Pov. Zhao Zheng

As I was talking to these two idiots, the lady that had been following me suddenly started beating the shit out of who I assumed was the president? Prime Minister, great leader, I honestly didn't know what title he went by.

"Oh, I really like her," said Lucy.

Ignoring Lucy, I look over to the leader of the rebels only to see him pissing his pants in fear.

"You know she's going to do that to you next after she's done with him," I said.

"I-I had no choice but to do what they asked of me. You should know how much power and influence they have and what they would have done to me if I said no," he said.

"Oh, I do know what would have happened to you if you had refused to cooperate. It wouldn't have been anything good, but it doesn't look like she cares."

As I say that, the face of the prime minister started to cave in, but by the way his body twitched with each punch to the face, he was still alive.

"Okay, I'll talk, but you have to protect me from her."

"Just tell me everything you know before she decides it's your turn. I'll even promise you that I won't kill you if you tell me everything," I said as I continued to record him with my phone.

So he told me everything he knew from the people he met to how they played with their laws and politics. How they manipulated the war so both sides could destroy each other by the end. The reason why he and the leader of this country collected evidence on them as a form of protection just in case they were discarded as well.

He kept spelling everything as he looked at the beating she was giving the prime minister. She didn't stop even as his face was caved in, and his body stopped responding to her punches.

"Well then, thanks for cooperation. Have a nice day," I said loud enough to catch her attention as soon as he said everything he knew.

She finally stopped punching the corpse as she stared at me before looking at the rebel leader. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't in any shape to do the same to him, and that wouldn't do. Walking up to her, I patted her on the back and tapped the horse talisman on her before walking towards the exit of the alley we were in.

"Well then, have fun."

"We had a deal!" I heard him shout from behind me.

"Yes, and I won't kill you. I never said I would protect you until you leave the warzone," I answered without looking back.

From behind, I start hearing the sounds of someone being beaten and weapering.

"So what's next?" Asked Lucy.

'Have Desire spread everything I found to as many people as possible. Most people won't believe it, but quite a few of them will and start looking for more clues. And for those that don't believe it will still be in the back of their mind and may cause them to look at things differently.'

"Will that be good enough to complete the mission?"

'The mission was to reveal their existence not to make the world believe they existed. So this should be fine since we have enough evidence to get the majority of people talking about them should be enough.'

"Okay then, what about little Ms. Solder over there?"

'What about her?'

"Are you going to take her with you?"

'Don't know, maybe if she wants to follow me. Could use more capable followers in this world.'

Suddenly, I felt extremely cold air hit my back, causing me to turn around and see the alley I just came out of was covered in ice. Everything from the floor to the walls and all the trash was frozen like an ice sculpture. The only thing that wasn't frozen solid was the soldier as she stood over the rebel leader's frozen body.

She stayed like that for a short while before taking off her military cap and walked towards me. As she did, she stepped on both bodies, causing them to shatter into hundreds of pieces.

As she walked towards me, I got a good look at her face for the first time, and I realized who this was. Her hair was shorter, and her face was covered in blood and ash, but I could still recognize who she was.

"So now what?" She asked me as if waiting for orders.

"Now we go our separate ways unless you want to follow me. Just be warned I plan to do something to piss off the Illuminati and many other groups, so they're going to be coming for my head," I said as I started walking forward.

Without saying a word, she started walking behind me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

" ..... , I don't have one anymore."

"Okay, then I'll just call you Kolin then. You can call me Hei."

"That's fine."


After saving some civilians and "liberating" a military vehicle from some rebels, we made our way out of the city and started driving out of the country.

"Well, aren't you all happy about getting another wifu," said Lucy as I closed my eyes to relax in the passenger seat.

'Yes, I am quite happy about getting someone like her as a subordinate."

"Really subordinate, that's all. You're not going to try to add her to your harem?"

'Like I said before, yes, she's beautiful. Yes, she's sexy but I have better women wait for me at home. So I'm not really in any hurry to expand my harem. I would much rather get to know more about the current members for now.'

"Oh really, then who do you want to get to know better," she said with a teasing tone.


When I said that, I opened my eyes to see her blush for a moment before it disappeared, and she looked ahead at the road.

" ..... Unfortunately for you it seems you have company to attend to. Maybe next time," she said with a slightly disappointed tone in her voice.

I felt him before I saw him, a slightly more powerful individual than most of the people i have met.

"Stop the car," I said as soon as I started to see his silhouette.

"What's the matter?" Asked Kolin.

"Looks like Miguel is working overtime to keep the canon events, well canon," I said to myself as I got out of the car.

