to the surrounding, it got to the point that it looked like there wasn't a war going on.

But what I found the most shocking, the most infuriating, was that the small number of soldiers and rebels weren't fighting each other. In fact, they were working together to try and kill the man in front of me.

But no matter what they did, nothing could hurt him. It was to the point that not even a speck of dirt could touch his clothes.

In fact, they continued to die to the invisible force, cutting them in half. It did matter if they were behind cover or what type of protection they had. All of them were being killed. They even brought a tank to try and kill him, but even that was cut in half along with everyone inside.

"Die!!!" Shouted the soldier that ran up to him with a bayonet.

I thought it was foolish, and I'm sure his comrades thought the same. He must have grown desperate or insane with the situation unfolding in front of him, perhaps both.

But again, I was surprised when he actually dodged the attack before punching in the face and knocking him out. I'm sure everyone else was surprised as well since everyone stopped shooting at him.

He just looked at his fist for a second before starting to walk forward again. That's when they started shooting again, but just like before, nothing could touch him.

After a minute of shooting at him with no results, two more people came running at him with knives. He dodged both again as he used his hand to push one of them to the side as he tripped him with his feet, causing him to stab himself.

The other guy attacked him, thinking he was open after doing that, only for him to side step him as he grabbed his hand, pushing it outward. Before he punched him in his kidney, the soldier fell to his knees as he tried to regain his breath.

As he looked down on him, all the other soldiers decided their guns were useless, so they dropped them and pulled out their knives.

As they ganged up to attack him but even without his strange power they couldn't touch him. He would punch them, kick them, and even use them as shields against each other.

I thought I was seeing things as he decimated those soldiers and rebels. Especially when bright sparks started to appear around his fist and legs as he punched and kicked them. But no, those sparks turned into flames, and then those flames turned into infernos.

With each punch and kicks, it looked like his hands and feet were engulfed in flames. Which caused his enemies to be engulfed in flames after being punched or kicked.

The final guy tried to slash at his face, causing him to go down low and punch him in the stomach, sending the man flying. But for a moment, I saw his whole body go up in flames as it turned into some kind of flaming bird.

I just stared at him blankly as he continued walking forward after all that.


Pov. Zhao Zheng

'I need to work on my falcon punch.'

As I walked towards what looked like a giant government building, I tried to mess around with the Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu to try and find out the limitations of it. It's not bad, but it has its limitations. Honestly, it feels like a cheaper version than what Recca and Kurei have.

While their flames are flexible so they are able to do things like barriers or blades with them. They are also powerful enough so they can engulf the area around them, turning everything to ash if they feel like it.

But with mine, the most I can do is cover my body with flames, give my attacks, burn damage, or maybe throw a fireball.

Which isn't that helpful since any true wizard knows you can only cast those indoors for maximum damage. It would also get a buff if there are allies near the target, so that's neat but useless at the moment.

"I don't know what you're thinking, but I can just tell it's stupid," said Lucy.

'I have no idea what you're talking about.'

"Don't you lie to me, that last move you did back there proves how much fun you're going to have with your new toy."

'I was just using Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu back there.'

"Unless the Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu has the Falcon punch in its move set, then you're playing with it."

'What is this slander you speak of, I'll have you know I'm a self-respecting member of the council.'

"What council are you talking about?"

'Council, what council, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not paying any of my taxes!'

"Okay, I have no idea what you're talking about."

'Nether do I, after all you're never really cured from the Unga virus. It tends to come up every now and then.'

"Yea well, oh look, guards," she said, pointing toward the building, trying to distract the crazy coming to the surface.

As we got closer to the building, you could see a group of people guarding the gait to the building. They didn't seem particularly alert to the point that two of the guards were playing cards.

That meant I had options on how I do this. Sure, I could go charge in there and kill them all, but that was no fun. Killing them all at once with my strings was also an option as well, but again, that wasn't fun. Or I can assassin's creed this and have some fun, but that could take a while, and I want to get this over with. So that only leaves one option.

'Google-sensei, tell me where all the evidence to expose the Illuminati is in the building as well as the leader of this group.'

Suddenly a map of the building appeared in front of me with some rooms highlighted.

As I got closer to the gait, one guard noticed me and called out to the other's. As they raised their weapons to aim at me, I said the magic word that could solve all of life's problems.



It happened so fast that I had no idea what to do. As he approached the gaits to parliament building, he shot a ball of fire from his hand toward the guards. I thought I would be shocked by anything he could do anymore, but seeing him incinerate the soldier alive while blowing the gate open left me shocked.

I just stood there shocked at everything I've seen as half of parliament caught on fire. As I continued to watch the building that represented my country, burn to the ground, a window from the fifth floor broke.

Three people fell out of it, looking closely. One of them was the man I was following, but I didn't care. He'll probably be fine. Why wouldn't he, after all he's killed a great number of people with an invisible force. He can also control fire and is bulletproof. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he could fly.