As I walk towards a man covered in a robe, I hear Kolin get out of the car and follow behind me.

"Didn't expect to meet you here," I said towards the man in front of me.

"Do you know me?" He asked.

"Yeah, I know who you are."

"I see, then you have to die," he said, dropping the robes rivaling his blue and red body.

"I'm going to enjoy this," I said as we both made our move at the exact same time.


Pov. Kolin

As Hei and I were leaving the city, he suddenly told me to stop the car. When I did, he got out of the car and started walking forward, so I followed him. Then I saw someone standing ahead of the road we were taking.

He was a tall man covered in robes that didn't show any part of his body.

"Didn't expect to meet you here," said Hei.

"Do you know me?" The man asked.

"Yeah, I know who you are."

"I see, then you have to die."

Said the man as he tossed his robes aside. He had long blonde hair and was only wearing what looked like a loincloth, but the strangest thing was his skin. Half of his body was red while the other half was blue.

"I'm going to enjoy this."

Was all I heard before they both moved so fast my eyes could barely keep up. The man went for a high kick as Hei went low to dodge the attack. But he reached up and grabbed his leg before slamming him to the ground and tossing him up into the air.

As the man was in the air, Hei started punching him as his fist engulfed in flames before slamming him back onto the ground.

"ENOUGH!!!" shouted the man as he slammed his left fist onto the ground, causing his surroundings to sprout out ice spikes.

As that happened, Hei stomped the earth with his leg covered in flames, causing a small explosion around him, breaking all the ice spikes near him.

"Cryokinesis!" shouted the man as he released a torrent of ice towards Hei.

But that didn't stop Hei as he charged forward using the flames to block the ice. Which it did, but it still left half his body covered in a layer of frost.


This time, a huge fireball was sent his way, so he used a spin kick to disperse the flames. How that worked I had no idea, but I stopped questioning things when I turned two traitors into ice sculptures somehow.

As the fireball disappeared, that man appeared behind it, trying to punch Hei with a right hook. But now his hand was on fire. Luckily, Hei was able to block that attack. Unfortunately, he didn't block the following elbow strike to his face.

Following that attack, the man headbutted Hei so loud I wouldn't be surprised if both of their skulls cracked. He then launched Hei into the air with a high kick as he jumped up with the grace of a gymnast to try and attack Hei in the air. But what he didn't expect was Hei waiting for him as he brought his interlocking hands down on his head like a hammer. Hitting him so hard, he hit the ground and bounced back into the air like a rubber ball.

"C, C, C, COMBO BREAKER!" Shouted Hei.

As he came down on the man knee first into his stomach as they both hit the ground so hard it sent so much snow into the air, I couldn't see what was happening. Suddenly, someone was sent out of the cloud of snow so fast he crashed through two trees before stopping at the third tree.

"Common now, I'm sure a supposedly God can do better than that," said Hei as he came out of the snow cloud with both his hands and legs engulfed in flames.

"Mortal, you shall pay for your arrogance," said the man as he ripped the tree out of the ground and tossed it at Hei.

"Know that's more like you. After all, you put me through your not getting off that easy," he said as he dodged the tree.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked the man.

"Why Gill that hurt me, we go way back, but then I guess I was just another Tuesday for you. Wait, wrong guy, my bad," he said, causing Gill to flinch when he said his name.

But that flinch was all he needed to appear before Gill, grabbing his head and slamming it on the floor. But he didn't stop there he keeped running as he dragged Gill on the floor before tossing him into the air.

"Fuck that's cold," said Hei as he grabbed the hand he used to grab Gill with which was now covered in ice.

"Hail sting!" Shouted Gill while he was in the air.

Large chunks of ice started falling from the sky towards Hei.

"Fireball," said Hei as he shot hundreds of fireballs from his hand.

As the ice and fire intercepted each other an explosion of steam happened. Suddenly out of the steam Gill came down with a knee drop as he tried to hit Hei. But Hei used one hand to redirect him as he hit him with a reverse kick before he hit the ground. Sending Gill flying and crashing into more trees.

"Flawless Victory," he said as Gill didn't stand back up.

"Who was that?" I asked as I walked towards Hei.

"The person responsible for all your troubles."

As he said that Gill's body started to shine as he slowly floated into the air.

"Foolish mortal, you can not defeat a god," he said as he floated back to the ground.

"Calm down ice-hot Jesus, you just woke yourself up from a knockout. It's not like you resurrected yourself," said Hei, clearly not impressed.

"I guess mortals really won't know what they're up against unless they are shown true power, Seraphic Wing!"

As he said that 3 pairs of wings appeared behind him as he sent shock waves out. I could see the trees uproot themselves, snow was sent flying in different directions, and even the ground underneath him was being dugged up.

As everything in our surroundings was sent flying, only Hei and I were untouched. Like the shock waves couldn't reach us in this tiny protective bubble we were in.

"I guess I can add another godslayer achievement to my titles, Red," Hei said as he pointed a finger pistol towards Gill.

It happened in a split second, a red line that started from his fingertips headed towards Gill. Then it sended Gill along with all the forest behind him flying. Leaving only a deep scar into the earth.

"Perfect," he said before starting to walk back to the car.

After that I was out of it for a while, I thought I knew what I was getting myself into but it seems I was just scratching the surface.


Pov. Zhao Zheng

[Hidden Mission Completed: Defeat Gill in a fight.

Reward: Random]

[Would you like to open your reward now or later?]

'Open it'

[Reward: Red String]

'Oh, what does this do?'

[Red String: Allows your lover to use two of your skills whether it's passive or not in exchange you can use one of their skills.

Note: You can not use a skill that requires an item, bloodline, energy, or body part/organ to use.

Example: if you have a dragon as a lover you will not be able to shoot flames from your mouth because you do not have the specialized organs required if it is required.

Note: You will only be allowed to use your lover's skill once a day unless it is a passive skill and so will they.

Note: You would also only be allowed to switch the skill once a month while your lover may switch it once a week.

Note: It can be used with multiple lovers.]

'Well isn't that neat'

"So who was that?" Asked Kolin.

"The leader of the Illuminati," I answered.



"Sigh, I was ready to give the rest of my life to get revenge for what the Illuminati did to my country. Only to find out you just killed the leader in the first few hours of me following you," she said with a fed-up tone.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that. I doubt he's dead, people like him aren't easily killed."

"You're kidding right, no human being could survive what you did to him."

"If you're going to follow me then the first thing you should know is never think someone is dead unless you have their head in your hands."

"Then why are we driving away shouldn't we go back and finish the job?"

"Wouldn't do us much good, the moment I sent him flying without killing him was the moment I gave him an opportunity to run away."

"Did you let him escape on purpose?"

"Would it upset you if I said yes."


"Because I need him for now."



"I decided to follow you not to get revenge, though I was sure I would get the chance eventually. The reason I followed you was because I deemed you worth following."

"Okay then, let's work on training your powers so you can take revenge with your own hands."

When I said that, a small smile appeared on her face.

Though her having powers surprised me, from what I remember Gill gave her those powers. That's one of the reasons she saw him as a god. But then again if Gill gave her those powers why did he never create an army of power users to help him conquer the world. Maybe he only has the ability to awaken other people's powers.

"Wake me up when we get to a town with an airport," I said before falling asleep.


Pov. Fūko

'It's been a couple of weeks since Zhao has shown up at school, I wonder what he's up to.'

I've gone to his place a couple of times to see if he was back but no luck. I wouldn't have even gone if they hadn't put me in charge of him. But it's not like I didn't get anything out of it since Zhao was right about his grandfather being strong.

He's shown me a thing or two about fighting. Unfortunately I'm not too compatible with his fighting style so he hasn't been able to teach me a lot. The majority of the time I'm sparring with him and fighting someone as skilled as him has really helped me a lot.

As I was thinking about that I bumped into someone at a corner of an intersection.

"Ow, what are you blind. Look out where you're walking," I said as I almost fell back after bumping into him.

"As a matter of fact, yes I am," said a familiar voice.

"So you're back," I said as I looked at the idiot with his blindfold.

"Yes, now then shall we go I think will be late at this rate."

"Shit your right let's go," I said as I started running after looking at the time.

As I ran I felt like I forgot something but that didn't matter. Whatever it was it could wait, after all the homeroom teacher was a real pain in the ass and I don't want to be late for his class.

I had to jump the gate since it was closed. Recca and Domon were also late but I did care as I passed them. I was always faster than Recca so I left him in the dust.

"Safe," I said as I made it to class before the bell rang.

"Just barely, please try to do better Kirisawa-san. And it's nice to see you join us again Zheng-san," said the teacher, surprising me.

"Glad to be back," he said behind me, reminding me that I was supposed to guide him to school.

"I'm sorry for being a bit late, Fūko was a bit slow this morning," he said as he walked past me.

"Don't worry about it, and Kirisawa-san, please remember it's not just you that will be late next time."

"Yes, Sensei."

As I sit down, I glare at Zhao, 'slow huh, I'll show him how slow I really am after class.'