As he got closer to the ground, he grabbed the other guys before he stepped on thin air and walked towards the ground like he was walking down some stairs.

"Good, you're still here. Grab him, and let's go," he said as he tossed one unconscious man he was carrying to the ground.

Looking at the man closely, I realized he was the rebel leader, but what was he doing in the parliament building? Looking towards the other man he was carrying, I saw he was our commander in chief.

"If you want to know what happened to your country, pick him up and follow me," he said as he started walking towards the way we came.

So I decided to follow him to finally learn what happened. But I didn't want to carry him, so I dragged him by his foot.

Did I make it harder on myself? Yes, but this man plunged my country into a civil war, killing thousands. So I'm not making this comfortable for him.

After a while, we walked out of the war zone to an empty part of the city. Surprisingly, the rebel must have been really knocked out because he did wake up once, not even when I dragged him through glass.

"Here, open it up and read through the documents before I wake them up," he said as he tossed me a briefcase.

Opening it up, I take out the documents and start reading.

It was all letters, bills, and reforms that were passed in the last 20 years. The letters were instructions on what laws to pass or what reform to implement in the country. The sender was unknown, but it was clear they were all orders our leader had to follow. But from what he wrote back, he was all too happy to follow them.

There were also orders from the rebel leader. Such as directions to attack, locations were weapons and resources they can use. A list of people to kill to make it easier for those in charge of my country.

The worst part was a bound stack of papers with order on how this war would play out. Like some kind of sick play, and we were all their little puppets.

But the only reason I could tell these were all connected was due to the same symbol on all these papers, a pyramid with an eye on top.

"Wakey, wakey" he said as he kicked the rebel leader in the stomach.

"Aughh, fuck!" Shouted the rebel leader as he woke up and looked around.

"Now then I have a few questions to ask you," he said as he pulled out a rectangular device.

"Go to hell"

"Already been there, not too bad of a place to be honest."

"You have no idea who you're messing with. They'll -"

"Let me stop you right there, I know who you're working for. the Illuminati right, or Gill to be more specific. Then again you're probably too low on the totem pole to know who that is. Anyways the only reason you and that fat turd are still alive is I want to ask a few questions."

As he continued to talk, the rebel leader's face went through a wide range of emotions. From shock to confusion until it landed on dread as he pointed the device to my commander in chief. Walking up to him he kicked him awake as well.

"Gahhh, cough," after coughing a bit he also looked around.

"Okay now that both of you are awake I would like to talk about the Illuminati," he said without an ounce of tension in his voice.

"You're fucken dead! Your family is dead! Anyone who has ever fucken said hello to you is dead!" Shouted the commander In chief.


"AaugHh!" Shouted the chief while he held his leg.

"Maybe they will kill me, I doubt it but that's not something you have to worry about. Right now what you have to worry about is if you live," he said as he placed the muzzle of the Ak-47 on his wound causing him to flinch in pain.

"Fuck, why should I talk even if you let me live they'll kill me when they find out I told you anything."

"True I guess it doesn't matter whether you talk or not since either way you're dead the question is if you want a slow death or a quick one."

When he said that both the rebel leader and commander in chief had a frustrated look. They knew no matter the choice they made they were dead either way. After all that I have learned from what I saw, what I've heard, and what I've read that should have given me some comfort no matter how small it was.

But it didn't, these two men have played with the lives of millions. Both sides fought and died for what they believed was right, but there was never a right side. We were all toys to be played with, then disposed of when they got bored.

The worst part was these two weren't even the ones pulling the strings. They were puppets as well but they would just be paid for their part in this after it ends.

Without realizing it I walked up to the commander in chief, he seemed to realize who I was but before he could say anything I kicked him in the face. Which caused him to fall flat on his back. So I got on top of him and started punching him.

I don't know how long I did that but when I snapped out of it my fist was in a lot of pain and I was covered in blood. The commander's face was beyond recognizable, in fact it looked like his face was caved in. He obviously was no longer alive but I still wanted to keep punching him some more.

"Well then thanks for cooperation have a nice day," he said, causing me to turn around to look.

There he was still in his mask with his black and purple suit looking good as new. Like as if he wasn't standing in a war zone and instead at some kind of high class party. Right next to the rebel leader looking frightened, like he has seen the Baba Yaga herself.

I wanted to do the same as I did to the commander but my body was too tired as well as in pain.

"Well then have fun," he said as he walked past me as he patted me on the back.

Suddenly my body was fine, my hands were no longer in pain and my body was no longer tired. So I stood up and started walking towards the rebel leader.

"We had a deal!" He shouted.

"Yes and I won't kill you. I never said I would protect you until you leave the warzone."

I heard him reply from behind me.

"Please spare me!"

But I didn't listen at this point. Nothing he said could have stopped what I would do next.